[Abstract]:Newcastle disease (NDV) is a viral infectious disease caused by Newcastle disease virus (NDV) which is a serious threat to poultry industry. Newcastle disease virus (NDV) belongs to the paramyxovirus family avian mumps virus. Waterfowls, especially ducks and geese, are often considered as potential hosts of NDV, and rarely, if not manifested, even if infected with a virulent strain with high mortality to chickens. In this study, 19 strains of Newcastle disease virus were isolated from duck samples, 18 of which were isolated from cloacal swabs of clinically healthy ducks, and one strain was isolated from kidneys of infected ducks. The samples were diluted and inoculated into the allantoic cavity of 9-10 day-old SPF chicken embryos. The chicken embryo allantoic fluid was serologically identified by hemagglutination test and hemagglutination inhibition test. The virulent strain was purified in the primary chicken embryo fibroblasts by plaque purification method, and the attenuated strain was purified in the chicken embryos by limited dilution method. Genome sequence analysis of 19 NDV strains showed that the genomes of these viruses were divided into three lengths, 15186 nt, 15192 nt and 15198 nt, which accorded with the "six base principle" for the replication of Newcastle disease virus. The genome sequence of the strains was 3? -NP-P-M-F-HN-L-5?; all the sequences were between 0% and 28.3%. The F protein cleavage site was an important basis for predicting NDV virulence. Of the 19 strains, the cleavage site of Md/CH/LGD/1/2005 was 112RRQKRF117, which had typical characteristics of the cleavage site of the virulent strain and was similar to the type VIId strain of the class II gene. Similarly, the splitting sites of Du/CH/LAH/224/2011 and Du/CH/LAH/209/2011 were 112 GKQGRL117 and 112 GRQGRL117, respectively, with typical splitting site characteristics of attenuated strains, similar to class II genotype I and type II vaccine strains; the splitting sites of 16 strains were 112 ERQERL117, with typical splitting site characteristics of attenuated strains in wild birds and families. According to phylogenetic analysis of F gene hypervariable region and whole genome sequence, at least four genotypes of NDV were found in domestic ducks: Md/CH/LGD/1/2005 belonged to class II gene VIId, which was the main genotype of most NDV outbreaks since the end of last century; Du/CH/LAH/224/2. 011 belongs to class II gene Ib, similar to CB2374 strain; Du/CH/LAH/209/2011 belongs to class II gene type II; the remaining 16 strains belong to class I gene 1b, which is the epidemic genotype of Chinese waterfowls. According to the molecular characteristics and genetic evolution analysis of 19 strains of Duck-Derived Newcastle disease virus, 7 strains of Duck-Derived Newcastle disease virus were selected for pathogenicity test. The ICPI value of Md/CH/LGD/1/2005 was 1.88, the MDT value was 50 h, and the other strains were identified as virulent strains. The ICPI value of other strains ranged from 0 to 0.34, and the MDT value ranged from 125 h to 168 h. At the same time, we also selected weak strains. According to the characteristics of genetic evolution and pathogenicity test of 19 strains of Newcastle disease virus from ducks, six strains of Newcastle disease virus from ducks were selected, and 17 strains of virus with different genotypes were selected from the strains isolated in the laboratory. The single factor serum was prepared and then crossed. The results showed that the antigenic correlation of Newcastle disease virus strain may be related to genotype, but not to host. The above results showed that, unlike pigeon-borne Newcastle disease virus, duck-borne Newcastle disease virus did not form an independent evolutionary branch in genetic evolution and antigenicity. Newcastle disease virus exists in ducks. It may be that Newcastle disease virus has mutated to a certain extent in order to adapt to the new host. Therefore, duck and duck embryos can more truly reflect the pathogenicity of Newcastle disease virus from ducks. Newcastle disease virus from ducks plays an important role in the evolution of Newcastle disease virus.
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