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发布时间:2018-08-12 17:57
【摘要】:可持续发展已经成为世界各国普遍追求的目标,区域可持续性的评估也逐渐成为制定区域发展政策的重要理论依据。甘南藏族自治州是我国典型的高寒牧区之一,其可持续发展问题已成为当前发展畜牧业的关键。本研究基于能值理论,运用改进的能值生态足迹模型,对2005-2013年甘南藏族自治州(简称甘南州)各县、市可持续发展状态进行了定量研究。改进模型的关键在于采用区域能值密度计算生态承载力和生态足迹,能够更真实地反映研究区生态系统的供给能力和人类对资源的消耗状况。结果表明,1)研究区生态足迹组成中,畜牧业产品所占比重最大,并保持稳定;电力和燃料煤比重逐年上升,而种植业产品和野柴草比重有所降低。2)甘南州人均生态足迹不断增大,由2005年的4.77 hm~2/人增加到2013年的7.09 hm~2/人;人均生态承载力呈波动变化,保持在4.64~5.65 hm~2/人之间。3)甘南州生态足迹指数总体呈下降趋势,9年间整体处于不可持续发展状态。4)甘南州万元GDP生态足迹由2005年的12.60 hm~2/万元下降到2013年的4.86 hm~2/万元,资源利用效率不断提高,其中合作市最高,迭部县次之,其他各县无明显区别。5)甘南州以畜牧业为主的玛曲县、碌曲县、夏河县和合作市人均生态足迹和人均生态承载力总体均大于农牧交错区的临潭县、卓尼县、舟曲县和迭部县。9年间,迭部县、玛曲县和碌曲县处于可持续发展状态;夏河县、卓尼县和舟曲县处于不可持续发展状态;合作市和临潭县处于严重不可持续发展状态。基于以上研究结果,对研究区未来可持续发展进行了有益探讨。
[Abstract]:Sustainable development has become the goal that countries all over the world pursue and the evaluation of regional sustainability has gradually become an important theoretical basis for formulating regional development policies. Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is one of the typical alpine pastoral areas in China. The sustainable development of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture has become the key to the development of animal husbandry. Based on the emergy theory and using the improved emergy ecological footprint model, the sustainable development status of the counties and cities in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Gannan Autonomous Prefecture) from 2005 to 2013 was studied quantitatively. The key of the improved model is to use the regional emergy density to calculate the ecological carrying capacity and ecological footprint, which can more truly reflect the supply capacity of the ecosystem and the human consumption of resources in the study area. The results show that 1) the proportion of animal husbandry products is the largest in the ecological footprint of the study area, and the proportion of electricity and fuel coal is increasing year by year. The ecological footprint of Gannan increased from 4.77 hm~2/ in 2005 to 7.09 hm~2/ in 2013, and the per capita ecological carrying capacity fluctuated. The ecological footprint index of Gannan state was in the state of unsustainable development in the past 9 years.) the ecological footprint of Wanyuan GDP in Gannan decreased from 12600 hm~2/ in 2005 to 4.86 hm~2/ in 2013, and the ecological footprint of Gannan decreased from 12.6 hm~2/ in 2005 to 4.86 hm~2/ in 2013, and the ecological footprint of Gannan decreased from 12.6 hm~2/ in 2005 to 4.86 hm~2/ in 2013. The efficiency of resource utilization is improving continuously, in which cooperative city is the highest, Dibu county takes second place, and other counties have no obvious difference (.5) Maqu County, Luqu County, which is dominated by animal husbandry in Gannan Prefecture, is located in Luqu County. The ecological footprint per capita and ecological carrying capacity per capita in Xiahe county and cooperative city are generally larger than those in Lintan county, Zhuoni county, Zhouqu county and Dibu county in the interlaced area of agriculture and pastoral areas. During the past 9 years, Diubu county, maqu county and Luqu county were in a state of sustainable development; xiahe county was in a state of sustainable development Zhuoni county and Zhouqu county are in the state of unsustainable development, and cooperative city and Lintan county are in the state of serious unsustainable development. Based on the above results, the future sustainable development of the study area is discussed.
【作者单位】: 草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室兰州大学草地农业科技学院;兰州财经大学农林经济管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31170430,41471450,31372367,31222053) 国家社会科学基金(14CJY010) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(lzujbky-2016-br05) 中央高校自由探索优秀研究生创新项目(2022016zr0185)资助


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