[Abstract]:(The Joy Luck Club,2006 (Joy Luck Club) is a famous Chinese-American female writer Amy (AmyTan). As soon as the book was published, it has achieved great success and won many awards such as the National Book Award. (Growing Up Asian in Australia,2008, an Asians who grew up in Australia, is a popular collection edited by Alice Peng (Alice Pung), a young Australian Chinese writer. Although these two works are written by different times and different writers, their authors are both Chinese female immigrants, both of whom are closely related to Chinese culture. Both works reflect all kinds of unfair treatment suffered by Chinese immigrants in a society with white culture as the mainstream culture, the humiliation they endure in order to survive, and the indomitable struggle for their own rights. Therefore, the two works are very comparable. Based on the theory of post-colonialism and feminism, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the two works from three aspects: (1) the subjectivity of marginalized immigrants; (2) the identity and cultural belonging of immigrants in alien culture; and (3) the characteristics of Chinese feminist literature. Through the comparative analysis of the two works, the author draws the corresponding conclusion. Whether new immigrants from China (Asia) to the United States or Australia, or descendants of immigrants born and raised in the United States and Australia, are marginalized by the mainstream society, their subjectivity is lost, and only through their own hard efforts can they strive for their right to speak from the mainstream society and gradually return to their subjectivity. Because of the influence of the original culture for a long time, the new immigrants identify with the original culture and original identity at the beginning of emigration. The descendants of immigrants born in the United States and Australia were influenced by the host culture from birth and initially agreed with the host culture. At first, the new immigrants and their descendants, who tended to identify with a single culture, were inevitably influenced by another culture in real life and encountered the confusion of identity and cultural identity. The reality makes them realize that only by identifying the mixed identity and the mixed culture in the third space between the two identities and the two cultures can they find the way out of the identity and cultural identity. In addition, the author summarizes the feminist characteristics reflected in the two works: (1) women are the main body of the novel; (2) subverting the hegemonic image of men and emphasizing the right of women to speak; (3) implicit language style and tortuous narrative skills. Because the authors of the two works have different life experiences and different cultural and social backgrounds, the characters in their works also have their own unique growth experience and life background. Through the comparative analysis of the two works, we can not only deepen the readers' understanding of them and improve the level of appreciation, but also understand the living situation and spiritual world of Chinese (Asian) immigrants in different cultures and societies.
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