发布时间:2018-08-31 15:27
【摘要】:洪命熹的长篇小说《林巨正》在朝鲜-韩国文学史上的意义可以跟中国的《水浒传》相媲美。小说虽然写的是历史题材,但蕴藏着朝鲜政治、社会及民问文化方面的既庞大而又丰富的内容。洪命熹1928年11月21日开始在《朝鲜日报》上连载历史长篇小说《林巨正》,经过了长达13年的连载,虽然最终没能收尾,但是这部小说在朝鲜-韩国近现代文学史上的意义不可磨灭。洪命熹在创作《林巨正》时就曾说过“要写出一系列有关朝鲜情调的作品”。按照作家的说法作品不仅在文体方面体现了朝鲜古代故事情节的韵味,而且对传统文化的审视带给了读者不少趣味。洪命熹在作品中以世俗化的风格特征淋漓尽致地描写了古代朝鲜社会的风俗习惯及人民群众的精神面貌,带给了日本殖民地下的朝鲜民众心灵上的慰藉,克服了以往历史小说自带的贵族气息,指明了朝鲜近代历史小说发展的新方向。 朝鲜传统文化整体上分为两个部分:官方文化(上层文化)和民间文化(下层文化)。民间文化处于传统文化结构体系的下层,普遍存在于广大民众中,是朝鲜传统文化的根基。无论是文化经典还是主流文化都属于传统文化中的上层文化,它们都隶属于传统文化并占据一定的比例,但不能够概括传统文化的全貌。从这一角度说,《林巨正》脱离了以往历史小说的弊端,不仅讲述了上层社会的文化更在民众生活中提取素材描写了丰富多彩的下层文化。 民俗和文学的究其产生,常常是二者合一,相生相伴的。民俗不仅是文学的中介和渊源,而且是作家创作文学的丰厚土壤。一方面,文学根植于现实生活土壤,而生活中处处可见民俗、风尚,可以说民俗习惯是人们生活的真实写照,是人类生活中普遍的一种社会存在。正因为民俗的触角伸向了生活的领域,所以任何人不但无法脱离开民俗的约束圈,而且在人们的生活经历和性格、气质的形成过程中都不可避免地受着民俗的左右及影响。于是,作家在反应社会生活时也就必然地在其作品中程度不同地溶注进广泛的民俗事象。文学作品如果脱离开了与人们生活密切相关的社会风俗,就会缺少生活气息。丰富多彩的风俗习惯是文艺创作需要截取的生活素材,是作家取用不尽的创作源泉,绵延传承的传统风尚又是文学作品深广的文化背景。文学作品中有关民俗事象的详细记录和生动描摹不仅丰富了作品的思想内容,而且有利于民俗文化的传承和发展。 总之,由于民俗存在于一个民族的历史长河里,丰富的民俗事象反应了社会的丰富性、复杂性。由于民俗在人们的生活中占有重要地位,它多方面影响着人们的物质生活和精神生活。民俗又是民族心理的重要表现,是民族生活、民族文化的反应,因此,作为反应一个民族的社会历史生活的语言文学,自然与民俗息息相关。 民俗文化学是民俗学与文化学两种主体学科交叉而产生的一种复合视角。以民俗文化学视阈观照洪命熹文学与传统文化这一课题的学术价值和意义在于:以民俗文化为主体透视点来整理梳理《林巨正》与传统文化的关系,透过民众日常生活中的人情风俗、四十节庆、民间信仰与宗教以及民问艺术等方面的民俗文化,显现洪命熹笔下复合着的历史、社会、心理多种元素的民族文化缩影;以民俗学为中心,多种学科混合交叉的研究方法使民俗文化成为一个丰富的文化场域,富含多种视界,能够为研究洪命熹复杂的文化行为提供多学科的混合交叉视角,研究者便于在视角的自由调换中对洪命熹与传统文化的精神交接与碰撞,既能够宏观的整体把握又可集中的寻微探幽;研究过程中以动态的模式将《林巨正》的民俗文化作为问题主题加以显现。写作的过程也是一个验证求实的过程,重新组合,排列前人已发掘的成果,同时将自己的发现和见解补充进去,在洪命熹流动的生命形态追溯中显现和考证两者的真实可靠性。 迄今为止,有关《林巨正》的研究很多,但是研究文学的民俗化倾向,多角度地全面审视民俗文化的研究不多见。该论文吸收前人的成果深入研究作品的民俗化倾向与特征,立足于文学和民俗文化的整合,详细地分析并归纳出朝鲜社会各种文化类型,研究朝鲜民族的文化原型、渊源及不朽的民族精神,同时研究文学与民俗的遇合,挖掘作家洪命熹的文学思想及精神归宿。论文除绪论与结论共分为三个章节。 一、《林巨正》:民俗化倾向与表现形态。其中包括文学与民俗的关系、作品中表现的民俗形态、民俗化倾向的叙述表现特征。《林巨正》的民俗视阈极其宽广,内蕴丰实,斑斓多姿。民俗是社会生活中延续物质生活习惯和传承精神生活文化而形成的风尚习俗。它与社会的发展相伴相随,并且记录人们物质生活与精神生活的演变过程。民俗含括社会生活的各个方面,大致可以分为物质民俗、社会民俗、精神民俗三大类。通过总结《林巨正》中的民俗形态可以看出朝鲜人民的生活样式与民族心理。再进一步了解,可以发现这些民俗描写不是简单的堆砌,而是把民俗描写作为小说故事情节的一个有机组成部分,小说的故事情节和人物性格、命运都在民俗生活中真实而又不动声色地演绎发展。民俗事象的描写推动小说故事情节的发展,情节滑行在民俗叙事的轨道上。或者说,组成故事叙事序列的构件大都由民俗行为与事件来充当。这些情节中,民俗起着关键性的制约作用,如果没有所描写的民俗内容,作品的情节很难存在。另外,作品运用的语言加入了古代朝鲜民众所特有的话语,在论文中对其也作出了总结与归纳。 二、民俗人物杨舟八的形象。通过分析《林巨正》中的重要人物杨舟八在作品中的作用与一些神秘而具有隐喻意义的符号系统,追溯其与作者的关系,探究在杨舟八身上体现的民俗文化与作者的期望。属于下层阶级的杨舟八在整个作品中分为三个身份出现,首先是作为医者,把上层官吏李长坤与屠户的女儿连接起来,展现两个阶层不一样的生活方式与身份地位。后来,跟随李长坤来到京城,做起了鞋匠,但是凭借自身出色的学识和优秀的品格与朝廷官员往来,并介绍主人公林巨正与上层人物认识,把视角延伸到宫廷的生活形态,以展示出各个社会阶层的面貌。最后,得到神奇能力的杨舟八脱掉世人的衣服,来到妙香山的一座寺庙成为了德高望重的禀海大师。杨舟八在作品中不仅是主人公林巨正的精神导师,而且是作者倾注了个人期望的对象。从他的身上我们可以感受到,在当时日本殖民统治下,知识分子的内心挣扎及对早日实现民族解放的强烈期盼。 三、《林巨正》民俗化倾向的意义。这部分包括民俗化倾向所带来的审美价值、作品民俗化的现实意义及洪命熹在作品民俗化中追求的民族精神。民俗是与社会发展、民族性格和精神密切相连的,从民俗事象中可以发现民族心理变化的轨迹。因此文学民俗化不仅是许多作家自觉的追求,而且也是文学作品是否具有永恒魅力的价值判断标准。从世界文学的格局来看,民俗书写也是一个普遍的追求。民族性也是民俗的重要属性之一,民族特色常常是由风俗习惯作为标识体系,民俗成了文艺民族化的必要途径。优秀的作家常常对这一点给予充分的注意。另外,民俗描写能吸引读者的眼光,增强作品的可读性,进而发挥作品的潜在价值。洪命熹笔下的民俗描写大大增强了作品的地域特色和民族特征,增强了作品的思想深度、历史众深感和真实感,从而赋予其作品不朽的艺术魅力。为什么洪命熹可以大胆的在作品中描写民俗,支撑这些的背后力量是什么呢?可以说成长的环境与个人经历的积淀造就了作者的才能。正是有了民俗文化的积淀,作者才可以游刃有余地将这些经典的民俗事象运用于创作中,以文化大家的非凡气势展示朝鲜民众民俗文化独一无二的魅力。在日本殖民统治的压迫下,作为一个特立独行的知识分子,洪命熹始终希望用全新的姿态来展现民族文化的魅力,民俗文化的光辉给了洪命熹勇气,让他坚信民族文化的魅力足以抵挡残酷的社会现实。
[Abstract]:Hong Ming-xi's novel Lin Ju-zheng is comparable to China's novel Water Margin in the history of Korean-Korean literature. Although the novel is written with historical themes, it contains both huge and rich contents in Korean politics, society and culture. Hong Ming-xi began to serialize the historical length in Korean Daily on November 21, 1928. The novel Lin Juzheng, after 13 years of serialization, failed to finish, but the significance of the novel in the history of modern Korean-Korean literature is indelible. Hong Mingxi once said "to write a series of works about Korean sentiment" when he wrote "Lin Juzheng". According to the writer, the works are not only stylistic. It embodies the charm of the plot of the ancient Korean stories and brings much interest to the readers by examining the traditional culture. It overcomes the aristocratic atmosphere of the past historical novels and points out the new direction of the development of Korean modern historical novels.
Korean traditional culture as a whole is divided into two parts: official culture (upper culture) and folk culture (lower culture). Folk culture is at the lower level of the traditional cultural structure system, which is ubiquitous among the masses and is the foundation of Korean traditional culture. They all belong to the traditional culture and occupy a certain proportion, but they can not generalize the panorama of the traditional culture. From this point of view, Lin Juzheng breaks away from the drawbacks of the past historical novels, not only tells about the culture of the upper class, but also extracts material from the people's life to describe the rich and colorful culture of the lower class.
Folklore is not only the medium and origin of literature, but also the rich soil for writers to create literature. On the one hand, literature is rooted in the soil of real life, and folk customs and customs can be seen everywhere in life. It can be said that folk customs are the true portrayal of people's life and human life. It is because the antennae of folk custom extend to the realm of life that no one can break away from the constraints of folk custom, and in the process of forming people's life experience and personality, temperament is inevitably influenced by folk custom. If literary works are separated from the social customs closely related to people's lives, they will lack the flavor of life. Rich and colorful customs and habits are the material of life that literary and artistic creation needs to be intercepted, and are the source of writers'endless creation and the traditional customs that have been passed down. The detailed records and vivid descriptions of folklore in literary works not only enrich the ideological content of the works, but also contribute to the inheritance and development of folklore culture.
In a word, because folklore exists in the long history of a nation, rich folklore phenomena reflect the richness and complexity of society. Because folklore occupies an important position in people's life, it affects people's material life and spiritual life in many ways. Folklore is an important manifestation of national psychology, national life and national culture. Therefore, as a reflection of a nation's social and historical life, language and literature are naturally closely related to folk customs.
Folklore culture is a composite perspective produced by the intersection of folklore and culture. The academic value and significance of the subject of Hong Mingxi's literature and traditional culture from the perspective of folklore culture lies in sorting out the relationship between Lin Juzheng and traditional culture from the perspective of folklore culture and through the popular day. Folk customs and customs in daily life, forty festivals, folk beliefs and religions, folk art and other aspects of folk culture, showing Hong Mingxi's writing of a complex history, society, psychological elements of the national culture in miniature; Folklore as the center, a variety of interdisciplinary research methods to make folk culture into a rich culture Field, rich in a variety of horizons, can provide a multi-disciplinary and cross-cutting perspective for the study of Hong Mingxi's complex cultural behavior. Researchers are convenient for the Spiritual Transition and collision between Hong Mingxi and traditional culture in the free exchange of the perspective, which can not only grasp the whole macro but also focus on the exploration of micro-seclusion. Lin Juzheng's folk culture is the subject of the question. The process of writing is also a process of verifying and realizing, rearranging and arranging the achievements that have been discovered by predecessors, and at the same time, adding his own discoveries and opinions, revealing and verifying the authenticity of the two in the traceability of Hong Mingxi's Flowing Life form.
Up to now, there have been many studies on Lin Juzheng, but there are few studies on the tendency of folklore in literature, and the study of folklore culture from many angles. The paper is divided into three chapters except the introduction and conclusion.
First,: the tendency and manifestation of folklore, including the relationship between literature and folklore, the folklore manifested in the works, and the narrative characteristics of folklore tendency. has a very broad view of folklore, rich and colorful connotation. Folklore includes all aspects of social life, which can be roughly divided into three categories: material folklore, social folklore and spiritual folklore. A further understanding of these folklore descriptions reveals that they are not simply piled up, but an integral part of the plot of the novel. The plot and character of the novel, and the destiny of the characters, are all deduced and developed in a real and unmoving way in the folk life. The development of the plot of a novel slides along the track of folklore narration. In other words, the elements that make up the narrative sequence are mostly acted by folklore and events. Joined the words peculiar to the Korean people in ancient times, and summarized and summarized them in the paper.
Secondly, the image of Yang Zhouba, a folk figure, traces back the relationship between Yang Zhouba and the author by analyzing the role of Yang Zhouba, an important figure in Lin Juzheng's works, and some mysterious and metaphorical symbolic systems, and explores the folk culture and the author's expectations embodied in Yang Zhouba. First of all, as a doctor, Li Changkun, a senior official, was linked with the butcher's daughter to show the different life styles and status of the two classes. In the end, Yang Zhouba, who got the magic power, took off his clothes and came to a temple in Mt. Miaoxiangshan and became a respected Master of the sea. In his works, Yang Zhouba was not only the protagonist Lin Juzheng's spirit. Mentor, and is the author poured into the object of personal expectations. From his body, we can feel that under the Japanese colonial rule at that time, intellectuals'inner struggle and strong expectations for the early realization of national liberation.
This part includes the aesthetic value brought about by the tendency of folklorization, the practical significance of the work's folklorization and the national spirit pursued by Hong Mingxi in the work's folklorization. Therefore, the folklorization of literature is not only a conscious pursuit of many writers, but also a criterion for judging whether a literary work has eternal charm. From the perspective of the pattern of world literature, folklore writing is also a universal pursuit. Folklore has become a necessary way for the nationalization of literature and art. Excellent writers often pay full attention to this point. In addition, folklore description can attract readers'attention, enhance the readability of the work, and then play the potential value of the work. The depth of thought, the depth of history and the sense of reality endow his works with immortal artistic charm. Why can Hong Mingxi boldly describe folk customs in his works, and what are the forces behind these? It can be said that the environment of growth and the accumulation of personal experience have created the author's talent. It is precisely with the accumulation of folk culture, the author. Only in this way can these classical folk images be applied to the creation, and the unique charm of Korean folk culture can be displayed by the extraordinary momentum of the cultural master. The glory of folk culture gave Hong Mingxi courage and convinced him that the charm of national culture was enough to withstand the cruel social reality.
[Abstract]:Hong Ming-xi's novel Lin Ju-zheng is comparable to China's novel Water Margin in the history of Korean-Korean literature. Although the novel is written with historical themes, it contains both huge and rich contents in Korean politics, society and culture. Hong Ming-xi began to serialize the historical length in Korean Daily on November 21, 1928. The novel Lin Juzheng, after 13 years of serialization, failed to finish, but the significance of the novel in the history of modern Korean-Korean literature is indelible. Hong Mingxi once said "to write a series of works about Korean sentiment" when he wrote "Lin Juzheng". According to the writer, the works are not only stylistic. It embodies the charm of the plot of the ancient Korean stories and brings much interest to the readers by examining the traditional culture. It overcomes the aristocratic atmosphere of the past historical novels and points out the new direction of the development of Korean modern historical novels.
Korean traditional culture as a whole is divided into two parts: official culture (upper culture) and folk culture (lower culture). Folk culture is at the lower level of the traditional cultural structure system, which is ubiquitous among the masses and is the foundation of Korean traditional culture. They all belong to the traditional culture and occupy a certain proportion, but they can not generalize the panorama of the traditional culture. From this point of view, Lin Juzheng breaks away from the drawbacks of the past historical novels, not only tells about the culture of the upper class, but also extracts material from the people's life to describe the rich and colorful culture of the lower class.
Folklore is not only the medium and origin of literature, but also the rich soil for writers to create literature. On the one hand, literature is rooted in the soil of real life, and folk customs and customs can be seen everywhere in life. It can be said that folk customs are the true portrayal of people's life and human life. It is because the antennae of folk custom extend to the realm of life that no one can break away from the constraints of folk custom, and in the process of forming people's life experience and personality, temperament is inevitably influenced by folk custom. If literary works are separated from the social customs closely related to people's lives, they will lack the flavor of life. Rich and colorful customs and habits are the material of life that literary and artistic creation needs to be intercepted, and are the source of writers'endless creation and the traditional customs that have been passed down. The detailed records and vivid descriptions of folklore in literary works not only enrich the ideological content of the works, but also contribute to the inheritance and development of folklore culture.
In a word, because folklore exists in the long history of a nation, rich folklore phenomena reflect the richness and complexity of society. Because folklore occupies an important position in people's life, it affects people's material life and spiritual life in many ways. Folklore is an important manifestation of national psychology, national life and national culture. Therefore, as a reflection of a nation's social and historical life, language and literature are naturally closely related to folk customs.
Folklore culture is a composite perspective produced by the intersection of folklore and culture. The academic value and significance of the subject of Hong Mingxi's literature and traditional culture from the perspective of folklore culture lies in sorting out the relationship between Lin Juzheng and traditional culture from the perspective of folklore culture and through the popular day. Folk customs and customs in daily life, forty festivals, folk beliefs and religions, folk art and other aspects of folk culture, showing Hong Mingxi's writing of a complex history, society, psychological elements of the national culture in miniature; Folklore as the center, a variety of interdisciplinary research methods to make folk culture into a rich culture Field, rich in a variety of horizons, can provide a multi-disciplinary and cross-cutting perspective for the study of Hong Mingxi's complex cultural behavior. Researchers are convenient for the Spiritual Transition and collision between Hong Mingxi and traditional culture in the free exchange of the perspective, which can not only grasp the whole macro but also focus on the exploration of micro-seclusion. Lin Juzheng's folk culture is the subject of the question. The process of writing is also a process of verifying and realizing, rearranging and arranging the achievements that have been discovered by predecessors, and at the same time, adding his own discoveries and opinions, revealing and verifying the authenticity of the two in the traceability of Hong Mingxi's Flowing Life form.
Up to now, there have been many studies on Lin Juzheng, but there are few studies on the tendency of folklore in literature, and the study of folklore culture from many angles. The paper is divided into three chapters except the introduction and conclusion.
Secondly, the image of Yang Zhouba, a folk figure, traces back the relationship between Yang Zhouba and the author by analyzing the role of Yang Zhouba, an important figure in Lin Juzheng's works, and some mysterious and metaphorical symbolic systems, and explores the folk culture and the author's expectations embodied in Yang Zhouba. First of all, as a doctor, Li Changkun, a senior official, was linked with the butcher's daughter to show the different life styles and status of the two classes. In the end, Yang Zhouba, who got the magic power, took off his clothes and came to a temple in Mt. Miaoxiangshan and became a respected Master of the sea. In his works, Yang Zhouba was not only the protagonist Lin Juzheng's spirit. Mentor, and is the author poured into the object of personal expectations. From his body, we can feel that under the Japanese colonial rule at that time, intellectuals'inner struggle and strong expectations for the early realization of national liberation.
This part includes the aesthetic value brought about by the tendency of folklorization, the practical significance of the work's folklorization and the national spirit pursued by Hong Mingxi in the work's folklorization. Therefore, the folklorization of literature is not only a conscious pursuit of many writers, but also a criterion for judging whether a literary work has eternal charm. From the perspective of the pattern of world literature, folklore writing is also a universal pursuit. Folklore has become a necessary way for the nationalization of literature and art. Excellent writers often pay full attention to this point. In addition, folklore description can attract readers'attention, enhance the readability of the work, and then play the potential value of the work. The depth of thought, the depth of history and the sense of reality endow his works with immortal artistic charm. Why can Hong Mingxi boldly describe folk customs in his works, and what are the forces behind these? It can be said that the environment of growth and the accumulation of personal experience have created the author's talent. It is precisely with the accumulation of folk culture, the author. Only in this way can these classical folk images be applied to the creation, and the unique charm of Korean folk culture can be displayed by the extraordinary momentum of the cultural master. The glory of folk culture gave Hong Mingxi courage and convinced him that the charm of national culture was enough to withstand the cruel social reality.
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1 张丛v,