[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the infection status of (HCV) in the population of new drugs and traditional drugs, and to provide reference for intervention. Methods using methadone outpatient clinic for maintenance treatment, detention center, drug treatment center and community correction office community detoxification workers as the subjects, 243 and 150 persons were selected by convenient sampling to meet the selection criteria, respectively. To investigate HIV (HIV), syphilis and hepatitis C infection. Results the awareness rates of AIDS knowledge among new drug users and traditional drug users were 80.67% and 91.33%, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P0. 004). The condom use rate of commercial sex partners in the two groups was 27.9% and 25.0.150 cases, respectively. The HIV positive rate was 1 case in the traditional drug group. The infection rate of syphilis was 1.69% and 2.01%, respectively. The infection rate of HCV was 2.07% and 16.67 respectively. The difference of HCV infection rate was statistically significant (P0.01). Conclusion the AIDS knowledge awareness rate of new drug users in this city is lower than that of traditional drug users, and the condom use rate is lower in both groups when commercial sex occurs. Health education and behavioral intervention should be strengthened to reduce the risk of HIV / AIDS syphilis and hepatitis C infection.
【作者单位】: 浙江省桐乡市疾病预防控制中心;
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