本文选题:巴马香猪 + 皮肤厚度 ; 参考:《中国农业科学》2016年16期
[Abstract]:[Objective] to determine the skin thickness of 9 typical parts of the body of Bama Xiang pig in Chinese local miniature pig, to reveal the skin thickness variation in different parts of Bama Xiang pig and to analyze the correlation between the skin thickness of 9 parts and the candidate SNPs loci, and to verify the main effect of the main effect QTL of chromosome 7 on the skin thickness in Bama Xiang pig population. In addition, the molecular genetic control mechanism and related gene function of the skin thickness changes in Bama pig population are further established, thus enhancing people's cognition of pig skin. [Methods] 50 heads, including 27 mothers, were randomly selected from a adult slaughterhouse composed of 319 Bama pigs and 300 days old. Pigs and 23 castrated boars, respectively, take the skin of 9 parts of the head, shoulder, back, shoulder, back, hip, chest, lower abdomen, axillary and tube, and use the electronic vernier caliper to measure the skin thickness of these different parts accurately, and use the basic statistics package of R language to analyze the difference of skin thickness between different parts and different sexes and the skin thickness between different parts. Correlation analysis of degree. 46 SNPs loci were selected in the region of 34.5-36.2Mb of chromosome 7 of the pig. MassARRAY time flight mass spectrometry was used to genotyping, combined with the skin thickness phenotype measured above, the association analysis of the target candidate region was carried out by the generalized mixed linear model and the R language SNPassoc software package. The possible location candidate genes were determined by the biological function. [results] (1) one factor variance analysis showed that the skin thickness of the 9 parts of Bama Xiang pig was very significant (P=2.95 x 10~ (-117)). The skin was the thickest, (5.15 + 0.92) and (4.97 + 0.85) mm respectively, and the skin of lower abdomen and underarm was the thinnest, respectively (1.77 + 0.36). And (1.97 + 0.68) mm. skin thickness from thick to thin in turn, back, shoulder, head, face, hip, tube, chest, axillary and lower abdomen. (2) the thickness of axillary skin in castration boars was significantly smaller than sow (P=0.021), and the skin thickness of other parts was not significant between sows and castrated male pigs. (3) the thickness of the lower abdomen and the back, shoulder, head, and head were not significant. The skin thickness of 22 different parts of the Bama pig was significantly or significantly positively correlated with 22 of the different parts of the Bama Xiang pig. (4) the correlation analysis showed that the skin thickness phenotypes of the 9 different parts were closely related to some of the SNPs in the candidate regions, from the strong to the weak, in turn, in the shoulder, back, and under the armpit. Hip, chest, head, face, tube and lower abdomen. Thus, it was confirmed that the 7 main QTL. (5) of the Bama Xiang pig population affected the thickness of the skin of the pig (5), 3 of the strongest association with the thickness of the skin deserve further attention, located at 3485656535543837 and 35573869 of chromosome 7, respectively. Skin thickness and SNP (chr7:34856565). The strongest association (P_ (COR) =5.15 x 10~ (-6)) is the most associated site of the skin thickness of the shoulder (P_ (COR) =5.75 x 10~ (-6)), the most associated site of the skin thickness in the buttocks, and the skin thickness of the shoulder. The most associated site.SNP (chr7:35573869) is the most associated site of the skin thickness of the back (P_ (COR) =1.17 * 10~ (-5)), SNPs (chr7:35543837 and chr7:34856565). (6) according to the gene and the biological function of the strongest association SNPs gene and gene, it is preliminarily presumed that ANKS1A and genes may be candidate causal genes affecting the thickness of the skin. The skin thickness of Bama Xiang pig was measured in a small local pig breed in China, and the changes in the skin thickness of Bama Xiang pig were revealed in different parts. The main effect QTL loci of chromosome 7, the skin thickness of the back and shoulder, and the candidate SNPs loci of the skin thickness of the Bama Xiang pig population were verified in the Bama pig population. More relevant, it may be suitable for the next large-scale in-depth analysis of the.ANKS1A and HMGA1 genes may be candidate causal genes affecting the skin thickness, but further biological functional tests are required.
【作者单位】: 江西农业大学省部共建猪遗传改良与养殖技术国家重点实验室;
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