发布时间:2021-11-01 07:55
【文章页数】:53 页
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background and Relevant Domestic and Overseas Studies
2.1 Definition of nexus and its features
2.2 International business negotiation
2.2.1 Definition of international business negotiation
2.2.2 Features of international business negotiation
2.2.3 Development of international business negotiation
2.3 The Current Status of Studies on Strategy for Application of Nexus
2.3.1 Overseas studies on strategy for application of nexus
2.3.2 Domestic studies on strategy for application of nexus
2.3.3 The representations and features of nexus in international business negotiation
2.4 Methods and purpose of the study
3 Functions of Nexus Theory in Initiating Stage of International Business Negotiations and Case Study
3.1 Nexus contributing to clarifying the train of thought
3.2 Nexus contributing to abstracting the negotiation tenet
3.3 Nexus contributing to grasping the emotion
3.4 Summary
4 The Function of the Nexus Theory in the Bargaining Stage of the International Busineass Negotiations and Relevant Case Study
4.1 The impact of nexus upon application of strategies in advantageous negotiating conditi
4.1.1 Nexus and Strategy of No Establishing of Precedents
4.1.2 Nexus and strategy of starting with bitterness and ending with sweetness
4.1.3 Nexus and strategy of deadline
4.1.4 Nexus and strategy of forestalling the opponent
4.2 The function of nexus in application of strategies in disadvantageous negotiating conditions
4.2.1 Nexus and strategy of nitpicking
4.2.2 Nexus and strategy of conquering the unyielding with the yielding
4.2.3 Nexus and strategy of intellectual ignorance
4.2.4 Nexus and strategy of gaining the initiative
4.3 Function of nexus in application of strategies in balanced negotiation
4.3.1 Nexus and strategy of throwing a stone to clear the road
4.3.2 Nexus and strategy of emphasizing favorable situation before bargaining
4.3.3 Nexus and strategy of letting the opponents off to catch them later
4.3.4 Nexus and strategy of adjournment
4.4 Summary
5 Function of the Nexus Theory in the Agreement Stage of the International Business Negotiations and Relevant Case Study
5.1 Function of nexus in outside dealing
5.2 Function of nexus in signal judgment
5.3 Function of nexus in maximization of benefits
5.4 Summary
6 Conclusion
[1]语结的研究综述[J]. 魏建爱. 宁德师专学报(哲学社会科学版). 2006(01)
[2]国际商务活动中的价格谈判策略[J]. 吴仁波. 江苏商论. 2005(12)
[3]语境干涉下的语结扩展式[J]. 朱放成. 外语教学. 2003(05)
[4]论语结语境模式在话语理解中的作用[J]. 徐李洁. 山东外语教学. 2002(03)
[5]心理学和哲学对语言研究的贡献[J]. Bertil Malmberg,岑麒祥. 国外语言学. 1980(06)
[1]语结与英汉同声传译断句[D]. 王丽娜.广东外语外贸大学 2007
[2]大型建设项目的合同谈判与合同管理[D]. 陈启明.对外经济贸易大学 2003
【文章页数】:53 页
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background and Relevant Domestic and Overseas Studies
2.1 Definition of nexus and its features
2.2 International business negotiation
2.2.1 Definition of international business negotiation
2.2.2 Features of international business negotiation
2.2.3 Development of international business negotiation
2.3 The Current Status of Studies on Strategy for Application of Nexus
2.3.1 Overseas studies on strategy for application of nexus
2.3.2 Domestic studies on strategy for application of nexus
2.3.3 The representations and features of nexus in international business negotiation
2.4 Methods and purpose of the study
3 Functions of Nexus Theory in Initiating Stage of International Business Negotiations and Case Study
3.1 Nexus contributing to clarifying the train of thought
3.2 Nexus contributing to abstracting the negotiation tenet
3.3 Nexus contributing to grasping the emotion
3.4 Summary
4 The Function of the Nexus Theory in the Bargaining Stage of the International Busineass Negotiations and Relevant Case Study
4.1 The impact of nexus upon application of strategies in advantageous negotiating conditi
4.1.1 Nexus and Strategy of No Establishing of Precedents
4.1.2 Nexus and strategy of starting with bitterness and ending with sweetness
4.1.3 Nexus and strategy of deadline
4.1.4 Nexus and strategy of forestalling the opponent
4.2 The function of nexus in application of strategies in disadvantageous negotiating conditions
4.2.1 Nexus and strategy of nitpicking
4.2.2 Nexus and strategy of conquering the unyielding with the yielding
4.2.3 Nexus and strategy of intellectual ignorance
4.2.4 Nexus and strategy of gaining the initiative
4.3 Function of nexus in application of strategies in balanced negotiation
4.3.1 Nexus and strategy of throwing a stone to clear the road
4.3.2 Nexus and strategy of emphasizing favorable situation before bargaining
4.3.3 Nexus and strategy of letting the opponents off to catch them later
4.3.4 Nexus and strategy of adjournment
4.4 Summary
5 Function of the Nexus Theory in the Agreement Stage of the International Business Negotiations and Relevant Case Study
5.1 Function of nexus in outside dealing
5.2 Function of nexus in signal judgment
5.3 Function of nexus in maximization of benefits
5.4 Summary
6 Conclusion
[1]语结的研究综述[J]. 魏建爱. 宁德师专学报(哲学社会科学版). 2006(01)
[2]国际商务活动中的价格谈判策略[J]. 吴仁波. 江苏商论. 2005(12)
[3]语境干涉下的语结扩展式[J]. 朱放成. 外语教学. 2003(05)
[4]论语结语境模式在话语理解中的作用[J]. 徐李洁. 山东外语教学. 2002(03)
[5]心理学和哲学对语言研究的贡献[J]. Bertil Malmberg,岑麒祥. 国外语言学. 1980(06)
[1]语结与英汉同声传译断句[D]. 王丽娜.广东外语外贸大学 2007
[2]大型建设项目的合同谈判与合同管理[D]. 陈启明.对外经济贸易大学 2003