[Abstract]:The high death rate of Newcastle disease (ND) is still a major harm to the breeding industry in the world. With the policy of vaccine immunization in developing countries, the vaccine is widely used and the epidemic of Newcastle disease is controlled to some extent, but the trend of the epidemic is changing: the change of the epidemic gene and the host range Not only expanded, and atypical Newcastle disease was becoming more and more common. The molecular epidemiology of Newcastle disease was studied, and its epidemic characteristics and local transmission of Newcastle disease virus were significant. In order to solve the infection distribution of Newcastle disease in the Dongting Lake area, this paper sampled the new town blight of the poultry farm in the Dongting Lake area for 2013-2014 years. 51 strains of Newcastle disease virus were isolated with chicken embryo isolation and serological identification, of which 34 strains of chicken, 2 ducks and 15 environment. 16 strains of F and HN genes were selected at different time, different locations and host. The F gene and HN gene fragments were amplified by R, and the amplified products were cloned in PMD18-T Easy Vector vector and were sequenced, and Gen The reference sequence published in bank was compared with the genetic evolution analysis. The results showed that 1 NDV isolates belonged to Class II type II, the amino acid sequence of the F protein cracking site was 112GRQGRL117, and the other 15 were Class I gene 3, the amino acid sequence of F protein cracking site was I12ERQERL117 and Class I was separated. The homology of F protein between 97.8% and more HN proteins was more than 98.2%, and the genetic relationship with the reference strain of Jilin wild bird virus strain J36/13. 48 strains of NDV (34 strains of chicken source virus, 4 duck source virus, 1 pigeon source virus, 9 isolated self environmental samples) and genetic evolution were isolated from the live bird market in the surrounding area of Dongting Lake. Analysis, the results are divided into Class I and Class II two categories, of which 41 strains of Class I, accounting for 3.66% of the sample separation rate, accounting for 85.42% of the total separation rate, are all gene 3, and 7 strains of Class II, accounting for 0.62% of the sample separation rate, accounting for 14.58% of the total separation rate, including gene type I 1, 5 gene type II and 1 gene type, according to the research report, The weak strain of Class I was originally from waterfowl. The chicken source in the Class I strain of this study accounted for 75.6% (31/41), the duck source was 2.4% (1/41), and the homology of the wild bird virus strain J36/13 was more than 97.4%. It showed that the weak strains of Class I existed in waterfowl, the possibility of mutual transmission between poultry and wild birds. Comprehensive full text monitoring The results showed that the virulent Class I strains of Newcastle disease in the Dongting Lake area were highly toxic in the fowl, exceeding the virulent rate of the vaccine strain and the strong virulent strain; there were many virulent strains of the environment source, and there was a certain virus contamination spread. The main epidemic strain was Class I gene 3, which was closely related to the relic relationship of the wild bird virus strain, and the analysis may come from the same poison. Therefore, the pathogen monitoring and molecular epidemiology of Newcastle disease in Dongting Lake area should be highly regarded.
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