[Abstract]:The NS2 protein of influenza virus can mediate the nuclear exportation process of ribonucleoprotein complex (vRNP) and regulate the activity of virus polymerase and participate in the adaptation process of avian influenza virus in mammalian host. But relative to the rest of the influenza virus protein, the study of NS2 is rarely reported. Through this study, a new host protein interacting with influenza virus NS2 was captured, which not only expanded the interaction network between influenza virus and host factor, It also lays a foundation for further exploring the replication cycle, pathogenesis and immune mechanism of influenza virus. Yeast two-hybrid system, as a classical technique of protein interaction, has been applied to study the interaction between host protein and influenza virus protein. On the basis of this technique, the interaction proteins of H5N1 influenza virus NS2 protein were selected from the cDNA library containing Calu-3,A549,THP-1 and U251 cells, and the biological function of the interaction was studied. The main contents are as follows: (1) using the A/Anhui/02/2005 (H5N1) NS2 protein of Avian Influenza virus as bait, the H5NS2 was cloned into pGBKT7 by screening the interacting proteins from the cDNA library containing four kinds of Calu-3,A549,THP-1 and U251 cells. After transforming yeast Y2H Gold. to detect the non-cytotoxicity and self-activation of the bait plasmid, the pGBKT7-H5NS2/Y2HGold was hybridized with the Y187cDNA library of four cell lines. After screening, seven proteins, HGS,EXOSC4,ZWINT,PRDX3,IRF3,NDUFB9 and RMND5B., were obtained. According to Gene Ontology analysis, these proteins are involved in cell growth and development, (2) Immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) confirmed that the interaction of the seven proteins, peroxoredoxin 3 (PRDX3), was further studied in practice. H5N1 NS2P PRDX3 was cloned into pEGFP-C1,pCAGGS and co-transfected with pEGFP-C1 and pCAGGS-myc-PRDX3 or pEGFP-C1-H5NS2 and pCAGGS-myc-PRDX3 plasmids in 293T cells for Co-IP and Western blot detection. The results showed that there was a specific interaction between exogenous H5NS2 protein and PRDX3 protein in 293T cells. (3) GST pull-down further confirmed that the H5NS2 was cloned into pGEX-6p-1 and expressed in Escherichia coli to produce GST-H5NS2 recombinant protein and GST label protein. Using GST-H5NS2 fusion protein as bait or as control, GST protein was incubated with 293T cell lysate transfected with pCAGGS-myc-PRDX3 plasmid to carry out GSTpull-down.. The results of GST pull-down test showed that there was a specific and direct interaction between H 5NS2 protein and PRDX3. It provides a basis for further study on how the interaction affects the function of NS2 protein and the replication cycle of the virus.
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