[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the society, the contradiction between the traditional animal husbandry model and cultivated land resources is increasingly prominent, and the environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. In the fermentation bed breeding model, all life activities of livestock and poultry are carried out on the cushion, and the management and maintenance of the cushion become the key of the model. Therefore, it is of great significance to discuss the degradation of organic matter in different mats and its influencing factors, as well as the transformation law of nitrogen forms in the gasket and the effect on the underlying soil of the bedding. This will be helpful to select the appropriate proportion of bedding in the actual pig raising process and make a correct assessment of the service life of the pig farm according to the environmental effect. In this study, the degradation characteristics of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose in different liners were studied by using Nanjing Hexahe fermenting bed and Siyang Tianpeng Pig Farm as the research objects. The factors affecting the degradation of the gasket were investigated by measuring the water content and pH value of C / N and the enzyme activity in the gasket, and the conversion characteristics of nitrogen were studied by analyzing the changes of different forms of nitrogen in the soil of the cushion and the underlying soil. It also provides theoretical support for scientific use of fermenting bed and lightening environmental load. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) during the breeding process, the contents of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin in rice husk and sawdust were decreased less than those in distiller's grains and bacterial chaff, and the C / N of all treatments decreased. The decreasing rate was affected by the composition of the gasket. The treatment of bacterial chaff decreased more quickly with the addition of distiller's grains. (2) with the prolongation of the use time of the gasket, the proportion of cellulose in organic matter of three different kinds of mats showed a decreasing trend. The proportion of hemicellulose in the gasket composed of rice husk and wood chips increased slightly, while the proportion of hemicellulose in organic matter decreased with the addition of distiller's grains. (3) in the 0-40cm cushion, the proportion of hemicellulose in organic matter decreased. With the increase of the depth, the enzyme activity of each treatment decreased continuously, and in the 40-80cm soil under the cushion, the enzyme activity increased slightly with the passage of time. (4) in the fermentative bed bedding, the enzyme activity increased slightly with the increase of the depth. The activity of catalase and cellulase increased significantly with the increase of the time of use of the mats, but the activity of protease was opposite. (5) the water content of the mats in the fermenting bed decreased gradually after a long period of use. In order to ensure the normal digestibility and degradation of pig manure and urine, it is necessary to replenish water in proper amount in time, and the pH value in the gasket varies within the range of 6.0 ~ 8.5, which can meet the needs of microbial normal fermentation. (6) the total nitrogen of the gasket, The content of alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and nitrate-N both showed an increasing trend, while the content of ammonium nitrogen decreased with the increase of the use time of the gasket. (7) the content of organic matter in the gasket decreased continuously. The contents of nitrogen and organic matter in the underlying soil increased.
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