[Abstract]:In this study, the * oocytes from pigs were taken as experimental materials, and immature oocytes were obtained by mechanical extraction. In vitro fertilization and maturation experiments were carried out. The * * * factors affecting the in vitro fertilization of porcine oocytes were compared, in order to further improve the in vitro production system of pig embryo and further embryo technology. This research includes the following contents: (1) compare the effects of different concentrations of caffeine in M TBM, different fertilization time and sperm floating time on in vitro fertilization of pigs * * (2) compare the existence of granulosa cells in different maturation time of porcine oocytes, and the in vitro fertilization of pigs in hypoxia environment * (3) to study the effects of different concentrations of Ionomycin and Ionomycin on the in vitro fertilization of porcine in vitro maturation * oocytes. The main results are as follows: 1.. Using the modified m TBM as the base solution, adding caffeine can significantly promote the cleavage rate and blastocyst rate of fertilized embryos, and add 3mmol/L The cleavage rate of fertilized embryos in caffeine group was significantly higher than that in caffeine group (P The blastocyst rate of fertilized embryos decreased significantly after prolonging to 9 h. The results showed that the cleavage rate and blastocyst rate of oocytes in vitro fertilized embryos in 40-42 H group were significantly higher than those in 36-38 H group and in vitro matured embryos in 36-38 h group. The cleavage rate and blastocyst rate of fertilized embryos with 2-3 layers of granulosa cells and without degranulation cells were not significantly different (P 0.05), and the experimental results of these two groups were significantly higher than those of non-granulosa cells (P 0.05); the cleavage rate and blastocyst rate of 5% CO2 group were significantly higher than those of 10% CO2 group and 15% CO2 group (P 0.05). In vitro fertilization results were better when the oocytes were cultured in vitro for 40-42 hours and all granulosa cells and 5% CO2 were retained. 3. The cleavage rate and blastocyst rate of fertilized embryos were significantly increased by adding 10 micromol/L of Ionomycin to the capacitated medium (P 0.05), and the sperm treated with Ionomycin for 30 minutes had better in vitro fertilization effect.
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