发布时间:2021-11-06 09:28
【文章页数】:78 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A General Review of Chang Nam Fung and His Translation Theory
1.1.1 Chang’s Translation Activities and Translation Studies
1.1.2 Holistic Feature and the Neglect of Translators’Subjective Creativity in Hi Translation Studies
1.1.3 The Study of Polysystem Theory and the Study of Chang’s Translation Theory
1.2 Gestalt Psychology
1.2.1 Origin of Gestalt Theory
1.2.2 The Laws of Gestalt
1.2.3 The Study of Literary Translation from the Perspective of Gestalt Psychology
1.2.4 Holistic View and Configuration in Gestalt Theory (feasibility of the theory)
1.3 Objective, Methodology and Organization
Chapter Two Chang’s Translation Thoughts from the Perspective of Gestalt Psychology
2.1 Polysystem Theory and Its Development from the Perspective of Gestalt Psychology
2.1.1 Even-Zohar’s Polysystem Theory and His “Cultural Turn”
2.1.2 The Contributions and Limitations of Polysystem Theory to Translation Studies
2.2 Chang’s Macro-polysystem Hypothesis
Chapter Three The Application of Chang’s Translation Theory
3.1 Socio-cultural Background of His Translation
3.2 Translation Tradition
3.3 The Source Text and the Context of Translation
3.4 Translation Strategies
3.4.1 Chang’s Translation of Puns
3.4.2 The Translation of Culture-specific Items
3.5 Applying Chang’s Macro-polysystem to His Translation
Chapter Four Conclusion
4.1 Major Findings of the Study
4.2 Significance of the Study
4.3 Limitations and Further Study
[1]翻译教学的格式塔诠释[J]. 王平,杨蕴玉. 云南农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2009(05)
[2]“格式塔”理论对文学翻译的启示[J]. 谭云飞. 中国科技信息. 2009(03)
[3]格式塔心理学下的翻译理论假说[J]. 朱桂成. 江苏外语教学研究. 2008(02)
[4]散文意境的传译——基于格式塔意象模型研究[J]. 舒舟,何大顺. 西南农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(05)
[5]翻译研究的格式塔视角[J]. 童莹,顾飞荣. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(02)
[6]格式塔意象重构:话剧翻译美学之维[J]. 陈刚,黎根红. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2008(01)
[7]格式塔理论对翻译教学的启示[J]. 潘卫民,李巍. 上海翻译. 2007(02)
[8]景点英译的格式塔诠释[J]. 潘卫民. 中国科技翻译. 2006(04)
[9]汉诗英译中的格式塔艺术空白处理[J]. 王建平. 外语学刊. 2005(04)
[10]古诗格式塔意象和意境的传递[J]. 孟瑾,冯斗. 外语学刊. 2005(04)
【文章页数】:78 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A General Review of Chang Nam Fung and His Translation Theory
1.1.1 Chang’s Translation Activities and Translation Studies
1.1.2 Holistic Feature and the Neglect of Translators’Subjective Creativity in Hi Translation Studies
1.1.3 The Study of Polysystem Theory and the Study of Chang’s Translation Theory
1.2 Gestalt Psychology
1.2.1 Origin of Gestalt Theory
1.2.2 The Laws of Gestalt
1.2.3 The Study of Literary Translation from the Perspective of Gestalt Psychology
1.2.4 Holistic View and Configuration in Gestalt Theory (feasibility of the theory)
1.3 Objective, Methodology and Organization
Chapter Two Chang’s Translation Thoughts from the Perspective of Gestalt Psychology
2.1 Polysystem Theory and Its Development from the Perspective of Gestalt Psychology
2.1.1 Even-Zohar’s Polysystem Theory and His “Cultural Turn”
2.1.2 The Contributions and Limitations of Polysystem Theory to Translation Studies
2.2 Chang’s Macro-polysystem Hypothesis
Chapter Three The Application of Chang’s Translation Theory
3.1 Socio-cultural Background of His Translation
3.2 Translation Tradition
3.3 The Source Text and the Context of Translation
3.4 Translation Strategies
3.4.1 Chang’s Translation of Puns
3.4.2 The Translation of Culture-specific Items
3.5 Applying Chang’s Macro-polysystem to His Translation
Chapter Four Conclusion
4.1 Major Findings of the Study
4.2 Significance of the Study
4.3 Limitations and Further Study
[1]翻译教学的格式塔诠释[J]. 王平,杨蕴玉. 云南农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2009(05)
[2]“格式塔”理论对文学翻译的启示[J]. 谭云飞. 中国科技信息. 2009(03)
[3]格式塔心理学下的翻译理论假说[J]. 朱桂成. 江苏外语教学研究. 2008(02)
[4]散文意境的传译——基于格式塔意象模型研究[J]. 舒舟,何大顺. 西南农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(05)
[5]翻译研究的格式塔视角[J]. 童莹,顾飞荣. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(02)
[6]格式塔意象重构:话剧翻译美学之维[J]. 陈刚,黎根红. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2008(01)
[7]格式塔理论对翻译教学的启示[J]. 潘卫民,李巍. 上海翻译. 2007(02)
[8]景点英译的格式塔诠释[J]. 潘卫民. 中国科技翻译. 2006(04)
[9]汉诗英译中的格式塔艺术空白处理[J]. 王建平. 外语学刊. 2005(04)
[10]古诗格式塔意象和意境的传递[J]. 孟瑾,冯斗. 外语学刊. 2005(04)