发布时间:2018-09-01 07:36
【摘要】:1999年艾里斯·西伯德出版了自传《幸运儿》(Lucky),被媒体誉为“最具潜力的作家”,2002年她的小说处女作《可爱的骨头》(The Lovely Bones)出版,一经上市便荣登冠军宝座,书评界更是一片赞叹。该书在《纽约时报》排行榜上高居榜首近30周,连续在榜70余周。被美国“每月读书会”选为推荐书,并获“美国年度最佳小说”奖,入选“英国年度好书大奖”。 《可爱的骨头》讲述的是一个十四岁女孩苏茜,在死后世界里,以一种特殊的“活着”的状态,面对自己的死亡,观察人间的生活的一系列故事,叙述者就是死者本人。在对于《可爱的骨头》的研究中,有女性主义学者从象征主义角度切入,研究书中比如“照片”之类的意象,来探讨妇女在家庭生活中遭遇的苦闷与煎熬①;也有学者选择故事中的犯罪人物为对象,从犯罪学角度研究心理障碍者与家庭暴力等问题的产生及其社会危害②;也有学者从书中描写的天堂场景切入,选择在天堂中活着的人物为研究对象,阐述作者这种叙述处理所追求的艺术效果③……而本文则从《可爱的骨头》的叙述方式入手,研究死去的主人公苏茜的视角所特有的叙述功能,意在引起大家对该书中这一死者视角的关注,期待更多学者对这类视角做出更深入的探索。 叙述视角是人物观察和感知故事的角度,包括其体现出来的观念和感情态度,而死者视角是指观察和感知的行为由死者来实施,并综合了全知与限知视角模式特性的一种视角模式,是作家们在叙述方式上的革新,丰富了他们的创作构思、创作理念和叙事手法。 论文由五部分构成:引言、苏茜视角的内涵、苏茜视角的功能、苏茜视角功能的实现以及结语。绪论部分,介绍视角理论研究的现状,包括视角模式的分类、功能,综合阐述出苏茜的死者视角的概念。 正文第一章首先论述视角的概念和死者充当叙述者的特殊性,辨析苏茜的死者视角是综合了全知视角和限制视角的特点的并引入它的概念。对于视角的分类历来分歧很大,本文以申丹在其著作对视角的归纳与总结为依据,对苏茜的死者视角所属类型进行论说,以明晰苏茜的死者视角的内涵。 第二章主要论述苏茜这一死者视角的功能:修辞、意识形态与主题功能。修辞功能的论述以布斯的理论为支点,并根据王阳的小说修辞研究中对视角的修辞功能的分类,将修辞功能具体分为宏观修辞与微观修辞两部分。所谓宏观修辞,是指视角作为叙事层面的技巧,几乎涉及所有与叙事相关的技巧因素,诸如距离、讲述与展示、声音、时空、人称和节奏等。微观修辞则从悬念和陌生化两个角度出发,结合文本效果论证死者视角的修辞功能;苏茜的死者视角的意识形态功能部分首先是辨析意识形态的概念,展示意识形态研究的发展过程,从视角的意识形态表现来论述这一死者视角的意识形态功能;最后按照王菊丽对视角功能的分类,提出死者视角的主题功能,并将苏茜的死者视角的主题功能细分为死亡和家庭两个主题加以阐述。死者身份的特殊性使得苏茜的视角在对死亡问题的认识与对家庭变迁的感受上,提供了特别的角度。 第三章论述《可爱的骨头》中苏茜视角如何实现转换及转换的原因。 最后的结语部分,总结了全文对苏茜的死者视角的功能问题的研究。死者视角作为对现实人生的观照,深化了小说的主题意义,承载着作者对生死问题的思考和探索。
[Abstract]:Alice Siebert, who published her autobiography Lucky in 1999, was hailed as "the most promising writer" by the media. Her novel The Lovely Bones, published in 2002, won the championship and was praised by the critics. The Book topped the New York Times list for nearly 30 weeks. In the list of more than 70 weeks, was selected by the United States "monthly reading society" as a recommendation, and won the "best novel of the year" award, selected as the "British Book of the Year Award".
"Lovely Bones" tells a series of stories about a 14-year-old girl, Susie, who faces her own death and observes human life in a special "living" state in the world after her death. The narrator is the deceased. In the study of "Lovely Bones", some feminist scholars cut into symbolism and studied it. Some scholars choose the criminals in the story to study the causes and social harms of psychological disorders and domestic violence from the perspective of criminology. Some scholars describe the scene of Paradise from the book. Beginning with the narrative style of Lovely Bones, this paper studies the unique narrative function of the perspective of the dead hero Susie, aiming to arouse people's attention to the perspective of the dead in this book and expect more. Scholars make further explorations of these perspectives.
The narrative perspective is the perspective of the characters'observation and perception of stories, including their ideas and emotional attitudes. The dead perspective refers to a kind of perspective mode in which the behavior of observation and perception is carried out by the dead and integrates the characteristics of the omniscient and limited perspective mode. It is the innovation of the writers' narrative mode and enriches their creative ideas. Creative ideas and narrative techniques.
The thesis consists of five parts: introduction, the connotation of Susie's perspective, the function of Susie's perspective, the realization of Susie's perspective function and the conclusion. The introduction introduces the current situation of perspective theory research, including the classification and function of perspective mode, and comprehensively expounds the concept of Susie's perspective of the dead.
The first chapter of the text first discusses the concept of perspective and the particularity of the deceased as a narrator, and then analyzes that Susie's perspective of the deceased integrates the characteristics of the omniscient perspective and the restricted perspective and introduces its concept. According to the type of person's perspective, we should clarify the meaning of Susie's perspective.
The second chapter mainly discusses the function of Susie's perspective of the dead: rhetoric, ideology and thematic function. The discussion of rhetoric function is based on Booth's theory. According to the classification of rhetoric function of perspective in Wang Yang's novel rhetoric research, the rhetoric function is divided into two parts: macro rhetoric and micro rhetoric. It refers to the point of view as a narrative technique, which involves almost all the factors related to narration, such as distance, narration and display, sound, time and space, person and rhythm, etc. The first part is to analyze the concept of ideology, to show the development process of ideological research, and to discuss the ideological function of the perspective of the deceased from the perspective of the ideological performance; finally, according to Wang Juli's classification of the function of the perspective, the theme function of the perspective of the deceased is proposed, and the theme function of Susie's perspective of the deceased is subdivided into two parts. The particularity of the identity of the deceased gives Susie a special perspective on her understanding of death and her feeling of family change.
The third chapter discusses how to transform and transform the "Lovely Bones" from the perspective of the Susie perspective.
The last part of the conclusion summarizes the research on the function of Susie's perspective on the dead, which deepens the theme of the novel and carries the author's thinking and Exploration on the issue of life and death.
[Abstract]:Alice Siebert, who published her autobiography Lucky in 1999, was hailed as "the most promising writer" by the media. Her novel The Lovely Bones, published in 2002, won the championship and was praised by the critics. The Book topped the New York Times list for nearly 30 weeks. In the list of more than 70 weeks, was selected by the United States "monthly reading society" as a recommendation, and won the "best novel of the year" award, selected as the "British Book of the Year Award".
"Lovely Bones" tells a series of stories about a 14-year-old girl, Susie, who faces her own death and observes human life in a special "living" state in the world after her death. The narrator is the deceased. In the study of "Lovely Bones", some feminist scholars cut into symbolism and studied it. Some scholars choose the criminals in the story to study the causes and social harms of psychological disorders and domestic violence from the perspective of criminology. Some scholars describe the scene of Paradise from the book. Beginning with the narrative style of Lovely Bones, this paper studies the unique narrative function of the perspective of the dead hero Susie, aiming to arouse people's attention to the perspective of the dead in this book and expect more. Scholars make further explorations of these perspectives.
The narrative perspective is the perspective of the characters'observation and perception of stories, including their ideas and emotional attitudes. The dead perspective refers to a kind of perspective mode in which the behavior of observation and perception is carried out by the dead and integrates the characteristics of the omniscient and limited perspective mode. It is the innovation of the writers' narrative mode and enriches their creative ideas. Creative ideas and narrative techniques.
The thesis consists of five parts: introduction, the connotation of Susie's perspective, the function of Susie's perspective, the realization of Susie's perspective function and the conclusion. The introduction introduces the current situation of perspective theory research, including the classification and function of perspective mode, and comprehensively expounds the concept of Susie's perspective of the dead.
The first chapter of the text first discusses the concept of perspective and the particularity of the deceased as a narrator, and then analyzes that Susie's perspective of the deceased integrates the characteristics of the omniscient perspective and the restricted perspective and introduces its concept. According to the type of person's perspective, we should clarify the meaning of Susie's perspective.
The second chapter mainly discusses the function of Susie's perspective of the dead: rhetoric, ideology and thematic function. The discussion of rhetoric function is based on Booth's theory. According to the classification of rhetoric function of perspective in Wang Yang's novel rhetoric research, the rhetoric function is divided into two parts: macro rhetoric and micro rhetoric. It refers to the point of view as a narrative technique, which involves almost all the factors related to narration, such as distance, narration and display, sound, time and space, person and rhythm, etc. The first part is to analyze the concept of ideology, to show the development process of ideological research, and to discuss the ideological function of the perspective of the deceased from the perspective of the ideological performance; finally, according to Wang Juli's classification of the function of the perspective, the theme function of the perspective of the deceased is proposed, and the theme function of Susie's perspective of the deceased is subdivided into two parts. The particularity of the identity of the deceased gives Susie a special perspective on her understanding of death and her feeling of family change.
The third chapter discusses how to transform and transform the "Lovely Bones" from the perspective of the Susie perspective.
The last part of the conclusion summarizes the research on the function of Susie's perspective on the dead, which deepens the theme of the novel and carries the author's thinking and Exploration on the issue of life and death.
相关期刊论文 前2条
1 申丹;视角[J];外国文学;2004年03期
2 王菊丽;叙事视角的文体功能[J];外语与外语教学;2004年10期