本文选题:牧草压捆机 + 压缩 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Compression is the main link in the market circulation of grass resources, and the three dimensional stress in compressing chamber is the main basis for the design of the structure and size of the baler. In this paper, 9KG-350 type hydraulic high density baler was used as the experimental device, with 17% water content of Leymus chinensis as the test material, and the grass sheet formed by one time feeding compression was used as the research unit. The film pressure sensor and the supporting data acquisition system are used to collect the data. The effect of the cross section size and feed rate of the compressing chamber on the three dimensional stress of the compressing chamber was studied. By changing the size of the compression chamber section and the feeding rate, the variation law of the three-dimensional stress and the relationship between the three dimensional stress of the compression chamber are studied. The results show that the three dimensional stress of compressing chamber changes with time exponentially during compression, and the change of cross section size and feed rate of compressing chamber only affects the stress value. There is no obvious effect on the variation of the stress in the whole process of compression. The study of the three dimensional stress relationship in the first compression process and the variation law of the three dimensional stress in the whole compression process under different cross section sizes and feeding quantities can provide an effective theoretical basis for the structural design and production efficiency of the forage baler.
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