[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the relationship between risk attitude and high-risk behaviors in men who have sex with men by verifying whether there is a phenomenon of underestimating the risk of HIV infection or the probability of HIV infection among men who have sex with (MSM). Then, from the perspective of behavioral economics, the causes of "separation of knowledge and action" are discussed. Methods A total of 219 MSM, 304 male medical staff and 191 male general population were selected from HIV / AIDS designated hospitals in Shandong Province. The high risk behavior attitude and risk attitude were collected with the questionnaire. AIDS knowledge awareness rate. Results there was no significant correlation between AIDS-related knowledge level and condom use among the three groups of population. The evaluation value of MSM on infection probability was higher than that of doctors (t = 7.42, P 0.05) and general population (t = 2.58, P 0.05), and the difference was statistically significant. The evaluation value of MSM was higher than that of doctors (t = 3.22, P0.05), and the difference was statistically significant. The levels of risk seeking in life and health were higher in MSM (t = 4.93, P 0.05) and doctors (t = 4.06, P 0.05) than in the general population. The difference was statistically significant. MSM condom use was only associated with risk attitude in the field of life and health (R = 0.147, P 0.05). (r = 0.529, P0.01). Conclusion the phenomenon of "separation of knowledge and practice" actually exists. The cause of this phenomenon is related to the assessment of the infection probability and the harm caused by MSM, as well as the risk seeking level in the field of life and health of MSM. It is suggested that the education on the risk of HIV infection and the harm of AIDS should be strengthened.
【作者单位】: 山东省疾病预防控制中心;济南军区总医院;济南市市中区疾病预防控制中心;山东大学预防医学研究院;山东省传染病预防控制重点实验室;
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