[Abstract]:Background: in recent years, brucellosis of the spine shows an obvious upward trend, but the spinal brucellosis lacks the specific diagnostic index, so it is difficult to differentiate the diagnosis. Objective: to analyze retrospectively the characteristics of 16 cases of spinal brucellosis in our hospital, and to observe the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of spinal brucellosis. Methods: 16 cases of spinal brucellosis were collected from January 1999 to September 2015. The history, clinical manifestations, serological, bacteriological, imaging changes, clinical treatment and prognosis of the patients were summarized and analyzed. Results: there were 8 cases of male and female with an average age of 49.25 years. The main complaint was severe low back pain or hip pain, all of them had a history of contact with cattle and sheep. The mean history was 3 months. Laboratory examination showed that erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased rapidly in 14 cases (87.5%), monocyte or monocyte percentage increased in 15 cases (93.75%), CRP increased in all 16 cases and white blood cell count was normal (100%). All the blood cultures were negative, and the positive rate of bacterial culture in biopsy tissues was 50%. Lumbar vertebrae were mainly involved (13 cases, 81.25%). Imaging examination showed that 7 cases (63.6%) had "parrot beak-like" changes in X-ray film and CT, 10 cases (71.4%) showed T2 signal intensity, T _ 1 low signal intensity and hyperintense signal intensity in T _ 1.Nine cases were treated surgically and 7 cases were treated conservatively. The follow-up ranged from 2.5 to 197 months, with an average of 20.22 months. All patients had a good prognosis. Conclusion: spinal brucellosis should be highly suspected when it has the following characteristics: severe low back pain, elevated monocytes, history of contact with cattle and sheep, changes of "parrot beak" in the front edge of X-ray vertebra, T2 signal on MRI, low signal intensity on T1, high signal intensity in pressure image. Serological examination confirmed the diagnosis. In addition to severe spinal cord or nerve compression, conservative treatment can achieve better prognosis.
【作者单位】: 青岛大学医学院附属医院骨科;
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