发布时间:2018-01-15 00:32
本文关键词:福斯特小说中的意象探寻 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:爱·摩·福斯特是20世纪英国著名的小说家与文学评论家,他的小说作品大多创作于20世纪初期,福斯特关注人与人之间的关系,他的小说几乎都反映了他“联结”的思想和深厚的人文主义情怀。本文试图从小说的意象着眼,通过对福斯特创作于不同时期的作品中意象的细致分析,,较为全面地梳理作家的创作理念及其思想内涵,即对于爱、美和真理的追求。 本文共分为两章,第一章分析了福斯特小说中的自然意象,分别对水、花、树木、月亮等几种自然意象进行了较为细致的分析。福斯特的自然意象具有深厚文化内涵,其中一些意象常与古代希腊神话相关联,自然意象为福斯特的作品带来一股诗意,福斯特作品中的花草、树木、流水仿佛都有灵性,作家通过对自然意象的描写,对人类与草木和谐共生的画面的描绘,来表达他人与自然和解、人类回归真实自我的理想。这些意象的反复出现与不断变化为福斯特的小说构成了节奏。 第二章分析了福斯特小说中的社会意象,分别对房间、霍华德庄园、城市等几种社会意象进行了具体的分析,这些意象是福斯特小说中的中心意象,具有丰富的象征含义。作家通过“房间”的意象表达了他对中产阶级迂腐道德思想的厌恶,批判了英国中产阶级的“发育不良的心”,通过对“霍华德庄园”意象的描写,表达了他对现代人所处困境的关怀。只有回归自然、回归英国传统的乡村,现代人才能找到心灵的家园,获得灵与肉的和谐发展,人与人之间才能进行真诚的交往。这些意象体现了作家试图打破传统道德思想的束缚,打破旧的秩序,追求自由、爱、美与真理的理想。它们为作品赋予了更加深刻的内涵,并与自然意象共同展现了作家追求灵与肉的统一,达到人与人、人与自然的沟通与和解的理想。
[Abstract]:Ai Mo Foster is a famous British novelist in the twentieth Century, and literary critic, his novels are created in the early twentieth Century, the relationship between Forster concern people, almost all of his novels reflect his "connection" thought and profound humanism. This paper attempts to focus on the novel image through the creation of Forster in a meticulous analysis images of works of different periods in the creative concept and the connotation of a more comprehensive combing writer, is for the love, beauty and the pursuit of truth.
This paper is divided into two chapters, the first chapter analyzes the natural images in Forster's novels, the water, flowers, trees, the moon several natural images in detail. The natural images of Forster has a profound cultural connotation, some images and ancient Greek mythology associated with natural images brought a poetic for the works of Forster, Forster in the works of flowers, trees, water seems to have spiritual, writer through natural image description, depiction of human and plant harmonious picture, to express the others with nature and solution, the return of human true self ideal. These images appear repeatedly and continuous change of rhythm for Forster's novels.
The second chapter analyzes the social imagery in Forster's novels, respectively to the room, Howard Park, city of several social imagery to analyze these images are the central image in Forster's novels, has a symbolic meaning. The writers "room" imagery expressed his distaste for middle-class pedantic moral thought the middle class, and criticized the British "undeveloped heart", through the "Howard Manor" image description, he expressed to the modern people of the plight of care. Only the return to nature, return to British traditional village, modern people can find the home of the soul, for the harmonious development of the spirit and the flesh, can people are sincere exchanges. These images show the writer tries to break the shackles of traditional morality, break the old order, the pursuit of freedom, love, beauty and truth. They want to work for Fu It gives a more profound connotation and unfolds with the natural image the ideal of the writer's pursuit of the unity of spirit and meat, and the communication and reconciliation between man and man, man and nature.
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