[Abstract]:Northern Xinjiang is the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region extremely important animal husbandry product supply area. Timely and accurate understanding of aboveground biomass distribution of grassland in northern Xinjiang can provide reference for monitoring, protection and rational utilization of grassland resources in Northern Xinjiang. In this paper, using the field survey data from 2011 to 2013 and the SPOT VGT,MODIS data of the same period, different monitoring models of vegetation index and aboveground biomass are established, and the inversion of the optimal selection model is used. The spatial distribution characteristics of aboveground biomass of grassland in northern Xinjiang were compared and analyzed. On this basis, the effects of modeling in different regions on model establishment and model estimation accuracy are further compared. The main results are as follows: 1. The aboveground biomass of grassland in northern Xinjiang is significantly correlated with MODIS NDVI,EVI and SPOT VGT NDVI data. It is feasible to use two kinds of remote sensing data and ground survey data to establish a yield estimation model. However, the quadratic polynomial model established by MODIS EVI can be used to estimate the aboveground biomass of grassland in northern Xinjiang. The yield estimation model was 17089x2-3825.5x 1001.8R20.7268.2. Comparing the interannual dynamic characteristics of aboveground biomass in North Xinjiang, it was found that the maximum of aboveground biomass in 2011 was earlier than that in 2012 and 2013; During the whole growing season, the aboveground biomass was lower than 2011 and 2013 路3 in 2012. The results of remote sensing inversion of aboveground biomass in North Xinjiang showed that the grassland area with aboveground biomass less than 3000 kg hm-2 accounted for 80%, and the grassland with aboveground biomass more than 3000 kg hm-2 was mainly concentrated. In mountainous region. 4, the inversion model of aboveground biomass of grassland in Yili area is better than that of the model based on North Xinjiang in terms of model goodness of fit and precision of estimation of yield. Because of the difference of climate and natural environment, it is better to estimate the aboveground biomass of grassland in Yili area than the whole model. Both zoning modeling and global modeling can well reflect the variation characteristics of different grassland types. This provides a new way to improve the accuracy and accuracy of remote sensing monitoring of grassland resources.
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