本文选题:社会网络 + 信息传播 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:With the growing maturity of Web2.0 concepts and technologies, social media is gradually known, understood, familiar, recognized and applied. Social media, represented by Facebook, Twitter, Sina micro-blog and WeChat, have changed the traditional way of life and become a platform for sharing life, state, views, experience and interest to each other. The internal structure of the body is known as the social network. The social network is famous for its huge number of users, extensive data types and rapid propagation speed. The mass information in the social network is intersected with an intersecting network, and the speed of communication and the audience are increasing exponentially. Therefore, the social network also ignites the research heat of industry and academia. First, whether the information dissemination data of the social network can be observed and tracked, and the accurate analysis of its propagation law has become the most important part of the social network research. Secondly, whether the information dissemination model can accurately depict the law of information dissemination and become the focus of the research; at the same time, can the overall situation of information spread be perceived? Can information dissemination behavior be predicted? What are the factors affecting the prediction of information dissemination? Can it be possible to establish an information dissemination prediction model? These are open and challenging issues. In addition, is the information dissemination of the social network controllable? How to minimize the cost of information control and how to select the best control points to control the large part In the end, how to integrate each method perfectly and integrate into the actual application system, how to develop the social network information dissemination analysis and control system is still needed further comprehensive verification. Therefore, based on the research background and related problems, the main work of this paper includes: 1. In the research of information dissemination law of social network, the influence of information dissemination mechanism and social network structure on information dissemination is expounded. A new algorithm for generating information propagation tree based on communication recursion is proposed. Based on the insight and observation results of sina micro-blog real cases, seven kinds of social network information transmission are summarized and summarized. In addition, after analyzing the similarities and differences between the information transmission process and the transmission process of infectious diseases, the two states of positive infection and negative infection are introduced, and a new social network information communication model (SPNR).2. is proposed in the research of the information dissemination of social network. The basic idea of the problem and the mapping relationship between information dissemination situation and Modularity index are established. A information dissemination situation perception model based on three times exponential smoothing is proposed. In addition, in view of the problem of information burst prediction, a new method for information outburst prediction is proposed, from topological structure change, time series evolution and user genera. In the four aspects of nature and content evolution, the related factors affecting the information dissemination prediction are analyzed, and the information burst prediction model.3. is proposed for the first time in the research of the information communication control of the social network. The cascade failure phenomenon is not only appeared in the traditional network, and the social network also has cascading failure phenomena, and the analysis of the network also has the same cascading failure phenomenon. The relationship between cascaded failure and information control is found. It is found that some "super users" can promote the evolution of cascading failures in social networks, and a cascaded failure model of social networks based on trust crisis is proposed. This model can make users produce only a small number of user nodes. In order to control the effect of most even the whole network,.4. has designed and implemented the Woodpecker system in the three aspects of the social network information communication analysis and control system, which is based on the social network information dissemination law, the prediction and control of the social network information communication analysis and control system. The system of Woodpecker is elaborated and analyzed in detail. The core module of Woodpecker is introduced, including information data acquisition module, information communication analysis module, information communication prediction module and information communication control module. In addition, through testing the function and performance of Woodpecker, it is found that Woodpecker can carry on the information propagation law of social network. Analysis, prediction and control. This article can better understand the law of information transmission of social network, predict the information dissemination situation and explosive behavior of social network effectively, and control the information dissemination of social network carefully. The research results are in information transmission, business marketing, information recommendation, social management and so on. All fields have strong reference value and reference significance.
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