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Simultaneous Interpreting Studies in China between 1996 and

发布时间:2024-03-27 05:19
  人类发展到21世纪的今天,政治呈现多极化、经济呈现全球化、文化呈现多元化的态势,这一切都要求中西方之间进行更加频繁的交流。而口译在这一过程中是必不可少的。同声传译作为一种高级口译行为,其在市场上的火热也带动了国内外学术界对同声传译的研究发展,从上世纪九十年代末开始,中国国内关于同声传译方面的研究论文数量迅速上升,凸现了学术界对这一独特领域的关注。但与此同时,与西方的同传研究相比,中国的同传研究还存在很多不足之处,例如理论研究较多,实证研究相对缺乏,研究方法比较单一,还没有形成研究范式。而且当前国内的同传研究偏向于口译技巧等跟实践关联紧密的方面,而对于行业发展趋势、职业规范等难度较高的课题则涉及较少。再者由于中国的同传起步晚,没有形成一个系统的行业,可以借鉴的实例少,因而给国内同传研究的本土化也造成了很大的困难,只能过分依赖于国外同传的理论和实践成果进行研究。 本文通过对1996—2010年问中国期刊网核心期刊范围内以“同声传译”为关键词所能搜索到的52篇论文为研究对象,对近十五年期间国内关于同声传译研究进行归纳和整理,总结出现有的国内同传研究的主要类型,分忻其不足之处,并予页测未来同传...

【文章页数】:67 页


Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
    1.1 Research Context
    1.2 Research Purpose
    1.3 Research Methodology
    1.4 Layout of Thesis
Chapter Ⅱ Simultaneous Interpreting Research in China
    2.1 General Development of SI Studies in China
    2.2 Aspects of SI Studies in China
        2.2.1 Research on SI Skills and Strategies
   Adoption of Specific Interpreting Skills Based on SI Characteristics
   Coping Techniques for Non-verbal Factors and Interpreter Limitations in SI
   Field Techniques of SI
        2.2.2 Research on SI Teaching Methodology
   Classroom Teaching Methods
   Simultaneous Interpreters’Self-training Approaches
   Use of Auxiliary Equipment in SI Teaching
        2.2.3 Research on SI Theory
   Western SI Research and Its Inspirations on Domestic SI Research
   Domestic SI Research
   Influence of a Specific Factor on SI
        2.2.4 Research on SI Industry Analysis
   SI Market
   The Role and Qualification of Simultaneous Interpreters
    2.3 An Analytical Description of China’s SI Studies
Chapter Ⅲ An Analytical Description on China’s SI Studies
    3.1 In Terms of Research Methods
        3.1.1 Differences between Method and Methodology
        3.1.2 Limitations in Terms of Research Methods
    3.2 In Terms of Research Areas
    3.3 In Terms of the Popularity of Authors Cited
Chapter Ⅳ Inspirations for Future SI Teaching
    4.1 The History and Status Quo of SI Teaching in China
        4.1.1 What Is Simultaneous Interpreting Teaching
        4.1.2 History of China’s SI Teaching
    4.2 Prediction on Future SI Teaching Model
        4.2.1 Correlation of the Four Aspects
        4.2.2 Suggestions
   A Universal Syllabus for SI Teaching
   Diversified Teaching Materials
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion




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