发布时间:2018-11-20 17:07
【摘要】:冲突话语狭义上指的是一种言语行为,例如:不赞同(disagreeing),反对(opposing)和争执(arguing);广义上指的是一种言语事件,比如说:冲突性话语(adversative episode),争执性话语(oppositional argument)争吵(quarrel)和反驳(disputing)等。广义上的冲突话语和狭义上的冲突话语有一个共同的特征:说话人和听话人之间因为意见分歧,在使用语言时引起的一种对立或者争执状态。 冲突话语在许多研究领域引起了关注,国内外的研究者们从不同角度对其进行了研究,比如语用学,人类学,社会学,心理学等。本文以言语行为理论和礼貌理论为框架,以会话分析为方法,对小说《简爱》中一对恋人,简和罗切斯特,之间的冲突话语进行分析。 论文分为六章。第一章至第四章介绍研究目的,意义和文章结构;文献综述;理论框架和数据介绍。第五至六章,具体展开对小说中恋人间话语冲突分析。通过分析发现,在冲突中简和罗切斯特使用反申明式(counterclaim)策略次数多于使用其他策略,而很少使用不威胁面子策略(focus-shifting)。针对这个结果,本文提出四个影响策略选择的因素,分别是礼貌因素,社会地位因素,性别差异因素和女性主义的因素。 本文可以在一定程度上补充和丰富现存的对《简爱》的语用研究。当然,恋人间发生冲突话语涉及多方面的因素,还需要更多人进一步的探讨。
[Abstract]:Conflict discourse narrowly refers to a speech act, such as disagreeing with (disagreeing), against (opposing) and arguing with (arguing); In a broad sense, it refers to a speech event, such as conflict discourse, (adversative episode), dissenting discourse, (oppositional argument) quarrelling, (quarrel), and rebuttal (disputing), and so on. Conflict discourse in a broad sense and conflict discourse in a narrow sense have a common feature: a state of opposition or disagreement between the speaker and the hearer in the use of language due to their differences of opinion. Conflict discourse has attracted much attention in many fields. Researchers at home and abroad have studied it from different angles, such as pragmatics, anthropology, sociology, psychology and so on. Based on speech act theory and politeness theory and conversational analysis, this paper analyzes the conflict discourse between a couple of lovers, Jane and Rochester in the novel Jane Eyre. The paper is divided into six chapters. Chapters 1 to 4 introduce the purpose, significance and structure of the research, literature review, theoretical framework and data introduction. The fifth to sixth chapters, the specific analysis of the discourse conflict between lovers in the novel. It is found that in the conflict, Jane and Rochester use the anti-declarative (counterclaim) strategy more often than other strategies, but seldom use the face-free strategy (focus-shifting). In view of this result, this paper proposes four factors that influence the choice of strategy, namely, politeness factor, social status factor, gender difference factor and feminism factor. To some extent, this thesis can supplement and enrich the existing pragmatic studies on Jane Eyre. Of course, there are many factors involved in the conflict between lovers, and more people need to explore it further.
[Abstract]:Conflict discourse narrowly refers to a speech act, such as disagreeing with (disagreeing), against (opposing) and arguing with (arguing); In a broad sense, it refers to a speech event, such as conflict discourse, (adversative episode), dissenting discourse, (oppositional argument) quarrelling, (quarrel), and rebuttal (disputing), and so on. Conflict discourse in a broad sense and conflict discourse in a narrow sense have a common feature: a state of opposition or disagreement between the speaker and the hearer in the use of language due to their differences of opinion. Conflict discourse has attracted much attention in many fields. Researchers at home and abroad have studied it from different angles, such as pragmatics, anthropology, sociology, psychology and so on. Based on speech act theory and politeness theory and conversational analysis, this paper analyzes the conflict discourse between a couple of lovers, Jane and Rochester in the novel Jane Eyre. The paper is divided into six chapters. Chapters 1 to 4 introduce the purpose, significance and structure of the research, literature review, theoretical framework and data introduction. The fifth to sixth chapters, the specific analysis of the discourse conflict between lovers in the novel. It is found that in the conflict, Jane and Rochester use the anti-declarative (counterclaim) strategy more often than other strategies, but seldom use the face-free strategy (focus-shifting). In view of this result, this paper proposes four factors that influence the choice of strategy, namely, politeness factor, social status factor, gender difference factor and feminism factor. To some extent, this thesis can supplement and enrich the existing pragmatic studies on Jane Eyre. Of course, there are many factors involved in the conflict between lovers, and more people need to explore it further.
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