发布时间:2018-09-07 12:04
【摘要】:约翰·斯坦贝克是美国最伟大的作家之一。他创作的《愤怒的葡萄》出版于1939年,是斯坦贝克的巅峰之作,曾荣获普利策文学奖,是一部描写20世纪30年代大萧条时期美国现状的史诗。该书呈现了美国农民背井离乡,颠沛流离的悲惨生活,表达了作者对生态危机的担忧和对人类破坏生态行为的严厉谴责,体现了作者超前的生态思想,寄寓着作者对世界和人类生存状态的深刻领悟。本篇论文运用“人类中心主义”和“欲望动力论”解读小说中的生态思想,分析小说中出现的生态危机及探寻解决危机的方案,以凸显斯坦贝克的生态思想在当今所具有的理论和现实意义。 本文由引言,正文和结论三个部分组成。主要内容如下: 第一章引言简要介绍了约翰·斯坦贝克的生平和他的作品《愤怒的葡萄》;以及目前国内外对于斯坦贝克作品以及《愤怒的葡萄》的研究现状,并提出了本论文的写作目的和意义。 第二章介绍生态批评的源起,斯坦贝克生态思想形成的背景。 第三章分析小说中体现出的三个层次的生态危机。一是自然生态危机,它反映了人与自然的关系。人与自然原本都是生态的重要组成部分,二者相辅相成、相互依存;由于人类长期盲目利用自然、征服自然,人类的行为方式违背了自然规律,小说中对自然灾难的描写反映了人类因此受到的相应惩罚。二是社会生态危机,它体现了人与人的关系。由于土地沙漠化,农民的失业,农场主和资本家的剥削导致劳动人民更加贫困。三是精神生态危机,它关注人与自我的关系。自然和社会的生态危机导致人们的自私贪婪,人格和行为方式的扭曲,以及自我的迷失等。 第四章分析危机出现的原因。运用“人类中心主义”和“欲望动力论”两种理论分析危机产生的原因。在“物质欲望动力”的驱使下,人们总是以“自我”为中心,一味追求自身的物质利益,对土地,对他人都是为所欲为的掠夺。 第五章论述对以上三个层次危机的解决方案。为了解决自然生态危机,斯坦贝克号召人们应该回归自然、敬畏土地,维护人与自然的整体的和谐;为了解决社会和精神生态危机,他倡导陌生人之间的互助,以及在人们内心提倡普爱精神,和睦相处,以实现和谐。 最后是总结部分。这部分主要对前面的论述进行全面总结,点出本文的主旨。《愤怒的葡萄》充分体现了作者的生态思想,抨击了人类中心主义价值观,揭露了人类社会内部的生态失衡,也表达了作者对构建和谐世界的憧憬。在科技日益发展的今天,从生态角度赏析这篇小说对当今世界的可持续发展有着很重要的指导意义。
[Abstract]:John Steinbeck is one of America's greatest writers. The Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939, was the culmination of Steinbeck and won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature, an epic about the state of the United States during the Great Depression of the 1930s. The book presents the tragic life of American peasants from their homes and places of displacement, expresses the author's concern about the ecological crisis, and denounces the destruction of the ecology by human beings, and embodies the author's advanced ecological thoughts. The author's profound understanding of the world and the state of human existence. This paper uses "anthropocentrism" and "desire motivation Theory" to interpret the ecological thought in the novel, analyzes the ecological crisis in the novel and explores the solution to the crisis. In order to highlight Steinbeck's ecological thought in today's theory and practical significance. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the first chapter gives a brief introduction to John Steinbeck's life and his work the Grapes of Wrath, as well as the current research situation of Steinbeck's works and the Grapes of Wrath at home and abroad. And put forward the purpose and significance of this thesis. Chapter two introduces the origin of ecological criticism and the background of Steinbeck's ecological thought. The third chapter analyzes the three levels of ecological crisis embodied in the novel. One is the natural ecological crisis, which reflects the relationship between man and nature. Man and nature are both important parts of ecology, they complement each other and depend on each other. Human behavior violates the laws of nature because human beings have been blindly using and conquering nature for a long time. The description of natural disasters in the novel reflects the corresponding punishment of human being. Second, the social ecological crisis, it reflects the relationship between people. Land desertification, unemployment among farmers and exploitation by farmers and capitalists have led to further poverty among the working population. Third, the spiritual ecological crisis, it pays attention to the relationship between human and self. The ecological crisis of nature and society leads to selfish greed, distortion of personality and behavior, and loss of self. Chapter four analyzes the causes of the crisis. This paper analyzes the causes of the crisis by using the theory of anthropocentrism and the theory of desire motivation. Driven by "material desire", people always take "self" as the center, blindly pursue their own material interests, and plunder the land and others as they wish. The fifth chapter discusses the solutions to the above three levels of crisis. In order to solve the natural ecological crisis, Steinbeck called on people to return to nature, to fear the land, to maintain the harmony between man and nature as a whole, and to solve the social and spiritual ecological crisis, he advocated mutual assistance among strangers. And in people's hearts to promote the spirit of universal love, harmony, to achieve harmony. The last part is the summary. This part mainly summarizes the previous exposition, points out the gist of this article. The Grapes of Wrath fully embodies the author's ecological thought, criticizes the values of anthropocentrism, and exposes the ecological imbalance within human society. It also expresses the author's vision of building a harmonious world. With the development of science and technology, the appreciation of this novel from the ecological point of view has a very important guiding significance for the sustainable development of the world today.
[Abstract]:John Steinbeck is one of America's greatest writers. The Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939, was the culmination of Steinbeck and won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature, an epic about the state of the United States during the Great Depression of the 1930s. The book presents the tragic life of American peasants from their homes and places of displacement, expresses the author's concern about the ecological crisis, and denounces the destruction of the ecology by human beings, and embodies the author's advanced ecological thoughts. The author's profound understanding of the world and the state of human existence. This paper uses "anthropocentrism" and "desire motivation Theory" to interpret the ecological thought in the novel, analyzes the ecological crisis in the novel and explores the solution to the crisis. In order to highlight Steinbeck's ecological thought in today's theory and practical significance. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the first chapter gives a brief introduction to John Steinbeck's life and his work the Grapes of Wrath, as well as the current research situation of Steinbeck's works and the Grapes of Wrath at home and abroad. And put forward the purpose and significance of this thesis. Chapter two introduces the origin of ecological criticism and the background of Steinbeck's ecological thought. The third chapter analyzes the three levels of ecological crisis embodied in the novel. One is the natural ecological crisis, which reflects the relationship between man and nature. Man and nature are both important parts of ecology, they complement each other and depend on each other. Human behavior violates the laws of nature because human beings have been blindly using and conquering nature for a long time. The description of natural disasters in the novel reflects the corresponding punishment of human being. Second, the social ecological crisis, it reflects the relationship between people. Land desertification, unemployment among farmers and exploitation by farmers and capitalists have led to further poverty among the working population. Third, the spiritual ecological crisis, it pays attention to the relationship between human and self. The ecological crisis of nature and society leads to selfish greed, distortion of personality and behavior, and loss of self. Chapter four analyzes the causes of the crisis. This paper analyzes the causes of the crisis by using the theory of anthropocentrism and the theory of desire motivation. Driven by "material desire", people always take "self" as the center, blindly pursue their own material interests, and plunder the land and others as they wish. The fifth chapter discusses the solutions to the above three levels of crisis. In order to solve the natural ecological crisis, Steinbeck called on people to return to nature, to fear the land, to maintain the harmony between man and nature as a whole, and to solve the social and spiritual ecological crisis, he advocated mutual assistance among strangers. And in people's hearts to promote the spirit of universal love, harmony, to achieve harmony. The last part is the summary. This part mainly summarizes the previous exposition, points out the gist of this article. The Grapes of Wrath fully embodies the author's ecological thought, criticizes the values of anthropocentrism, and exposes the ecological imbalance within human society. It also expresses the author's vision of building a harmonious world. With the development of science and technology, the appreciation of this novel from the ecological point of view has a very important guiding significance for the sustainable development of the world today.
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