发布时间:2018-01-20 05:19
本文关键词: 母猪 仔猪 吉姆瑞 生殖营养素 繁殖性能 出处:《山东农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:为研究“吉姆瑞”系列产品对不同阶段的生产母猪繁殖性能、仔猪健康状况、仔猪生长性能、健康状况和母猪激素含量变化、初乳生化指标的影响,并为提升规模化猪场的养殖效益提供客观科学依据。本研究同步开展三个试验:试验一:选择达到7.5月龄、体重约115kg且体况相近的不发情或发情异常的大白后备母猪40头,随机将其分成2组,每组20头,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组是在基础日粮中每天每头添加一剂“吉姆瑞1号”,连续拌料饲喂1周,跟踪测定两组后备母猪的配种性能以及后续初产母猪的繁殖性能。试验二:选择2~3胎次、体重、体况相近的断奶后不发情或屡配不孕的经产大白母猪60头,随机分成吉姆瑞2号组、PG600激素组,每组30头,对照组选择胎次、体重、体况相近的正常经产母猪30头,对照组饲喂基础饲粮,吉姆瑞2号组每天每头添加1剂“吉姆瑞2号”,连续拌料饲喂1周;PG600激素组于试验开始的第1天每头母猪注射1剂PG600,跟踪测定各组经产母猪的配种性能以及后续繁殖性能。试验三:选择4~5胎次、体形体况相近、以往生产记录基本一致的正常经产大白母猪60头,随机分成试验组和对照组,每组30头。2组采用相同的基础日粮,试验组母猪配种期连续7天添加“吉姆瑞2号”,妊娠期连续添加“吉姆瑞3号”,泌乳期连续添加“吉姆瑞4号”,跟踪测定两组母猪的繁殖性能及其血液激素和初乳成分的变化。研究结果表明:试验一:1、后备母猪发情配种性能方面:试验组在7天内和14天内发情率分别比对照组高11.60和28.33个百分点,返情率比对照组低16.67个百分点,受胎率比对照组高21.60个百分点(P0.05)。2、后续初产母猪繁殖性能方面:试验组与对照组相比,在总产仔数、活产仔数、产弱仔数、出生窝重、21日龄断乳窝重和成活率、28日龄转群窝重和成活率等繁殖性能均无显著差异(P0.05)。试验二:3、异常经产母猪发情配种性能方面,吉姆瑞2号组在7 d内发情率比PG600组低53.34个百分点(P0.05),14 d内发情率、返情率以及总受胎率分别低20.00、8.21和10.00个百分点(P0.05),吉姆瑞2号组、PG600激素组母猪的受胎率均不如正常经产母猪对照组(P0.05);4、后续繁殖性能方面,吉姆瑞2号组母猪窝均产活仔数、初生窝重、21日龄断奶和28日龄转群窝重及成活率均略高于PG600组,但3组母猪的后续各项繁殖性状均无显著差异(P0.05)。试验三:试验组母猪在14 d内发情率和总受胎率比对照组分别提高9.43和9.31个百分点(P0.05);试验组母猪的后续繁殖性能也有不同程度的提高,尤其是21日龄窝重(泌乳力)和28日龄窝重分别比对照组提高了17.59%和19.26%(P0.05);试验组哺乳仔猪的腹泻指数下降了18.18%(P0.05),皮毛发育状况评分提高了5.44%(P0.05)。研究表明:试验母猪配种期饲喂“吉姆瑞”后的6~12 h血清雌激素水平显著提高、孕酮水平显著降低(P0.05);泌乳母猪初乳中的乳脂和蛋白质含量分别提高了57.47%和16.48%(P0.05)。试验表明:“吉姆瑞”对于治疗发情异常的后备母猪、经产母猪效果明显,对于正常经产母猪的生殖保健方面,可有效预防高胎次母猪出现发情障碍的出现,提高母猪繁殖性能、再繁殖性能、改善母猪泌乳力、仔猪的日增重及健康状况,改善猪群健康。
[Abstract]:In order to study "Jimurui" series of products on reproductive performance in different stages of the production of sows, piglets growth performance, health status, health status and changes of hormone content of sows, effect of colostrum and biochemical indicators, and provide scientific basis for the objective to enhance the scale of pig breeding efficiency. The three test carried out simultaneously in this study: test one: select at 7.5 months old, weighing about 115KG and the similar body condition not estrus or abnormal estrus in large white gilts and 40 heads, and were randomly divided into 2 groups, 20 pigs in each group, the control group was fed basal diet, the test group is every day in the basic diet added per head a "Jimurui No. 1". Continuous mixing feeding for 1 weeks following mating performance were measured in two groups of gilts and subsequent reproductive performance of primiparous sows. Experiment two: 2~3 parity, body weight, body condition similar to postweaning estrus or not sterility in Large White Sows 6 0 pigs were randomly divided into 2 groups Jimurui, PG600 hormone group, 30 pigs in each group, the control group selection of parity, body weight, body condition is similar to the normal sows 30, the control group was fed a basal diet, Jimurui No. 2 group every day, adding 1 head agent "Jimurui No. 2", continuous mixing feeding for 1 weeks; first days to start the PG600 hormone group test per sow 1 doses of PG600, tracking the breeding performance was measured and the subsequent reproductive performance of multiparous sows. Experiment three: 4~5 parity, body body condition is similar to that of normal multiparous Large White Sows production records consistent 60, were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. Each of the 30 head group.2 with the same basal diet, test group sows breeding period for 7 consecutive days to add "Jimurui No. 2", add "Jimurui consecutive pregnancy lactation No. 3", add "Jimurui No. 4" continuous tracking, reproduction and performance test of two groups of female pigs Changes of serum hormone and colostrum composition. The results show that: the test: 1, sow oestrus performance: in the experimental group, 7 days and 14 days respectively, the oestrus rate higher than the control group 11.60 and 28.33 percentage points, return rate of 16.67 percentage points lower than the control group, the pregnancy rate is higher than the control group 21.60 percentage points (P0.05).2, the subsequent reproductive performance of gilts: compared to the experimental group and the control group, the total number of piglets born alive litter size, birth weak litters, litter birth weight, 21 day old weaned litter weight and survival rate of 28 days of age to group litter weight and survival rate were not significant the difference of breeding performance (P0.05). Experiment two: 3, abnormal sows estrus performance, Jimurui No. 2 group within 7 d estrus rate was 53.34 percentage points lower than the PG600 group (P0.05), 14 d in the oestrus rate, return rate and total fertility rate were low (P0.05 20.00,8.21 and 10 percentage points Jimurui), No. 2 group, PG6 00 hormone group sows conception rate of sows were as normal control group (P0.05); 4, the subsequent reproductive performance of sows, Jimurui No. 2, the number of live births, birth weight, weaning at 21 days and 28 days of age group to litter weight and survival rate were slightly higher than the PG600 group, but breeding the following 3 traits group sows showed no significant difference (P0.05). Experiment three: test group sows estrus rate within 14 d and the total pregnancy rate than the control group were increased by 9.43 and 9.31 percentage points (P0.05); the subsequent reproductive performance of sows in experimental group have different degrees of increase, especially at the age of 21 days litter weight (lactation) and litter weight at 28 days respectively than the control group increased by 17.59% and 19.26% (P0.05); diarrhea index of piglets in experimental group decreased by 18.18% (P0.05), the score increased 5.44% fur growth (P0.05). The study shows that the breeding sows fed Jimurui test period after 6~12 serum H Estrogen levels increased significantly, progesterone levels were significantly lower (P0.05); milk fat and protein content in colostrum of lactating sows were increased by 57.47% and 16.48% (P0.05). Experiments show that: "Jimurui" for the treatment of abnormal estrus in gilts and sows significantly, for reproductive health care of normal sows, can effectively prevent the high there appeared disorder parity sow estrus, improve the reproductive performance of sows, and then improve the reproductive performance of lactating sows, piglets, weight gain and health status, improve herd health.
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