发布时间:2018-02-24 15:15
本文关键词: 长角血蜱 吕氏泰勒虫 蜱媒疾病 流行病学 出处:《山东农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:蜱是专性吸血节肢动物,是许多动物的临时专性体表寄生虫,分布遍及全球,包括硬蜱科、软蜱科及纳蜱科三科,其中以硬蜱种类最多。蜱不仅刺吸宿主,吸食血液,对人畜造成很大危害;而且可传播多种人、畜疾病及人畜共患病,给人类健康和畜牧业发展带来极大危害。各类病原体不但能在蜱虫体内发育,还能在其体内长期存活并保持其感染力。在疾病的传播过程中,蜱的生态学和生物学特性共同决定了蜱与蜱传疾病的流行特点,同时也为制定蜱类综合防治对策和蜱传疾病的预防提供了科学依据,因此对其生物学特性进行研究具有非常重要的兽医学及流行病学意义。本研究以寄生于放牧沂蒙黑山羊体表的蜱虫为研究对象,在山东省泰山山区对寄生蜱虫的种类、阶段的季节动态、宿主体表分布、携带病原等生态学规律进行系统研究。研究结果对于阐明寄生蜱虫的生态学规律,研究蜱媒流行病学及蜱虫防制具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值,并为后续开展更深入的研究打下基础。主要结果如下:1.蜱虫的鉴定经形态学及分子学鉴定,确定寄生蜱虫均为长角血蜱(Haemaphysalis longicornis)。2.蜱虫季节动态的调查研究中采用触诊和视诊检查法,调查羊群蜱虫感染率。结果显示,在3月份蜱虫开始在宿主体表出现时的感染率为40%,4至9月份宿主体表蜱虫感染率均为100%,10月份宿主蜱虫感染率为60%,之后逐渐消失。采用宿主体表调查法,对寄生阶段长角血蜱的季节动态进行调查。以调查数据为准,对寄生阶段长角血蜱的季节动态进行统计分析。结果显示,长角血蜱在每年3月中旬开始活动,寄生于宿主体表,10月中旬蜱虫开始在宿主体表大幅减少,11月中旬消失,3个虫态的世代发生重叠现象。其中幼蜱在8月上旬开始活动,9月中旬达到高峰,11月中旬消失;若蜱在3月上旬开始活动,5月中旬达到高峰,7月份从宿主体表消失,8月中旬重新出现,11月中旬再次消失;雌蜱在3月上旬至8月下旬都有活动,其季节高峰在7月,9月份雌虫从宿主体表消失;雄蜱在3月上旬至11月上旬都有活动,11月中旬从宿主体表消失。成蜱雌雄性比为2.9:1。3.蜱虫的分布及寄生密度研究中将羊体表分为耳部、头部、背部、腹股沟部、尾臀部和四肢部六个区域,对蜱虫各发育阶段在宿主体表的寄生部位及不同部位寄生比例的调查结果显示,蜱虫的寄生部位主要有耳部、头部、腹部等,耳部所占比例最大,且寄生数量最大,可达1400只,头部次之,为600只。4.蜱虫的鉴定及携带病原的调查对长角血蜱携带病原的情况进行调查,未检测到贝氏柯克斯体、粒细胞无形体、查菲埃立克体和伯氏疏螺旋体,但长角血蜱感染吕氏泰勒虫,且各月份感染率不同,具有一定季节性。
[Abstract]:Ticks are specialized blood sucking arthropods and temporary specific surface parasites of many animals. They are distributed all over the world, including the three families of Ixodes, Mollusca and Naaphysalidae, among which the most species are Ixodes. Ticks not only prick the host, but also feed on the blood. It can spread many kinds of diseases and zoonosis, and bring great harm to human health and animal husbandry development. All kinds of pathogens can not only develop in ticks but also in ticks. In the course of disease transmission, the ecological and biological characteristics of ticks jointly determine the epidemic characteristics of ticks and tick-borne diseases. At the same time, it also provides a scientific basis for the formulation of comprehensive control strategies for ticks and the prevention of tick-borne diseases. Therefore, it is very important to study its biological characteristics in veterinary medicine and epidemiology. In this study, the species of parasitic ticks of Yimeng black goat were studied in the mountain area of Mount Taishan, Shandong Province, which were parasitic on the body surface of Yimeng black goat. The seasonal dynamics of the stage, the distribution of host body surface and the ecological laws of carrying pathogens were systematically studied. The results were useful to clarify the ecological laws of parasitic ticks. The study of tick epidemiology and ticks control has important theoretical significance and practical application value, and lays the foundation for further research. The main results are as follows: 1. The identification of ticks has been identified by morphology and molecular analysis. It was determined that all parasitic ticks were Haemaphysalis longicornis.2.In the investigation of the seasonal dynamics of tick, palpation and inspection were used to investigate the infection rate of sheep ticks. In March, the infection rate of tick on the host surface was 40% and 100% from September to September. The infection rate of host tick was 60% in October, and then disappeared gradually. The seasonal dynamics of Haemaphysalis longicornis in parasitic stage were investigated. Based on the survey data, the seasonal dynamics of Haemaphysalis longicornis in parasitic stage were statistically analyzed. The results showed that Haemaphysalis longicornis began to be active on middle of March of each year. Parasitic to the host surface, in middle of October, the tick began to decrease in the host surface, disappeared in middle of November, the three species of generation overlap phenomenon occurred. The juvenile tick began to active on early August, reached the peak in early August, disappeared in early August; If the ticks began to active on early March, peaked in middle of May, disappeared from the host surface in July, reappeared on middle of August, and disappeared again in middle of August, females were active from #date鈪,