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发布时间:2018-04-01 00:22

  本文选题:美华文学 切入点:移民小说 出处:《河南大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:广义的美华文学不仅包括美国华文文学,还包括美国华裔用英文创作的文学。这样,就形成了三大作家群:台湾旅美作家群、大陆新移民作家群和美国华裔作家群。把这三大作家群一起纳入研究范围,研究其移民小说中的中国形象和美国形象,主要是基于以下两方面的考虑:一是三大作家群展开比较的学理依据。作家作品的同源性、类同性及异质性与变异性决定了他们的可比性。二是目前的研究现状及存在的问题。由于学科细分,美国华文文学与美国华裔英语文学分属不同的学科,两者很少放在一起对比研究。目前的形象学研究大多侧重于中国形象,只有少量的美国形象,缺少中美形象的比较、汇总。移民小说中美形象的研究有助于弥补学界在这方面的不足,中国形象的研究有助于参与到学界当前的前沿性话题中去。从文学文化层面探索移民问题和中美政治关系,对中美文学文化的交流有一定的现实意义。 在研究方法上,以比较文学形象学和主题学为主,辅以拉康镜像理论、后殖民主义文化理论、弗洛伊德精神分析和女权主义等。在比较文学的视域下,,通过对异质文明、文化语境下产生的移民小说的研究,分析形形色色的中美形象的特征和建构过程,并分析中美形象的成因,试图发现具有双重文化背景的美华作家言说中国和美国的特点。 创新之处体现在以下两个方面:(一)采用广义上的美华文学的定义,把三大作家群一起纳入研究范围,对移民小说中的中美形象同时展开论述,梳理了中国形象和美国形象的流变并做了原因探析。(二)文学/文化研究。通过对三大作家群移民小说中的中美形象的比较,深入剖析其中的深层文化内涵。 下面简要介绍三大作家群移民小说中的中美形象。首先,台湾旅美作家的浮萍悲歌。二十世纪五六十年代崛起的台湾旅美作家主要有白先勇、聂华苓、於梨华、陈若曦、施叔青、丛苏等,他们的移民小说有个共同点:表现了流浪的中国人的悲凉心态。小说中的人物从台湾自我放逐到美国,就像浮萍一样在美国的汪洋大海里随风摆荡,无法落地生根,于是出现了“无根的一代”,浪子,边缘人,摆荡的人,带枷的自由人等中国移民形象。他们有着身份的焦虑,在美国被边缘化,常常寻根。美国人很少出现在小说中,小说中的美国人常常是负面形象。异族婚恋常常以失败告终,象征了中美融合的失利。总体来说,中国是贫穷落后的农业国,美国是现代化的工业强国;中国是精神家园,而美国是生存之地;遥远的中国因中国游子的想象而变得富有诗意,而美国对移民来说则是文化沙漠。 所以会有这样二元对立的中美形象,是因为文化认同危机。怀着美国梦却不能很快适应当地文化,顺利融入美国,由此产生失望、孤独、困惑、迷惘等消极心态,笔下的美国形象也呈现灰暗的色调。而文化认同危机与他们的身世有关。这些作家在早年从大陆放逐台湾,成人后又再次放逐到异域,这种经历让他们对故国充满哀思,对美国有寄居之感。浪子的形象是自身的写照。当时美国的移民政策、民族政策等影响了美国社会对移民的态度,也影响了移民对美国的看法及中美形象的形成。 其次,大陆新移民作家的美国镜像。二十世纪八九十年代,大陆新移民作家查建英、严歌苓、周励、曹桂林等,写下一系列有关新移民美国经验叙述的小说。除了继承前一阶段关于移民漂泊异域的悲苦的描述,还开拓了新的表现领域,塑造了朝气蓬勃的新移民形象。如查建英的“假洋鬼子”们,严歌苓的自尊自强的中国女留学生,周励、曹桂林和薛海翔等的华商形象。新移民不再纠缠于故国哀思,无根寻根等,而是生存至上,落地生根,保持族群的独立,对民族融合表现淡漠。与前一阶段华文文学相比,这一时期反映异族交往的小说增多,美国人戏份增加,美国形象多呈中性或正面形象,反映了民族融合的进一步加强。这时的中国处于“文革”前后,而美国富强、民主、文明,为新移民的成功搭建了一个很好的平台。 中美形象的转变一方面是因为时代大环境的改变,中美友好交往,美国的民族政策、移民政策日趋宽容,种族歧视程度减轻,美国对中国移民持友善态度,这影响了作家对中美形象的塑造;另一方面是大陆新移民作家没有台湾旅美作家的早年放逐经历,但经历了“文革”的摧残,在改革开放的鼓动下,到美国寻梦。虽然也免不了文化冲突,但没有台湾旅美作家所遭遇到的文化冲突剧烈。作为注视者的作家有的对美国持狂热态度,如周励;但更多的作家等则持亲善的态度,如查建英、严歌苓。 第三,美国华裔作家的身份认同。黄玉雪、谭恩美、汤亭亭、任璧莲等的小说反映了生活在美国的华人第一代与后代之间的代际冲突问题,华裔的成长主题。代际冲突中的华人第一代大多勤劳善良,固守中国文化传统,有封建迷信思想和重男轻女观念等,而华裔美国人则处于中美文化的夹缝间,但以美国文化为主,他们与父辈的冲突大多是文化冲突。华裔美国人的成长过程就是美国化的过程,他们最终都变成了典型的美国佬。这里的中国要么处于近代社会,经济落后,战争频仍,民不聊生,虽然历史悠久,文化灿烂,但封建思想桎梏着人们,父权制思想压迫女性;要么是红色新中国,共产党迫害有产者,不讲人道,专制独裁。美国虽然有种族歧视,但没有饥饿,没有战争,国富民强。 所以会有不同于华文作家笔下的中美形象,一方面与华裔美国作家的身份认同有关。他们虽然在种族上是中国人,但在文化身份上早已变成了美国人,有些作家有妖魔化中国的趋向。另一方面,由于很长一段时间内中美之间的信息不通,真实的中国不为美国所了解。华裔作家根据道听途说所描述的中国,必然与真实的中国有很大出入。总体而言,华裔美国作家书写想象中的中国,认同现实中的美国。 以上三大作家群有一些共同的母题,也有各自偏爱的母题。母题的变奏表现了不同的时代主题,产生了相似而又不同的中美形象。中美形象有它的恒定性和变异性。恒定是因为他者形象是社会集体想象物。变异的原因是多方面的,是时代环境、作家的身份认同、写作语言、期待视野与审美情趣等合力作用的结果。 大陆新移民文学继承、发展了台湾旅美文学。台湾旅美作家还在继续创作,显示了新的审美风格。这两大作家群逐渐合流,成为新世纪的美国华文文学作家群,与美国华裔英文作家群比肩而立。目前来看,他们的小说创作还有很大区别。但可以设想,在美国定居多年以后的移民作家即使仍然用中文创作,也会与华裔作家的英文小说接近。因为多年的美国文化熏陶会影响作者的创作思维,使中文创作带上美国文化的痕迹,成为中美文化合流的产物。 总之,美国不是天堂,而中国也不是地狱。那些或天堂或地狱的异国形象都是作家艺术的想象,是中国移民或华裔美国人欲望与恐惧的梦乡。
[Abstract]:The generalized Chinese literature includes not only the Chinese American literature, including Chinese American literary creation with English. Thus, it has formed three groups of Writers: Taiwan Chinese American writers, new immigrants writers and Chinese American writers. The three writer groups together into the research scope, research on the immigrant novels the Chinese image and the image of the United States is mainly based on the following two aspects: one is the three groups of writers expand academic basis for the comparison. The homology of writers, similarity and heterogeneity and variability determines their comparability. The two is the current research status and existing problems. Because of the discipline segmentation of American Chinese literature and Chinese American English literature belong to different disciplines, they rarely put together a comparative study. China researches mainly focus on the image of the current image, only a small amount of the image of the United States, the lack of beauty in form As a comparison, summary. Research on Immigrant Fiction image of China and the United States will help compensate for the lack of academic research in this area, Chinese image helps to participate in academic frontier topics in current exploration. Immigration and Sino US political relations from the literary and cultural level, has a certain practical significance on Chinese and American literature and culture the exchange.
In research methods, the image of comparative literature and theme based, supplemented by Lacan's mirror theory, postcolonial theory, Freud psychoanalysis and feminism. Under the perspective of comparative literature, based on the study of heterogeneous civilization, said the small immigrant cultural context, analysis of the characteristics and construction process of the image of China the analysis of the causes of every hue, and the image of China and the United States, trying to find the dual cultural background of speech features of Chinese American writers Chinese and the United States.
The innovations embodied in the following two aspects: (a) the definition of the generalized on Chinese literature, the three writers together into the scope of the study, the image of Central American immigrants in the novel also discussed, combing the Chinese rheological image and the image of the United States and the reason of analysis. (two) literature / culture the research. Through the comparison of the image between three groups of writers of immigration in the novel, analyze its deep cultural connotation.
The following is a summary of the image of the three Sino US writers immigrants in the novels. Firstly, the Taiwan writers' duckweed elegy. In twentieth Century 50s and 60s the rise of the Taiwan Chinese American writers are Bai Xianyong, Nie Hualing, Yu Lihua, Chen Ruoxi, Shi Shuqing, Cong Su, their immigrant Novels have a common point: the pessimistic wandering Chinese the characters in the novel from Taiwan self exile to the United States, the same as duckweed in the United States with the ocean in the swing, so there can not air plant, "rootless generation", the prodigal son, edge, swing, shackled free people Chinese immigrants. They have the identity of the anxiety in the United States has been marginalized, often roots. Americans rarely appear in the novel, in the novel the Americans are often negative image. Interracial marriage often ended in failure, a symbol of fusion between China and the United States lost. Generally speaking, China is a poor and backward agricultural country. The United States is a modern industrial power. China is a spiritual home, while the United States is a place of existence. Distant China is poetic because of the imagination of Chinese tourists, while the United States is a cultural desert for immigrants.
So there will be two yuan this image Sino US confrontation, because of cultural identity crisis. With the American dream but not quickly adapt to the local culture, smoothly into the United States, resulting in disappointment, loneliness, confusion, confusion and negative attitude, the image of the United States under the pen also showed dark color and their cultural identity crisis. The story of these writers. In the early years of exile in Taiwan from the mainland, adult again after the exile to the exotic, these experiences make them full of grief to the motherland, a sense of living to the United States. The prodigal image is its portrayal. At that time the United States immigration policy, national policy influenced American society's attitude to immigration. The formation of immigrants also affect the perceptions of the United States and the image of China and the United States.
Secondly, the image in the new immigrant writers. In twentieth Century 80s and 90s, the new immigrant writer Cha Jianying, Yan Geling, Zhou Li, Cao Guilin, wrote a series of new immigrants in the United States experience narrative novels. In addition to a former stage on the description of the miserable inheritance immigrants wandering exotic, also opened up a new field, shape the new immigrant images full of youthful spirit. Such as Cha Jianying's "false foreign devil", China female student, her self-esteem and Zhou Li, the Chinese image of Cao Guilin and Xue Haixiang. New immigrants no longer entangled in it in grief, no root roots, but survival first, keep ethnic independence, air plant, the nation the fusion expression of indifference. Compared with the previous stage of Chinese literature, this period reflects the alien communication novels increased, American scenes increased, the image of the United States is a neutral or positive image, reflecting the people The fusion of nationalities is further strengthened. At this time, China was in the front of the "Cultural Revolution", and the United States became prosperous and strong, democratic and civilized, which set up a good platform for the success of new immigrants.
Change the image of China and the United States on the one hand is because the era of great changes in the environment, friendly exchanges between China and the U.S., the U.S. national policy, immigration policy is to reduce the degree of tolerance, racial discrimination, the United States held a friendly attitude to Chinese immigrants, which affected the shape of the image of the American writer; on the other hand, the new immigrant writer not Taiwan Chinese American writer in exile experience, but the experience of the "Cultural Revolution" of the destruction, at the instigation of reform and opening up, to the American dream. Although cannot avoid cultural conflict, but no cultural conflict in Taiwan Chinese American writers encountered severe. As at the writer for the United States to some enthusiastic attitude, such as Zhou Li; but more writers so hold friendly attitude, such as Cha Jianying, Yan Geling.
Third, Chinese American writers' identity. Topaz snow, Amy Tan, Kingston, Gish Jen's novel reflects the problems such as conflicts between the Chinese living in the United States and the first generation of offspring, the theme of growth. Chinese intergenerational conflict in the first generation Chinese are hardworking and kind-hearted, stick to the China cultural tradition, a feudal superstition and sex, and Chinese Americans in the crevice between Chinese and American culture, but in American culture, conflict with their parents are mostly cultural conflict. The growth process of Chinese Americans is American, they eventually become a typical American. China here or in the modern society, backward economy. The war, The people are destitute., although has a long history, splendid culture, but the feudal shackles people, patriarchal oppression of women; either red new Chinese, Communist persecution The haves, inhumane, dictatorship. Although the United States is racist, but no hunger, no war, strong and rich.
So there will be different from the image of Sino US Chinese writers, on the one hand and the Chinese American writer identity. Although they are ethnically Chinese, but in cultural identity had become Americans, some writers have demonized China trend. On the other hand, due to a long period between time of Sino US information is not true for the United States, Chinese not understand. Chinese writer described Chinese according to hearsay, inevitably has the very big discrepancy with the real China. Generally speaking, Chinese American writers imagined Chinese, the reality of American identity.
The above three groups of writers have some common motif motif, but also have their own preference. The motif variation developed the theme in different times, the image of China. Similar but different image of China and the United States has its constancy and variability is constant. Because the image of the other is the social collective like. The reason for the change is in many aspects, is the era of environment, the writer's identity, writing language, horizon of expectations and aesthetic force effect.
New immigrants literature inheritance, the development of the Taiwan Chinese American literature. Taiwan based writer continues writing, shows the new aesthetic style. The two writers gradually combined, become the new century of American Chinese literature and Chinese American writers, writers English. Now they stand shoulder to shoulder, the novels are very different. But we can imagine, settled in the United States after many years of immigrant writers still use even Chinese creation, also with the Chinese writer English novel close. For many years because of American culture will affect the author's creative thinking, make the creation with American culture traces, become the product of Sino US cultural confluence.
In short, the United States is not a paradise, nor is China a hell. Those exotic images of heaven or hell are all writers' artistic imagination. They are dreams of desire and fear for Chinese immigrants or Chinese Americans.



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