本文选题:“真空世界” + 人性丧失 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:第一次战后派作家中,根据自己的战争体验创作小说的野间宏受到广泛关注。 自学生时代就开始关注社会问题的野间宏,在接触“部落问题”的过程中逐渐形成自己独特的人生观。1941年野间应招入伍并参加了多次战役。由于学生时代的左翼运动经历,他被日本陆军监狱收押半年。经历了那一系列事件,野间深切地认识到战争和日本军队的真面目,并结合自身的战争体验和战后日本现状连续写作了《第三十六号》、《悲哀欢愉》、《夜之脱栅》、《真空地带》、《脸中的红月亮》、《崩解感觉》等一系列战争题材的作品。 描写军队中人真实状态的野间作品中《真空地带》是主要研究对象。小说中通过蒙冤入狱誓死复仇的木谷和憎恶非人军队的曾田这两个主人公的活动来揭露战时日本军队的非人本质。 《第三十六号》被认为是《真空地带》的前身,这部作品直接反映了陆军监狱的艰苦生活和被剥夺了自由的囚犯的生存实态。 《脸中的红月亮》、《崩解感觉》两部小说关注的是从残酷的军队生活中幸存的士兵们的战后状态,也同本文主题有关联。《脸中的红月亮》中的北山年夫和《崩解感觉》中的及川隆一都被战争和军队的黑暗会议所困扰,无法开始战后的新生活。 本文将以上几篇小说根据内容分为以下三类进行研究。首先,通过展现三十六号和木谷的陆军监狱经历,,试图阐明战时陆军监狱和军法会议的真实面貌。其次,讨论战时日本军队的非人本质。最后,分析被战争和军队经历伤害过的士兵们的心理和感觉。在指出具有以上三个特征的“真空世界”的基础上,分析被困在“真空世界”中士兵们的人性丧失问题。 最具代表性的“真空世界”是战时陆军监狱和军法会议,两者都完全无视人的权利。 抹杀人性的战时日本军队这一“真空世界”弥漫着暴力和绝望等残酷的气氛,在日本军队中生活的人们暴露出潜藏在人性底层的弱点不知不觉变成冰冷的士兵。 战败后被阴暗的战时记忆支配了行动的士兵们的心理和感觉是人性无法回归的“真空世界”。 野间宏创作以上三个“真空世界”主要有两个目的。 首先,向世人揭露战争和日本军队的真实面目,唤起大众对非人的战争和军队的愤怒之情并集结民众的反战力量。其次,直面战败后变为废墟的日本真实状态,和无法被拯救的过去之人诀别,从战败后的废墟中再次出发。 有关野间宏的初期作品还有其他需阐明之处。例如野间宏强调应从心理、生理和社会三方面把握人物形象的创作理念。由于篇幅所限本文未作阐述,关于创作方法将作为今后的研究课题。
[Abstract]:Among the first postwar writers, Noma Hiroshi, who wrote novels based on his own war experience, received wide attention. Noma Hiroshi, who began to pay attention to social problems since his school days, gradually formed his own unique outlook on life in the process of contact with "tribal problems". In 1941, he was enlisted and participated in many battles. As a student left-wing movement, he was held in Japanese Army prison for half a year. Having experienced that series of events, Nagano was acutely aware of the war and the true face of the Japanese army. Combined with his own experience of war and the present situation of Japan after the war, he has continuously written a series of war works, such as "No. 36", "Sorrow and Joy", "the shed of Night", "vacuum Zone", "the Red Moon in the face", "feeling of disintegration" and so on. Vacuum Zone is the main object of study in the works describing the true state of the people in the army. The novel reveals the inhuman nature of the Japanese army in wartime through the activities of the two protagonists, Mukuya, who vows to die and revenge, and Teda, who abhors the inhuman army. Considered the predecessor of vacuum, the work directly reflects the hard life of Army prisons and the survival of prisoners deprived of their liberty. The Red Moon in the face, the sense of disintegration, two novels focus on the postwar state of the soldiers who survived the brutal military life. It is also relevant to the theme of this article. In "Red Moon in the face", Niefu Kitayama, and "sense of disintegration" and Kawasaki are both troubled by the dark meetings of the war and the army, unable to start a new life after the war. This article divides the above novels into the following three categories according to the content. First of all, by presenting the Army Prison experience of 36 and Mugu, this paper attempts to illustrate the true face of wartime Army Prison and military Law Conference. Secondly, it discusses the non-human nature of the Japanese army in wartime. Finally, analyze the psychology and feelings of soldiers who have been hurt by the war and the army. On the basis of pointing out the "vacuum world" with the above three characteristics, the problem of the loss of human nature of soldiers trapped in the "vacuum world" is analyzed. The most representative vacuum world is the wartime Army Prison and the military Law Conference, both of which completely disregard human rights. The "vacuum world" of Japanese army in wartime, which obliterated humanity, was filled with cruel atmosphere such as violence and despair, and the people living in the Japanese army exposed the weakness hidden in the bottom of human nature and turned into cold soldiers unconsciously. The psychology and feeling of soldiers who were ruled by dark memories of war after defeat was a vacuum that human nature could not return to. Noma Hiroshi created the above three "vacuum World" mainly for two purposes. First of all, to expose the war and the true face of the Japanese army, arouse public anger at the inhuman war and the army and assemble the people's anti-war forces. Second, face up to the reality of Japan after defeat, and those who can not be saved from the ruins of the past farewell, and set out again. There are other things to clarify about Noma Hiroshi's early work. Noma Hiroshi, for example, stressed that he should grasp the creative concept of character image from three aspects: psychology, physiology and society. As the space limit of this paper is not elaborated, the creative method will be regarded as the future research topic.
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