本文关键词: 文鸟 鸽子 四种主要寄生虫 衣原体 流行病学调查 基因分型 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:观赏鸟在我国的饲育已经有了三千多年的历史,它们丰富了人们的生活,增强了社会交往。伴随着人们生活水平的不断提高,观赏鸟的社会需求量也在不断增加。但是寄生虫和衣原体感染常常影响鸟类健康,导致鸟类发病甚至死亡。刚地弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii)是一类严格细胞内寄生性原虫,可以感染大多数温血动物(包括鸟类)。全世界大约有三分之一的人感染弓形虫,人是弓形虫的中间宿主,可以通过摄食没有煮熟的动物肉和被弓形虫卵囊污染的食物和水感染弓形虫。隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium)是一种重要的人兽共患原虫,几乎可以感染所有脊椎动物。隐孢子虫可以导致哺乳动物(人)腹泻病和鸟类的呼吸道疾病。禽隐孢子虫首次由Tyzzer在鸟类中检测到,全世界已知有30多种禽类可以感染隐孢子虫。微孢子虫病是一种在动物和人群中常见的疾病。毕氏肠微孢子虫(Enterocytozoon bieneusi)是人群中常见的孢子虫属的虫种,许多动物都可以成为毕氏肠微孢子虫感染的潜在感染对象。蓝氏贾第虫宿主广泛,可感染人、畜禽和多种野生/圈养珍稀动物。衣原体(Chlamydia)是一类严格寄生在真核细胞内的原核细胞微生物,可以引起人和多种动物的一系列病症,如呼吸困难、高热等。本论文采用改良凝集试验(MAT),检测了来自北京和商丘的350份文鸟(白文鸟225只,灰文鸟125只)弓形虫血清抗体。结果显示:弓形虫血清抗体阳性率为34.28%(120/311)。其中225只白文鸟中有31只(13.7%)检测为阳性,灰文鸟的阳性率为47.2%(59/125)。物种和性别的差异是弓形虫感染的风险因素。采用PCR法,分别检测上述350份文鸟粪便以及399份鸽子粪便的隐孢子虫、微孢子虫及贾第虫的感染情况。结果表明:文鸟隐孢子阳性率为13.42%(47/350);白文鸟的阳性率为16.44%(37/225),灰文鸟为8.00%(10/125)。来自北京的文鸟的阳性率为9.82%(16/163),商丘的为16.58%(31/187)。雌性和雄性的阳性率分别为40.63%(26/64)和7.34%(21/286)。不同年龄的文鸟的感染率的范围为10.47%~16.33%。SSUrRNA基因的序列分析显示,所有感染的隐孢子虫为贝氏隐孢子虫。鸽子中未检测到隐孢子虫。文鸟及鸽子粪便的微孢子虫及贾第虫感染均为阴性。采用间接血凝试验(IHA),对上述文鸟进行了衣原体感染情况调查。采用PCR法检测文鸟和鸽子粪便样本。结果表明:文鸟衣原体血清抗体阳性率为13.14%(46/350)。不同地区、品种和年龄阳性率差异不显著(P0.05);鸽子衣原体阳性率为5.01%(20/399),长春市为3.19%,吉林市为9.40%。外膜蛋白A(ompA)基因的序列分析显示,所感染的衣原体基因型均为鹦鹉热衣原体B型。本研究对我国部分地区文鸟和鸽子的弓形虫、隐孢子虫、微孢子虫、贾第虫及衣原体的感染情况进行了血清流行病学调查或粪样PCR检测及基因型鉴定,所获数据为这些动物疾病的进一步深入研究奠定了基础。
[Abstract]:Ornamental birds in China has a history of more than 3,000 years, they enrich people's lives, enhance social interaction, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards. Social demand for bird watching is also increasing, but parasites and chlamydia infections often affect bird health. Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasma gondii) is a strict parasitic protozoa. It can infect most warm-blooded animals (including birds). About 1/3 people worldwide are infected with Toxoplasma gondii, and humans are intermediate hosts of Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma gondii can be infected by ingestion of uncooked animal meat and food and water contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. Cryptosporidium (Cryptosporidium) is an important zoonotic protozoa. Cryptosporidium can infect almost all vertebrates. Cryptosporidium can cause diarrhoeal diseases in mammals (humans) and respiratory diseases in birds. Cryptosporidium has been detected in birds for the first time by Tyzzer. More than 30 birds are known to infect Cryptosporidium worldwide. Microsporidiosis is a common disease in animals and people. Enterocytozoon bieneusii is a common species of sporidium in the population. Many animals can become potential targets for microsporidium infection. Giardia lamblia has a wide range of hosts and can infect humans. Chlamydia chlamydia (Chlamydia) is a class of prokaryotic microbes that are strictly parasitic in eukaryotic cells and can cause a series of diseases in humans and many animals. For example, dyspnea, high fever and so on. In this paper, 350 birds (225 white birds) from Beijing and Shangqiu were detected by modified agglutination test. Serum antibodies of Toxoplasma gondii. The results showed that the positive rate of serum antibodies of Toxoplasma gondii was 34.28 / 320 / 3110.31 out of 225 white birds were infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Tested positive. The positive rate of Toxoplasma gondii was 47.2%. The difference between species and sex was the risk factor of Toxoplasma gondii infection. PCR method was used. Cryptosporidium was detected in 350 samples of the birds and 399 samples of pigeon droppings. The results showed that the positive rate of Cryptosporidium was 13.42% and the positive rate of Cryptosporidium was 13.42%. The positive rate of the white bird was 16.44%, and that of the grey bird was 8.00%. The positive rate of the bird from Beijing was 9.82% and the positive rate was 9.82%. The positive rates of female and male were 40.63 / 2664 and 7.3421 / 286respectively. The range of infection rate was 10.47% 16.33% SSUrRNA gene sequence analysis showed. All the infected Cryptosporidium were Cryptosporidium bergii. No Cryptosporidium was detected in pigeons. The microsporidium and Giardia infection in the droppings of the birds and pigeons were negative. Indirect hemagglutination test was used. Chlamydia infection was investigated by PCR method. The results showed that the positive rate of chlamydia seroantibody was 13.1446 / 350). Different regions. There was no significant difference in the positive rate of variety and age (P0.05). The positive rate of chlamydia pigeon was 5.01%, 3.19% in Changchun and 9.40% in Jilin city. The sequence analysis of outer membrane protein AompA gene showed that the positive rate of chlamydia pigeon was 5.01%, 3.19% in Changchun and 9.40% in Jilin city. The genotypes of chlamydia psittaci were all B type of chlamydia psittaci. In this study, Toxoplasma gondii, Cryptosporidium and microsporidium were studied in some areas of China. Seroepidemiological investigation, fecal PCR detection and genotyping of Giardia lamblia and chlamydia were carried out, which laid a foundation for further study of these animal diseases.
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