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发布时间:2018-08-18 21:42
【摘要】:本研究以小鼠为模型,通过探讨卵母细胞线粒体DNA (mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)拷贝数的变化以及卵巢抗氧化能力的强弱等,研究表儿茶素(Epicatechin, EC)对体外成熟(Matured in vitro, IVM)卵母细胞以及经重复超数排卵体内成熟卵母细胞成熟质量的影响,并进一步阐明线粒体DNA与卵母细胞发育潜能之间的关系,以及EC影响卵母细胞成熟的作用机制。首先,探讨了表儿茶素对体外成熟小鼠卵母细胞mtDNA拷贝数和发育潜能的影响。小鼠卵丘-卵母细胞复合体(Cumulus-Oocyte Complexs, COCs)分别在添加不同浓度EC (0 μmol/L,5 μmol/L,10 μmol/L,15 μmol/L和20 μmol/L)的成熟培养液中体外成熟培养16 h后,添加EC各处理组的卵母细胞mtDNA拷贝数均有所增加,其中,10 μmol/L组和15 μmol/L组的mtDNA拷贝数均显著高于空白对照组(分别为618223±220584,777851±120487,对照组为304380±60963,P0.05);但10 μmol/L组mtDNA拷贝数更接近自然排卵周期卵子的mtDNA含量(618223±220584 vs 587688±204035,P0.05)。体外成熟培养及孤雌激活的研究结果发现:成熟液中添加10 μmol/L EC组的卵母细胞第一极体排出率与对照组相比差异不显著(P0.05),但能显著提高卵母细胞孤雌激活后胚胎的囊胚发育率(55.71%±2.84%vs 48.04%±3.54%,P0.05)。其次,探索表儿茶素处理小鼠的用药方法。结果发现,腹腔注射EC组(495758±±±76910)和灌胃EC组(523196±±±89292)小鼠卵母细胞的mtDNA拷贝数差异不显著(P0.05);而与各自的空载对照组相比mtDNA拷贝数均显著增加(495758±±±76910 vs281266±42266,523196±89292 vs 275836±±±33959,P0.05);注射EC组卵巢组织PGC-1α和Tfam基因的表达量与空载对照组相比均上调,且差异显著(P0.05);注射EC 2d组(489723士148982)和注射EC 7 d组(495758±203486)的mtDNA拷贝数差异不显著(P0.05),且均显著高于对照组(285786±99988,P0.05);超排期间注射EC组与对照组相比,获卵数没有显著差异(22.80±5.84 vs 21.35士5.12,P0.05)。最后,探讨了超排期间注射表儿茶素对重复超排小鼠卵母细胞发育潜能的影响。结果发现,随着超排次数的增加,对照组获得的2-cell胚胎数显著减少,而EC处理组没有显著变化,并均与超排1次对照组获取的胚胎数差异不显著(20.25±1.06 vs 19.25±1.95 vs 20.33±1.61 vs 21.00±0.71, P0.05):胚胎进行体外培养后,发育到囊胚的比率和孵化囊胚率随着超排次数的增加呈现出逐渐下降的趋势,对照组的孵化囊胚率显著下降(超排1次为62.65±0.21;超排3次为53.52±3.13;超排5次为42.81±4.83,P0.05),但EC处理组孵化囊胚率和总囊胚率下降幅度相对较小;当超排次数增加至5次后,EC组和对照组的囊胚细胞凋亡率均显著增加(P0.05),对照组的细胞凋亡率显著大于EC组(3.74±0.86 vs 3.10±0.74,P0.05)。荧光定量分析结果显示:超排1次时,EC处理组2-cell胚胎mtDNA拷贝数显著高于对照组(489723±148982 vs 298333±139487,P0.05),然而连续超排3次和5次后,EC组与对照组的mtDNA拷贝数均大幅度增加,且各组间的差异不显著(769066±389862 vs 811676±473759 vs 743958± 224432 vs 771691±341214,P0.05);与超排5次对照组相比,超排5次EC组小鼠卵巢组织GPX1、PRDX3、SOD和GLS2四种抗氧化酶基因表达均显著上调,卵巢GSH含量显著提高(46.68士2.67 vs 37.74士3.80,P0.05)。以上结果表明:(1)体外成熟液中添加适宜浓度(10μmol/L)的EC可提高小鼠卵母细胞的mtDNA拷贝数及其发育潜能;(2)通过灌胃和注射方法补充纯EC,均可以促进小鼠卵母细胞mtDNA拷贝数增多;(3)小鼠超排期间注射一定剂量(10mg/kg体重)的EC可使卵母细胞的mtDNA拷贝数增多,但不影响获卵数;(4)随着连续超排次数的增加,获得的胚胎数目减少、质量下降;然而,超排期间注射EC,能够明显改善上述异常。
[Abstract]:In this study, the effects of epicatechin (EC) on in vitro maturation (Matured in vitro, IVM) oocytes and maturation quality of matured oocytes in vivo after Repeated Superovulation were studied by investigating the changes of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number and ovarian antioxidant capacity in mice. The relationship between mitochondrial DNA and oocyte development potential and the mechanism of EC affecting oocyte maturation were further elucidated. Firstly, the effects of epicatechin on mtDNA copy number and developmental potential of mouse oocytes matured in vitro were investigated. After 16 hours of maturation in vitro, the mtDNA copy number of oocytes treated with EC (0 micromol/L, 5 micromol/L, 10 micromol/L, 15 micromol/L and 20 micromol/L) increased significantly. The mtDNA copy number of oocytes treated with EC was significantly higher in 10 micromol/L group and 15 micromol/L group than that of blank control group (618 223 + 220, respectively). 584,777851 (+ 120487) and 304380 (+ 60963, P 0.05) in the control group, but the mtDNA copy number in the 10 micromol / L group was closer to that in the natural ovulation cycle (618223 (+ 220584) vs 587688 (+ 204035, P 0.05). The results of in vitro maturation culture and parthenogenetic activation showed that the first polar body excretion rate of oocytes in the 10 micromol / L EC group was higher than that in the control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P 0.05), but the blastocyst development rate of parthenogenetically activated oocytes was significantly increased (55.71% + 2.84% vs 48.04% + 3.54%, P 0.05). Secondly, the method of treating mice with epicatechin was explored. There was no significant difference in the number of mtDNA copies (P 0.05), but the number of mtDNA copies increased significantly (P 0.05) compared with the control group (P 0.05); the expression of PGC-1a and Tfam genes in ovarian tissue of EC group were up-regulated compared with the control group (P 0.05). There was no significant difference in the number of mtDNA copies (P 0.05) between EC 2D injection group (489723s 148982) and EC 7d injection group (495758 (+203486)) and control group (285786 (+99988, P 0.05); there was no significant difference in the number of eggs (22.80 (+5.84 vs 21.35 vs 5.12, P 0.05) between EC 2D injection group and EC 7d injection group (495758 (+203486)). The results showed that the number of 2-cell embryos obtained in the control group decreased significantly with the increase of the number of superovulation, while the number of 2-cell embryos obtained in the EC treatment group did not change significantly, and there was no significant difference between the two groups (20.25 (+ 1.06 vs 19.25 (+ 1.95 vs 20.33 (+ 1.61 vs 21.00)) and that obtained in the control group at the first superovulation. After in vitro culture, the rate of blastocyst development to blastocyst and the rate of hatching blastocyst decreased gradually with the increase of the number of superovulation. The rate of hatching blastocyst in the control group decreased significantly (62.65 + 0.21 for one time, 53.52 + 3.13 for three times, 42.81 + 4.83 for five times, P 0.05 for five times), but the rate of hatching blastocyst in the EC treatment group decreased significantly (62.65 + 0.21 for one time, 53.52 + 3.13 for three times, 42.81 + 4.83 for five times When the number of superovulation increased to 5 times, the apoptosis rate of blastocysts in EC group and control group increased significantly (P 0.05). The apoptosis rate of blastocysts in control group was significantly higher than that in EC group (3.74 + 0.86 vs 3.10 + 0.74, P 0.05). It was significantly higher than that of the control group (489723 + 148982 vs 298333 + 139487, P 0.05). However, after three and five successive superovulation, the number of mtDNA copies in the EC group and the control group increased significantly, and there was no significant difference among the groups (769066, 389862 vs 811676, 473759 vs 743958, 224432 vs 771691, 341214, P 0.05). The expression of four antioxidant enzymes GPX1, PRDX3, SOD and GLS2 in ovarian tissues of mice in group A was significantly up-regulated, and the content of GSH in ovary was significantly increased (46.68 s 2.67 vs 37.74 s 3.80, P 0.05). Both intragastric administration and injection of pure EC could increase the mtDNA copy number of mouse oocytes; (3) EC at a certain dose (10 mg/kg body weight) could increase the mtDNA copy number of mouse oocytes during superovulation, but did not affect the number of oocytes harvested; (4) with the increase of the number of successive superovulation, the number of embryos obtained decreased and the quality decreased; However, injection of EC during the superovulation can significantly improve the above abnormalities.


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