[Abstract]:Guangxi has become the main region to carry out the strategic transfer of "moving from east to west" in the sericulture industry of our country, so we can rely on the sericulture industry with regional and scale advantages to carry out accurate poverty alleviation. On the basis of a questionnaire survey on the development and operation mechanism of using sericulture industry to alleviate poverty in poor areas of Guangxi, Based on the econometric model, the paper analyzes the intention of developing sericulture industry in 30 poverty-stricken counties in Guangxi and its influence mechanism. The results of investigation and analysis show that the willingness of developing silkworm industry in poor areas of Guangxi is still not very strong, and the willingness to develop silkworm industry is significantly different among different poor counties. And under the basic conditions such as obvious difference in scale and level of sericulture industry, backward technical level, low degree of organization, short industrial chain, etc., the scale of production potential, the level of technological development, the degree of industrial organization, etc. The four main factors of endogenous development demand had negative and positive effects on the development of sericulture industry. Accordingly, suggestions are put forward from such aspects as innovation of transmission mechanism of poverty alleviation policy, breakthrough of industrial development path, endogenous demand and exogenous pull, synchronic practice of industrial development, etc. In order to promote Guangxi poverty-stricken areas through the development of sericulture industry precision poverty-reduction vision planning can be successfully implemented.
【作者单位】: 广西壮族自治区蚕业科学研究院;
【基金】:广西壮族自治区科技优势特色农林产业共性关键技术攻关与集成示范重大专项(No.桂科AB16380168) 广西壮族自治区蚕业科学研究院青年科技项目(No.201704)
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