本文选题:传感器 切入点:监测 出处:《农业工程学报》2017年20期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Animal information mainly includes animal health information, behavior information and emotional information. In livestock farming, accurate and efficient monitoring of livestock and poultry information helps to analyze the physiological, health and welfare conditions of animals, and to find sick or abnormal individuals in time. In order to reduce economic losses and protect animal welfare, at present, animal breeding mainly relies on artificial observation to obtain animal and poultry information, which has strong subjectivity and low accuracy. Or in the course of feeding, some monitoring methods are used to implant the device into the animal body or to operate on the animal, which results in the animal stress reaction and impairs the animal welfare. Non-destructive monitoring technology can effectively reduce the manpower. Reduce the impact of observers on animals, reduce damage and stress to animals during surveillance, and improve animal welfare. Non-destructive monitoring technology of livestock and poultry information is also developing continuously. The research and application status of sensor monitoring, image monitoring and sound monitoring in obtaining animal and poultry information in livestock and poultry breeding are described in this paper. The advantages and disadvantages of the three nondestructive monitoring techniques are analyzed. The sensor monitoring technology is more mature and more widely used than the other two technologies. It can be used to monitor animal diet, behavior posture and so on, but it is suitable for animals to wear. The sensor node technology, which can work efficiently for a long time, needs to be broken through. Image monitoring technology can analyze animal images by using foreground extraction, pattern recognition and so on, which can be used for animal behavior recognition, quality estimation and so on. But at present, the algorithm is not mature and the device is greatly disturbed by the environment, so its application is limited. The sound monitoring technology starts late, is limited by the influence of environmental noise, and the recognition accuracy rate is low, but in animal behavior monitoring, Disease early warning, emotion recognition, diet monitoring and other aspects have good application prospects. The article also looks forward to the future development trend of livestock and poultry information nondestructive monitoring technology with precision, high efficiency, intelligence and economy.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院;
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