[Abstract]:Diseased and dead animals are the important source of animal epidemic disease. Improper treatment has a great impact on public health, human and animal health and industrial development. However, in recent years, due to the rapid development of animal husbandry and the increase of environmental protection, the utilization of animal resources, represented by high temperature system, has become the main treatment method. The technical difficulties in centralized innocuous treatment of dead animals in China are analyzed, which mainly come from the safety risks in the process of collection, temporary storage and transportation.Therefore, a traceability system for dead animals based on sealed packaging is proposed to prevent the spread of disease, reduce the risk of collection and transportation, and realize the accurate timing of the source and destination of dead animals. At the same time, the traceability system can effectively supervise the source of dead animals through the centralized processing center, quickly test, timely grasp the cause of death of animals and epidemic situation development trends, and then provide guidance and help for management decision-making, farmer risk early warning.
【作者单位】: 中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院农业部设施农业工程重点实验室;
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