[Abstract]:Nitinol is an effective class of anti-coccidial drugs, which is widely used in poultry production. However, long-term continuous non-standardized administration will cause the drug to accumulate in poultry tissue in the form of a prototype drug or metabolite, causing the veterinary drug residue in the avian tissue. The long-term edible animal food containing dinitrogen and its metabolites and its products and veterinary drugs are accumulated in the human body and pose a threat to human health. At present, the residual confirmatory analysis method for the dinitrogen and its metabolites (3-amino-5-nitro o-toluidine, 3-ANOT) in poultry tissues is mainly liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, The results of GC-tandem mass spectrometer (GC-MS) analysis were not yet reported. In this study, the method of GC-MS/ MS was established by using accelerated solvent extraction and solid phase extraction technique to establish the residual gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/ MS) in chicken muscle, liver, kidney, skin + fat and eggs. The invention provides a scientific basis for establishing a standard for detecting the residual detection standards of the dinitrogen and the metabolites in the animal source food, and provides a new technical means for the residual monitoring. The main results of this study were as follows: 1. A method was established and optimized for the first time using an accelerated solvent extractor (ASE350) from chicken tissue (muscle, liver, kidney, skin + fat) and eggs. Acetonitrile is used as an extraction solvent, and the sample is ground and mixed with diatomite to be filled into an extraction tank, 80 DEG C and 1500 psi, and the on-line de-fat (n-hexane as a degreasing agent) is continuously carried out with the dinitrobutamine and the metabolite thereof (acetonitrile as an extracting agent). The average recoveries were 81. 96%-94. 31% in chicken muscle, liver, kidney, skin + fat sample, and the average recovery was 81. 96%-94. 31%, respectively, when the levels of nitrate and their metabolites were the limit of quantitation (LOQ), 0. 5MRL (maximum residual limit), 1MRL and 2MRL, respectively. The relative standard deviation was between 1. 72% and 5. 37%; the average recovery rate of sodium dinitrate and its metabolites in egg white, yolk and whole egg samples was 82. 74% -87. 49%, and the relative standard deviation was between 1.73% and 4.63%. The extraction method saves the solvent, the influence of the sample matrix is small, the extraction efficiency is high, the recovery rate is high, and the extraction method is convenient, rapid and full-automatic. Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/ MS) was established and optimized for the first time in chicken tissues (muscle, liver, kidney, skin + fat) and eggs. The chromatographic peak area of quantitative ion pair was linearly related to its concentration in the range of blank muscle, kidney, skin + fat and egg white by using EI mode, full-scan (SCAN) qualitative and auto SRM combined with external standard method. In the blank liver, the peak area of the chromatographic peak of the quantitative ion pair is linearly related with its concentration, and the linear relation is good, and the coefficient of separation (R2) is higher than 0.99993; The peak area of the chromatographic peak of the quantitative ion pair was linearly related to its concentration in the blank yolk and the whole egg and the concentration range of LOQ-1800. 0ug/ kg. The linear relation was good and the thermodynamic coefficient (R2) was higher than 0. 9995. The results of precision determination: The relative standard deviation was between 1. 87% and 5. 74% in chicken muscle, liver, kidney, skin + fat sample, and the relative standard deviation in chicken muscle, liver, kidney, skin + fat samples, respectively, when the levels of nitrate and its metabolites were at the limit of quantitation (LOQ), 0. 5MRL (maximum residual limit), 1MRL and 2MRL, respectively. The relative standard deviation of day relative standard deviation was between 3.34% -7.36%, the relative standard deviation was 2.96% -5.21% in egg white, yolk and whole egg sample, and the relative standard deviation of day was between 3.94% -6.34%. The detection limit (LOD) in chicken muscle, liver, kidney, skin + fat (LOD) in chicken muscle, liver, kidney, skin + fat was 0.8 -2. 5 ug/ kg (S/ N/ 3), the LOQ was 2. 7-8. 0 ug/ kg (S/ N10), the LOD was 0.8 -2. 8 ug/ kg (S/ N/ 3) in egg white, yolk and whole egg. LOQ was 3.0-10.0. mu.g/ kg (S/ N/ 10). Method Validation parameters met the requirements of China's Ministry of Agriculture, the European Union and the United States Agency for Veterinary Drug Residues Detection, with accurate, accurate, rapid and high sensitivity.
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