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发布时间:2024-06-01 14:08
  言语行为一直是语用学研究的重点。自Searle于1975年提出了间接言语行为的概念,这一研究对象又受到了广泛关注。传统的语用学理论例如合作原则和礼貌原则在阐释间接言语行为方面取得了很大的成就,具有较为广泛的影响力。 随着认知语言学的发展,人们发现单从语用的角度来研究言语行为无法对常见的语言现象做出全面的解释,尤其是理解间接请求言语行为时的迅速性及自然性并没有给出令人信服的解释。Thornburg & Panther在1997年将言语行为转喻和行为脚本结合提出了言语行为脚本理论证明了间接言语行为转喻的本质。国内的李勇忠针对他们的言语行为转喻理性地批判,并加入了一些语用要素,完善了言语行为脚本理论;王寅教授也针对言语行为脚本理论的线性阐释提出了事件域认知模型(ECM)加以阐释,兼顾了线性和层级分析,适用于动态和静态场景;周启强和白解红则从范畴理论对间接指令做出了分析,指出各种间接指令构成的是一个边界模糊的原型范畴,其内部成员具有不同的原型等级。 选题以Fauconnier于1997年出版专著中提出的概念整合理论为理论支撑,辅以概念转喻的特点和语用功能,并结合一些经典间接请求言语行为...

【文章页数】:55 页


1 Introduction
    1.1 Significance of the Study
    1.2 Purpose of the Study
    1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
    2.1 Research Situation Abroad
        2.1.1 Review of the Topic
        2.1.2 Studies within Pragmatics
        2.1.3 Studies within Cognitive Linguistics
    2.2 Research Situation at Home
        2.2.1 Supplementary Study of Speech Act Metonymy
        2.2.2 Wang’s Event-domain Cognitive Model
        2.2.3 Categorization Approach to Indirect directives
    2.3 Weakness of Previous Studies
3 Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Conceptual Metonymy
        3.1.1 Cognitive Perspective of Metonymy
        3.1.2 Pragmatic Functions of Metonymy
        3.1.3 Pragmatic Types of Metonymy
    3.2 Conceptual Blending Theory
        3.2.1 Mental Spaces
        3.2.2 Basics of Conceptual Blending Theory
        3.2.3 Emergent Structure and Emergent Meaning
        3.2.4 Optimality Principles of Conceptual Blending Theory
        3.2.5 Meaning Construction in Blending Network
    3.3 Interaction of Conceptual Metonymy and Blending Theory
        3.3.1 Similarities in Thinking and Networks
        3.3.2 Metonymic Mapping and Cross-space Mapping
        3.3.3 Metonymy and Optimality Principles
        3.3.4 Role of Metonymy in Conceptual Blending Theory
4 Metonymic Analysis of Indirect Request Speech Acts
    4.1 Notion of Request
    4.2 Direct Request and Indirect Request
        4.2.1 Criterion of Sentence Structure
        4.2.2 Criterion of Illocutionary Act
        4.2.3 Criterion of Cooperative Principle
        4.2.4 Criterion of Strategy Types
    4.3 Metonymic Interpretation of Indirect Requests
        4.3.1 Pragmatic Attributes of Indirect Requests
        4.3.2 Metonymic Attributes of Indirect Requests
        4.3.3 Methodology
        4.3.4 Cases Studies
5 Conclusion
    5.1 Summary and Contributions
    5.2 Limitations
    5.3 Further Suggestions




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