鲎素抗菌肽对海兰褐蛋鸡产蛋后期蛋品质及子宫CaBP-D28k mRNA表达量影响的研究
本文选题:抗菌肽 + 海兰褐蛋鸡 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:本试验采用单因子设计方案。随机选取480只健康、产蛋率相近的380日龄海兰褐蛋鸡,随机分成2组,每组内设3个重复,每个重复80只鸡。其中对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮中添加0.01L/kg鲎素抗菌肽。预饲期7 d,试验期35 d。本研究通过比较两个处理组蛋鸡的生产性能、血液生化指标、蛋品质及蛋壳超微结构,探究鲎素抗菌肽对海兰褐蛋鸡产蛋后期的生产性能及蛋品质的影响。在此基础上,应用RT-PCR技术,检测海兰褐蛋鸡子宫组织Ca BP-D28k m RNA的表达水平,进一步研究鲎素抗菌肽对蛋品质影响的分子作用机制。该研究对改善海兰褐蛋鸡蛋壳品质具有一定的理论意义。假设该试验结果能在养鸡业乃至家禽业生产中推广应用,对降低鸡蛋破损率,提高养鸡经济效益具有十分重要的实际意义。试验结果如下:1.生产性能:与对照组比较,试验组产蛋率显著提高9.09%(P0.05),平均蛋重显著增加6.25%(P0.05)。试验组较对照组料蛋比降低4.02%,破蛋率降低13.08%,差异不显著(P0.05)。2.血清生化指标:与对照组相比,试验组总胆固醇显著提高45.85%(P0.05),血钙显著提高21.59%(P0.05)。总蛋白提高2.81%,血磷提高21.93%,血糖降低11.35%,差异不显著(P0.05)。3.蛋品质指标:与对照组比较,试验组蛋壳强度显著增加15.19%(P0.05)。试验组较对照组蛋壳厚度增加0.55%,蛋壳颜色增加2.86%,蛋壳相对重增加6.91%,哈氏单位增加5.44%,差异不显著(P0.05)。4.蛋壳超微结构:与对照组相比,试验组蛋壳的表面角质层皴裂纹少且裂隙小,试验组蛋壳的垂直晶体层及栅栏层结构平整、致密,栅栏层气孔少,乳头个体大且突出,乳头数目较少。5.Ca BP-D28K基因表达水平:与对照组相比,试验组蛋鸡子宫组织Ca BP-D28k m RNA的表达水平极显著提高(P=0.01)。结论:1.鲎素抗菌肽显著提高了海兰褐蛋鸡产蛋后期的蛋重、产蛋率,并在一定程度上降低了破蛋率,提高了海兰褐蛋鸡的生产性能。2.鲎素抗菌肽显著提高血清总胆固醇及血钙的水平。3.鲎素抗菌肽显著提高了海兰褐蛋鸡产蛋后期的蛋壳强度,并在一定程度上增加了蛋壳厚度,加深了蛋壳颜色、提高了蛋壳相对重和哈氏单位。4.鲎素抗菌肽减少蛋壳表面皴裂纹数量,降低裂隙之间的距离,并且蛋壳的均匀性较好,致密度增加。纵切面乳突颗粒数较少且乳头个体较大。5.鲎素抗菌肽极显著提高了海兰褐蛋鸡产蛋后期子宫组织Ca BP-D28k m RNA的表达水平。
[Abstract]:A single factor design scheme was used in this experiment. 480 healthy and 380 day old hens with similar laying rate were randomly divided into 2 groups. There were 3 repetitions in each group, and 80 chickens were repeated in each group. The control group was fed with basal diet. The experimental group added 0.01L/kg Limulus antibacterial peptide in the basal diet. The pre feeding period was 7 d, and the test period 35 D. passed through the study. The effects of the production performance, blood biochemical indexes, egg quality and eggshell ultrastructure of two treated groups were compared, and the effect of lysate antibacterial peptide on the production performance and egg quality in the later period of laying hens was investigated. On this basis, the expression level of Ca BP-D28k m RNA in the uterine tissue of hens was detected by RT-PCR technology, and the limulus lysate was further studied. The molecular mechanism of the effect of antibiotic peptide on egg quality. This study has a certain theoretical significance to improve the quality of eggshell egg shell. It is assumed that the test results can be applied in the poultry industry and poultry production. It has very important practical significance for reducing the egg breakage rate and raising the economic benefit of the chicken. The experimental results are as follows. 1. production performance: compared with the control group, the egg production rate of the experimental group was significantly increased by 9.09% (P0.05), the average egg weight was significantly increased by 6.25% (P0.05). Compared with the control group, the egg ratio of the experimental group decreased by 4.02%, the egg breaking rate was 13.08%, and the difference was not significant (P0.05).2. serum biochemical index: compared with the control group, the total cholesterol was significantly increased by 45.85% (P0.05), and the blood calcium showed a significant difference. The total protein increased by 21.59% (P0.05), the total protein increased by 2.81%, the blood phosphorus increased by 21.93%, the blood sugar decreased by 11.35%, the difference was not significant (P0.05).3. egg quality index: compared with the control group, the egg shell strength of the experimental group increased by 15.19% (P0.05). The experimental group increased the eggshell thickness by 0.55%, the eggshell color increased 2.86%, the eggshell relative weight increase 6.91%, hastelis unit. Increased 5.44%, the difference was not significant (P0.05).4. eggshell ultrastructure: compared with the control group, the surface cuticle cracks of the experimental group were less and the cracks were small. The vertical crystal layer and palisade layer structure of the experimental group were flat, dense, the stomata of the palisade layer were few, the nipple individuals were large and prominent, and the number of nipple was less.5.Ca BP-D28K gene expression level: and pairs of pairs. Compared with the experimental group, the expression level of Ca BP-D28k m RNA in the uterus tissue of the experimental group was greatly improved (P=0.01). Conclusion: 1. Limulus antibacterial peptide significantly improved the egg weight, the egg production rate, and reduced the egg breaking rate to a certain extent, and improved the production performance of the hens by.2.. The level of.3. in cholesterol and blood calcium significantly increased the shell strength in the later period of laying hens, and to a certain extent increased the thickness of the eggshell, deepened the color of the shell, improved the relative weight of the shell and the.4. limulus lysate, reduced the number of chapped lines on the surface of the eggshell, and reduced the distance between the cracks, and the eggshell. The homogeneity was better and the density increased. The number of mastoid granules in the longitudinal section was less and the large.5. Limulus antiseptic peptide significantly improved the expression level of Ca BP-D28k m RNA in the later period of the egg production of hens.
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