[Abstract]:Louise Erdrich (1954 -) is a famous American writer of Ogibwa and one of the most important contemporary American novelists. Since the 1980s, he has published 13 novels, 5 children's books, 3 poetry collections and 2 memoirs. These works are Ed's works. Rick has won more than ten awards, including the National Book Award. Foreign scholars have discussed the themes and art of her novels from the perspectives of narratology, native culture, post-colonialism, feminism, ecology and genealogy, especially her novels before 1996. The novel discusses the theme of "disaster survival" in Erdric's novels. In addition to avoiding the researchers of his earlier works, the text after 1996 has a lot of research results, but also an important reason, that is, Erdric and Doris divorced in 1996, Doris committed suicide in 1997, which they have been enjoying in many interviews. "Collaborative Writing" has drawn an eternal stop. The reason for choosing "disaster survival" as the starting point for considering Erdrick's later works is that, in an interview, Erdrick emphasized that "contemporary indigenous writers have a very different task from the other writers I have mentioned. Given the enormous losses, they have to tell about contemporary times. The story of survivors can protect and celebrate the various cultural cores remaining after the disaster.
The thesis is divided into 1-5 parts: introduction, the 7 chapter and the conclusion.
In the introduction part, the author starts from three aspects: American Indian Literature Renaissance and Erdrick's literary creation, Erdrick's research status in the United States and mainland China, the basic ideas and main contents of this paper.
Chapters 1-4 of the paper select Erdrik's "The Last Report of the Little Underhorse Retention", "The Four Souls", "The Color Drum" and "The Stepping Shadow Game" as the research texts. These four novels show the survival strategies of the Ogibwa people under the great religious, land, traumatic and fictional disasters respectively, corresponding to the transboundary. Through these survival strategies, we can see Erdric's absorption of the white culture and her adherence to the Ogilva culture.
Chapter 5, The Wendigo Story: The Writing Pattern of Erdric's Disaster Survival, focuses on the eight novels written by Erdric after 1996, especially The Wife of the Antelope, The Pigeon Scourge and The Round House, focusing on the Wendigo characters and the survival of Wendigo. By reviving the ancient "Wendigo" in the Ogibwa culture, Erdrick reconnected his contemporary context writing with the traditional culture of Ogibwa, realizing the revival of the Ogibwa religion and the concept of land in addition to the Ogibwa religion in the first four chapters. "Conclusion: The Significance of Erdric's Writing" begins with "Revival of Ogibwa's Traditional Culture" and "Towards Minority Literary Writing." Erdric writes with a posture of resisting the mainstream, resisting authority and blooming on the edge. In this blooming style of writing, Erdric writes. While practicing what I call "the preservation and glorification of the various cultural cores that have survived the disaster", I went to the "minority literature" advocated by Deleuze and Guatari.
The term "survival" in the title of this paper borrows the concept of "survival" by Gerald Vizenor (1934 -), an American native Augibwa theorist. In the specific text analysis, the paper will also combine the history and culture of Augibwa, Barba's "threshold space", Cruise and Lakapra's creation. The theory of injury, Habwach's "memory" theory and Baudrillard's "imagery" also have a lot of Enlightenment on the interpretation of Erdric's novels.
Although Erdrik's novels are deeply inked with the thinking of the present situation of the Ogibwa people and the exploration of their ways of survival, this thinking and exploration is equally significant to us who are outside the Ogibwa people. Multiple problems: the increasing commercialization of contemporary American society, the growing flatness of people's spiritual world, the growing indifference of people's emotions, and the growing expansion of people's desires, just like the "Wendigo" in the ancient culture of Ogibwa waiting for opportunity. For "Wendigo", do not be eaten by "Wendigo". This is the practical significance of Erdrick's novel creation, and also the practical significance of this paper to study the "disaster survival" in his novel.
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