发布时间:2018-10-13 07:09
【摘要】:苹果渣含有多种营养物质,是极好的多汁饲料,但因其含水量高、酸度大、不易直接饲喂畜禽。本文通过对不同配比的苹果渣和麸皮为有益菌制作发酵剂的主要载体,优选出苹果渣发酵剂菌种的配比,为实现苹果渣的微生物有效利用奠定基础;以口粮中添加5%干发酵苹果渣为试验组、添加5%的干苹果渣为对照组,对犊牛进行了饲喂试验、消化实验、粪便评分。旨在为苹果渣的综合开发利用和犊牛饲料资源的挖掘提供科学的理论依据。1、采用L16(44)二次回归正交旋转组合设计方案,选取木霉(Trichoderma)、白地(Geotrichum candidum)、黑曲(Aspergillus niger)和米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)为苹果渣发酵剂菌种,以不同配比的苹果渣和麸皮作为主要载体组分,通过测定苹果渣发酵剂中复活孢子数和被发酵苹果渣中的CP和NDF的含量,优选出苹果渣发酵剂载体组分及菌种的配比。实验结果表明:发酵剂中木霉、白地、黑曲、米曲霉组成的配比分为3:2:1:2,载体为麸皮、苹果渣以4:6的比例,以氮源为(NH4)2SO4条件下培养72h的固体发酵物复活孢子数最高,并用其发酵的苹果渣的粗蛋白含量高达14.599%,酸性洗涤纤维降低到53.43%,与对照组比较,CP和NDF的含量分别提高24.47%和降低18.14%。2、采用半微量凯氏定氮、酸不溶灰分法和酶解法,评价了日粮中添加发酵苹果渣对犊牛的消化性能的影响。结果表明:试验组氮表观消化率比对照组提高了48.34%,组问差异极显著(P0.01);试验组蛋白质体外消化率比对照组提高6.23%,组问差异显著(P.05)。3、采用完全随机试验设计方法,开展了饲养试验,结合体增重、采食量以及体尺指标的分析,评价了口粮中添加发酵苹果渣对犊牛生长性能的影响。结果表明:试验组比对照组体重增加3.07kg,口增重增加50.16g,提高了4.14%,差异显著(P0.05);试验组体高在试验第15天、第30天、第45天以及第60天分别比对照组高120%、2.03%、1.87%以及1.28%;试验组体斜长比对照组分别高0.39%、0.55%、2.28%以及].33%;试验组胸围比对照组分别高0.61%、1.22%、0.89%以及2.90%。日粮中添加发酵苹果渣能够提高犊牛的日增重和改善体尺指标。
[Abstract]:Apple pomace is an excellent juicy feed, but it is not easy to feed livestock and poultry directly because of its high water content and high acidity. In this paper, apple pomace and wheat bran were selected as the main carrier of beneficial bacteria to make starter, and the proportion of apple pomace starter was selected, which laid a foundation for the effective utilization of apple pomace. The calves were fed with 5% dry fermented apple pomace and 5% dried apple pomace as control group. In order to provide scientific theoretical basis for the comprehensive development and utilization of apple jelly and the mining of calves feed resources. 1. The design scheme of L16 (44) quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination was adopted. (Geotrichum candidum), black koji (Aspergillus niger) and Aspergillus oryzae (Aspergillus oryzae) were selected as starter strains of apple dregs, and apple pomace and bran of different proportions were used as main carrier components. By determining the number of resurrected spores and the contents of CP and NDF in fermented apple pomace, the carrier components and the proportion of strain of apple pomace starter were selected. The results showed that the proportion of Trichoderma, white ground, black koji and Aspergillus oryzae in the starter was 3: 2: 1: 2, the carrier was bran, and the proportion of apple pomace was 4:6. Under the condition of nitrogen source (NH4) 2SO4, the number of reactivated spores of solid fermentation was the highest in 72 h. The crude protein content of the fermented apple dregs was as high as 14.599, and the acid detergent fiber decreased to 53.430.Compared with the control group, the contents of CP and NDF increased 24.47% and 18.14%, respectively. The semi-trace Kjeldahl determination of nitrogen, acid insoluble ash and enzymatic hydrolysis were used. The effect of fermented apple residue on digestibility of calves was evaluated. The results showed that the apparent digestibility of nitrogen in the experimental group was increased by 48.34, and the difference between the two groups was very significant (P0.01), the in vitro digestibility of protein in the test group was increased by 6.23 and the difference between the two groups was significant (P.05). The effects of adding fermented apple dregs into the rations on the growth performance of calves were evaluated by the analysis of body weight gain, feed intake and body size. The results showed that the body weight and oral weight of the experimental group increased by 3.07 kg and 50.16 g respectively (P0.05), and the body height of the experimental group was 1.87% and 1.28% higher than that of the control group on the 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th day, respectively. The body oblique length of the test group was 0.39% higher than that of the control group 0.55 and 2.28% and] 33.The chest circumference of the test group was 0.61% higher than that of the control group 0.89% and 2.90% respectively. Adding fermented apple dregs to the diet could increase the daily gain and improve the body size index of calves.
[Abstract]:Apple pomace is an excellent juicy feed, but it is not easy to feed livestock and poultry directly because of its high water content and high acidity. In this paper, apple pomace and wheat bran were selected as the main carrier of beneficial bacteria to make starter, and the proportion of apple pomace starter was selected, which laid a foundation for the effective utilization of apple pomace. The calves were fed with 5% dry fermented apple pomace and 5% dried apple pomace as control group. In order to provide scientific theoretical basis for the comprehensive development and utilization of apple jelly and the mining of calves feed resources. 1. The design scheme of L16 (44) quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination was adopted. (Geotrichum candidum), black koji (Aspergillus niger) and Aspergillus oryzae (Aspergillus oryzae) were selected as starter strains of apple dregs, and apple pomace and bran of different proportions were used as main carrier components. By determining the number of resurrected spores and the contents of CP and NDF in fermented apple pomace, the carrier components and the proportion of strain of apple pomace starter were selected. The results showed that the proportion of Trichoderma, white ground, black koji and Aspergillus oryzae in the starter was 3: 2: 1: 2, the carrier was bran, and the proportion of apple pomace was 4:6. Under the condition of nitrogen source (NH4) 2SO4, the number of reactivated spores of solid fermentation was the highest in 72 h. The crude protein content of the fermented apple dregs was as high as 14.599, and the acid detergent fiber decreased to 53.430.Compared with the control group, the contents of CP and NDF increased 24.47% and 18.14%, respectively. The semi-trace Kjeldahl determination of nitrogen, acid insoluble ash and enzymatic hydrolysis were used. The effect of fermented apple residue on digestibility of calves was evaluated. The results showed that the apparent digestibility of nitrogen in the experimental group was increased by 48.34, and the difference between the two groups was very significant (P0.01), the in vitro digestibility of protein in the test group was increased by 6.23 and the difference between the two groups was significant (P.05). The effects of adding fermented apple dregs into the rations on the growth performance of calves were evaluated by the analysis of body weight gain, feed intake and body size. The results showed that the body weight and oral weight of the experimental group increased by 3.07 kg and 50.16 g respectively (P0.05), and the body height of the experimental group was 1.87% and 1.28% higher than that of the control group on the 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th day, respectively. The body oblique length of the test group was 0.39% higher than that of the control group 0.55 and 2.28% and] 33.The chest circumference of the test group was 0.61% higher than that of the control group 0.89% and 2.90% respectively. Adding fermented apple dregs to the diet could increase the daily gain and improve the body size index of calves.
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