[Abstract]:In this study, direct sequencing of PCR amplification products was used to determine the nucleotide length of mitochondrial DNA D- ring region (mtDNA D-loop) in 553 individuals from 6 local cattle populations in China (including hypervariable region), including Baoji Qinchuan cattle population (SQB,n=158), early morning. GZZ,n=148, GZH,n=36, GPL,n=112, NGY,n=75 and GLX,n=24 were cited from 611 other 49 local cattle populations in China that had been submitted to GenBank. All sequences of the mtDNA D-loop region of the body, Furthermore, the genetic diversity and phylogenetic development of 55 local cattle populations in China were systematically studied in order to provide more scientific basis for the assessment, conservation and sustainable utilization of genetic resources of Chinese local cattle populations. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The nucleotide sequence of mtDNA D-loop region of 1164 individuals from 55 local cattle populations in China was analyzed. A total of 316 mutation sites were detected without taking into account the insertion and deletion of the base. The nucleotide mutation rate was 75.78, including 199 single polymorphic sites and 117 parsimonic information sites. There are three types of mutation, namely, transversion, transversion and transversion. The results showed that there was high genetic variation in the mtDNA D-loop region of 55 local cattle populations in China. The analysis of base composition showed that the average content of, A T was 61.3%, which was significantly higher than that of G C, 38.7%. It can be seen that the contents of base A and T in the mtDNA D-loop region of 55 local cattle populations in China were relatively rich; 3. 356 haplotypes (H1~H356) were identified based on 316 mutation sites, of which 236 were endemic haplotypes and 120 were shared haplotypes. The results showed that although the genetic structure of local cattle populations in China is special, there is a close relationship with other local cattle populations, or there is extensive haplotype sharing among local cattle populations in China. That is, there is a wide range of genetic exchanges among cattle populations in various parts of China; 4. The Hd 卤SD), average nucleotide diversity (k) and nucleotide diversity (Pi),) of 55 local cattle populations in China were calculated, and the average nucleotide diversity (k) of each population was compared with that of the whole population (Hd 卤SD),). Compared with nucleotide diversity (Pi), The results showed that the populations of local yellow cattle in China were rich in genetic diversity. The results of phylogenetic tree and intermediary network analysis show that there are two maternal origin types in Chinese local cattle population, one is common cattle type (Bos taurus), the other is tumor-type (Bos indicus).
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