发布时间:2018-01-17 20:38
本文关键词:中老边境地区江城县登革热媒介及病毒感染调查 出处:《中国人兽共患病学报》2016年09期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 蚊虫 白纹伊蚊 登革热媒介 登革病毒 中老边境
【摘要】:目的了解中老边境江城县登革热媒介的种群密度、孳生习性以及登革病毒自然感染情况,为边境登革热的防控提供参考。方法 2015年6-10月在中老边境江城县选择3个自然村作为固定监测点,采用人诱捕法诱捕白天成蚊,同时在监测点居民区进行幼虫密度和孳生习性调查。捕获的成蚊用液氮低温保存带回实验室用RT-PCR进行登革病毒检测。结果白天人诱法共捕获7属20种2 247只成蚊,其中白纹伊蚊1 405只,占捕获总数的62.53%,其次为骚扰阿蚊438只,占捕获总数的19.49%,未捕到埃及伊蚊,白纹伊蚊成蚊平均密度为16.7只/人工小时;白纹伊蚊幼虫的平均房屋指数、布雷图指数、容器指数和千人指数分别为12.0、18.3、2.2和25.4。8、9月是白纹伊蚊孳生和活动的高峰;白蚊伊纹幼虫以轮胎、罐子和竹筒为主要孳生容器,3种容器占总阳性容器数比例分别为26.3%、23.4%和20.4%;人诱法捕获成蚊RT-PCR检测37组蚊虫,黄病毒属阳性17组,批阳性率为46.0%,未检出登革病毒。结论中老边境江城县登革热传播媒介白纹伊蚊密度较高且分布广,蚊虫携带黄病毒属病毒比例高,应加强当地登革热监测工作。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the population density, breeding habit and natural infection of dengue virus in Jiangcheng County, the border of China and Laos. Methods from June to October, 2015, three natural villages were selected as fixed monitoring points in Jiangcheng County, China's border, to trap adult mosquitoes during the day by human trapping. Meanwhile, larval density and breeding habits were investigated in residential areas. The captured adult mosquitoes were stored in liquid nitrogen and brought back to the laboratory for dengue virus detection with RT-PCR. Results during the day, 20 genera of 7 genera were captured by human inducement. Species 2. 247 adult mosquitoes. Among them, 1 405 Aedes albopictus, accounting for 62.53% of the total captured, followed by Aedes harms 438, accounting for 19.49% of the total catch, no Aedes aegypti was captured. The average density of adult mosquitoes of Aedes albopictus was 16.7 / h; The average house index, Braintu index, container index and 1000 person index of Aedes albopictus larvae were 12.0 and 25.4.8, respectively. In September, Aedes albopictus breeding and activity peak; The percentage of positive containers for the larvae of Aedes albopictus were 26.323.4% and 20.4% respectively. The main breeding containers were tire, jar and bamboo tube. 37 groups of mosquitoes were detected by RT-PCR, 17 of which were positive for yellow virus, and the positive rate of batches was 46.0%. Conclusion the dengue vector Aedes albopictus has a high density and is widely distributed in Jiangcheng County, China, and the proportion of mosquitoes carrying yellow virus is high, so the local surveillance of dengue fever should be strengthened.
【作者单位】: 云南省虫媒传染病防控研究重点实验室、云南省虫媒病毒研究中心、云南公共卫生与疾病防控协同创新中心、云南疟疾研究中心、云南省寄生虫病防治所;江城县疾病预防控制中心;
【正文快照】: 江城县位于云南省南部,东南与越南接壤,南与老挝交界,边境线长达183公里,是云南省唯一与老挝、越南两国接壤的县城,地理位置十分特殊和复杂。属亚热带湿润气候,特别适合各类蚊媒孳生。云南边境登革热疫情形势严重,2009-2014年底云南省共报告登革热病例2 040例,其中本地感染病,