发布时间:2018-02-09 12:26
本文关键词: 病死猪 处理方式 差异比较 影响因素 出处:《湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:基于1 167个样本数据对农户病死猪无害化处理行为及其影响因素的实证结果表明:农户病死猪处理方式主要有无害化处理、无处理弃尸、销售或食用三种;农民文化程度、收入水平、养殖规模、有无集中处理场设施、政府处理技术与补贴政策是否有效及县、乡(镇)政府动物防疫与监督机构人数对其无害化处理行为具有正向影响,农民年龄、村户均养殖头数、无害化处理成本、病死猪收购价格及当地乡(镇)卫生防疫站密度有负向影响;无害化处理成本和当地乡(镇)卫生防疫站密度等对散养农户及小规模养殖户病死猪无害化处理行为有负向影响,散养户户主年龄和收入水平有显著负向影响,村户均养殖头数对小规模和中规模养殖农户具有显著负向影响;集中处理场设施和政府处理技术与补贴政策正向影响中等养殖规模农户和大规模养殖农户,对其他规模农户影响不显著;养殖规模及病死猪收购价格对大规模养殖农户具有显著正向影响,对其他养殖规模农户影响不显著。
[Abstract]:Based on the data of 1,167 samples, the results show that there are three kinds of treatment methods: harmless treatment, disposal, sale or consumption, and farmers' educational level. Income level, scale of breeding, availability of centralized treatment facilities, effectiveness of government treatment technology and subsidy policy, and county, the number of township (town) government animal epidemic prevention and supervision agencies have a positive impact on their harmless handling behavior, farmers' age, The number of farming heads, the cost of innocuous treatment, the purchase price of sick and dead pigs and the density of local township (town) sanitary and epidemic prevention station had negative effects. The cost of innocuous treatment and the density of local township (town) sanitary and epidemic prevention stations have negative effects on the harmless treatment of sick and dead pigs among scattered farmers and small-scale farmers, and the age and income level of the heads of household of scattered farmers have significant negative effects. The number of village households has a significant negative impact on small-scale and medium-scale farmers, and centralized treatment facilities and government treatment technology and subsidy policies have a positive impact on medium-scale farmers and large-scale farmers. The scale of breeding and the purchase price of sick and dead pigs had a significant positive effect on large-scale farmers, but not on other scale farmers.
【作者单位】: 中国农业大学经济管理学院;
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