发布时间:2018-10-09 15:02
【摘要】:背景:结核病严重危害人类健康。据世界卫生组织(WHO)估计,2011年全球新发结核病例870万,有140万人死于结核病。中国是22个结核病高负担国家之一,结核病患者数位居全球第二位。2010年的全国第五次结核病流行病学调查显示,全国15岁及以上人群约有活动性肺结核患者499万,西部地区结核疫情显著高于东部和中部地区,且在20-24岁年龄段出现一结核病发病的小高峰。学校是师生高度集中的场所,一旦发生结核病,如果没有早期发现和控制,很容易在校园内传播流行。近年来各大高校在校生人数不断增加,因生源来自全国各地,且大学生群体流动性大,给高校结核病防控工作带来巨大压力。 目的:分析沙坪坝区(重庆市大学城所在地)2005至2012年登记高校学生结核病患病情况,了解高校学生结核发病特点及防控现状,发现高校结核病防治工作中存在的问题,为下一步制定高校学生结核病防治措施和更好的控制高校结核病疫情提供依据,同时也为其它地区提供可借鉴的经验。 方法:对重庆市沙坪坝区疾病预防控制中心2005至2012年登记的高校学生结核病患者采用定量与定性相结合的方法进行研究:定量调查主要是利用“中国疾病预防控制信息系统”的子系统“结核病管理信息系统”收集高校学生结核患者资料,包括患者一般情况(年龄、性别、民族、所在学校等)、发现方式、主要症状、首发症状时间、首次就诊时间、确诊时间、诊断结果等情况,用SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析;定性研究采用有目的抽样法选取高校学生结核患者、高校结防医务人员及结防专业机构医务人员分别进行个人深入访谈。通过上述方法研究高校学生结核疫情变化,分析大学生结核患病情况,探讨加强高校结核病防治的有效措施。 结果:通过调查研究发现,近年来大学生结核患者登记呈逐年降低趋势,由2005年的144.00/10万降低至2012年的最低值29.47/10万。辖区内几乎所有高校均有大学生结核患者发现及登记。登记的大学生结核患者中男性多于女性,且存在临床症状不典型的情况。转诊是大学生结核患者发现的主要方式,有77.32%的患者来源于转诊。在定性调查中,无一人首选结核定点医疗机构就诊,多数受访大学生患者表示“药房购药”是患病后的首要选择。有33%的大学生患者存在就诊延迟,25.1%的大学生患者存在确诊延迟,患者来源在大学生结核患者确诊延迟中有统计学意义(χ2=55.49,P<0.01),其中确诊延迟在追踪发现的的患者中发生率最高。大学生患者的治疗成功率较高,校医督导访视多以电话访视为主,但存在漏访现象。大学生群体普遍存在结核病防治知识缺乏、患病后心理负担重的现状。 结论:高校学生是结核病防治工作中重点人群。针对高校结核病防治工作中出现的患者发现不足、大学生群体对结核病防治知晓率不高、患者心理负担过大等问题,需采取综合防控措施。加强卫生、教育部门协调,强化结核疫情监测,健全结防网络是高校结核病防治的基础。采用结素试验开展结核筛查,加强大学生在校期间的体检是高校结核病防治的重要手段。创新大学生结核病健康促进形式,做好大学生结核患者的心理疏导和督导管理,,用好用足大学生结核医保政策是高校结核病防治的重要环节。只有这样才能有效控制高校结核病疫情,保障高校学生免受结核侵害。
[Abstract]:Background: Tuberculosis is a serious threat to human health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 8.7 million new tuberculosis cases globally in 2011 and 1.4 million people die from tuberculosis. China is one of 22 high-burden countries with tuberculosis and the number of TB patients is second place in the world. The fifth national tuberculosis epidemiology survey in 2010 showed that there were about 49.9 million patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis among the population aged 15 and over, Tuberculosis in the western region is significantly higher than in the eastern and central regions, and a small peak of tuberculosis occurs at the age of 20-24. School is a highly centralized place for teachers and students, and once tuberculosis occurs, it is easy to spread the epidemic on campus without early detection and control. In recent years, the number of colleges and universities in colleges and universities has increased continuously, because students are from all over the country, and the mobility of college students is large, bringing great pressure to the prevention and control of tuberculosis in colleges and universities. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of tuberculosis in college students from 2005 to 2012 in Shapingba District (Chongqing University Town), to understand the characteristics of tuberculosis in colleges and universities and the status of prevention and control of tuberculosis, and to find out the problems in the prevention and control of tuberculosis in colleges and universities The problem is to provide the basis for the next step to develop the measures for the prevention and cure of tuberculosis in colleges and universities and to better control the epidemic situation of tuberculosis in colleges and universities, and also provide reference for other areas. Methods: The method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the patients with tuberculosis in Shapingba district of Chongqing City from 2005 to 2012 was studied by means of quantitative and qualitative research: the quantitative investigation was mainly used to collect college students' knot by using the 鈥淐hina Disease Prevention and Control Information System鈥
[Abstract]:Background: Tuberculosis is a serious threat to human health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 8.7 million new tuberculosis cases globally in 2011 and 1.4 million people die from tuberculosis. China is one of 22 high-burden countries with tuberculosis and the number of TB patients is second place in the world. The fifth national tuberculosis epidemiology survey in 2010 showed that there were about 49.9 million patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis among the population aged 15 and over, Tuberculosis in the western region is significantly higher than in the eastern and central regions, and a small peak of tuberculosis occurs at the age of 20-24. School is a highly centralized place for teachers and students, and once tuberculosis occurs, it is easy to spread the epidemic on campus without early detection and control. In recent years, the number of colleges and universities in colleges and universities has increased continuously, because students are from all over the country, and the mobility of college students is large, bringing great pressure to the prevention and control of tuberculosis in colleges and universities. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of tuberculosis in college students from 2005 to 2012 in Shapingba District (Chongqing University Town), to understand the characteristics of tuberculosis in colleges and universities and the status of prevention and control of tuberculosis, and to find out the problems in the prevention and control of tuberculosis in colleges and universities The problem is to provide the basis for the next step to develop the measures for the prevention and cure of tuberculosis in colleges and universities and to better control the epidemic situation of tuberculosis in colleges and universities, and also provide reference for other areas. Methods: The method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the patients with tuberculosis in Shapingba district of Chongqing City from 2005 to 2012 was studied by means of quantitative and qualitative research: the quantitative investigation was mainly used to collect college students' knot by using the 鈥淐hina Disease Prevention and Control Information System鈥