[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to study the effects of different proportion of Flammulina velutipes residue on the apparent digestibility and nitrogen balance of dietary nutrients of goats. Four Boer goats 脳 Xuhuai goats with weight of (22.5 卤0.6) kg were used in the 4 脳 4 Latin square design. The proportion of Flammulina velutipes residue added in diet was 0 (control), 15% and 40% respectively. The experiment was divided into 4 periods (15 days), including 10 days in pretest period and 5 days in positive trial period. The results showed that: 1) compared with the control group, the dietary Flammulina velutipes residue had no significant effect on the apparent digestibility of calcium and phosphorus (P0.05), but could significantly increase the dry matter, organic matter and neutral washing fiber when the proportion of 15% Flammulina velutipes and 40% Flammulina velutipes was 15% and 40%, respectively. The apparent digestibility of acid detergent fiber and total energy (P0.05), and these indexes decreased gradually with the increase of Flammulina velutipes (Flammulina velutipes) residue ratio. 2) compared with the control group, The ratio of Flammulina velutipes (15%) and Flammulina velutipes (40%) significantly increased the nitrogen deposition rate and biological value of nitrogen (P0.05), and these two indexes decreased gradually with the increase of Flammulina velutipes residue ratio. The results suggested that the digestibility of nutrients in goats could be improved by adding Flammulina velutipes residue to the diet, and the optimum proportion of Flammulina velutipes residue added in the diet of goats was 15%.
【作者单位】: 江苏省农业科学院动物科学基地;
【基金】:江苏省农业自主创新基金[cx(15)1003-11] 公益性(农业)行业科研专项(201203050-4)
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