[Abstract]:Objective: To investigate the medical records and hospitalization expenses of the hospitalized patients with echinococcosis in Qinghai People's Hospital for 2012-2016 years, analyze the overall status of the hospitalization expenses of the patients with echinococcosis in the hospital and clarify the main factors that affect the hospitalization expenses, and provide the theoretical basis for the establishment and improvement of the medical treatment strategy of echinococcosis in our province. Method: collecting Qinghai All the medical records of all echinococcosis patients in the provincial people's Hospital from January 2012 to December 2016, including general information, clinical information and hospitalization expenses, filled in a retrospective questionnaire of the hospitalized cases of echinococcosis in Qinghai Province, and established the information database of inpatient in Qinghai province by Epidata3.0. Double entry and consistency test were carried out. All qualified questionnaires were finally introduced into SPSS17.0 software. Single factor analysis was carried out with non parametric rank sum test on the influence factors such as the size of the lesion, or not surgery, and multiple linear regression was used to analyze the main factors affecting the hospitalization expenses of hydatidosis patients. Results: 1. in Qinghai People's Hospital, there were 1096 cases of echinococcosis in Qinghai People's Hospital in 2012-2016 years. The average annual number of hospitalized cases was 219 / year, and 952 cases met the requirements of this study. 79.41% (756 cases) and 20.59% (196 cases) were cystic and alveolar echinococcosis, and the place of residence was mainly in Yushu and fruit, and 23.21% (221. 19.43% (185 cases), again in Xining, 14.08% (134 cases); the minimum of the patients was 7, the largest was 90 years old, with the majority of the age 31 to 45 years, the majority of the Tibetans, and 70.20% (668 cases); the occupational distribution was visible, the majority of the farmers and herdsmen, accounting for 80.25% (764 cases); the cultural degree was mainly illiterate, accounting for 60.08% (572 cases); the proportion of medical insurance patients was high. % (794 cases); most patients were hospitalized for 10 to 19 days; 51.79% (493 cases) were operated by patients (493 cases), and the cure and improvement rate of 95.94% (473 Cases) hospitalization cost single factor analysis showed that the median of hospitalization costs was 16370.60 yuan in 2012 and 21524.40 in 2016, and there was no significant difference in hospitalization expenses between each year (P0.05), and the analysis showed hospitalization fee. The median Mongolian nationality was 23035.75 yuan, the Tibetan was 17779.25 yuan, the Sarah nationality was only 9907.25 yuan, and the hospitalization expenses of the students and the herdsmen were 20359.10 yuan and 19202.75 yuan, respectively (P0.05), and the hospitalization fees of students and herdsmen were significantly different (x 2= 17.230, P=0.0160.05), and the size of the lesion was in the middle of the hospitalization expense of 10cm. The highest number was 19708.60 yuan, followed by 5 - 10cm 17547.20 yuan. The cost of hospitalization for different lesion sizes was significantly different (x 2=14.556, P=0.0010.05); the median of liver function classification at the median of Child B hospitalization costs was 19317.20 yuan, and the hospitalization expenses of different liver function grades were significantly different (x 2=8.694, P=0.0130.05); patients with complications had complications. The median of hospitalization costs was 26438.40 yuan and 16013.30 yuan higher than those without complications. The hospitalization expenses of the two patients were significantly different (Z=-7.958, P=0.0000.05); the hospitalization expenses of the patients and the non operative patients were 24681.30 yuan, 9556.85 yuan, respectively (Z=-18.533, P=0.0000.05). The cost of hospital was 24771.55 yuan, and the hospitalization expenses of different diseases were significantly different (x 2=291.890, P=0.0000.05). The hospitalization expenses of the patients with echinococcosis and cystic echinococcosis were 35659.40 yuan and 23389.80 yuan respectively, and there were significant differences between the two patients (Z= -5.960, P=0.0000.05); the median of hospitalization expenses was higher than that of the patients. 18219.50 yuan, 15112.25 yuan, medical insurance and self funded echinococcosis patients were in a significant difference (Z=-2.139, P=0.0320.05). The difference of hospitalization expenses of different imaging types of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis patients was not significant (P0.05).3. hospitalization expenses Medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and herbal medicine etc.), inspection expenses, cost of consumables, operation cost and other expenses, 2012-2016 years of hospitalization expenses constitute the cost of Chinese medicine, the cost of inspection and consumables are 39.60%, 28.84%, the influencing factors of the hospitalization expenses of the patients with echinococcosis by 15.05%.4. are many aspects, the results of analysis show that the admission year (X7), the days of hospitalization ( X2), whether surgery (X8), disease transfer (X13), age (X1), complication (X6), liver function Child-Pugh classification (X12) at admission and occupation (X10) are the main factors. The regression equation of the influencing factors of the hospitalization expenses of hydatidosis is: Y=-6438918.766+81.097X1 +1195.768X2-4004.19X6+3198.722X7-4995.644X8-7423.869X10+2999.192X12+1435.96 5X13 (R2=0.52, F=35.35, P=0.0000.05). Conclusion: 1. the population and regional distribution characteristics of echinococcosis in Qinghai province were clearly defined. The constitution of echinococcosis had obvious differences in ethnic, professional, cultural, age, and area. The ethnic group was the most Tibetan, the vocational and pastoral people were the most, the cultural degree was the most illiterate, the age was green and middle age. Most, in the region of Yushu and the largest.2. in the state of fruit in the state of Qinghai, it is clear that the unhealed rate of echinococcosis in Qinghai is high, because the majority of the patients are in the middle and late period of the disease, resulting in low rate of operation, high unhealing rate and poor prognosis of the patients, and the basic condition of the hospitalization expenses of the patients with echinococcosis in Qinghai province is made clear. The main factors affecting the hospitalization cost of echinococcosis patients were.4., inspection fee and cost of consumables, which were hospitalization days, hospitalization years, surgery, disease outcome, complications, age, Child-Pugh classification of liver function and occupation at admission.
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