发布时间:2018-11-03 19:41
【摘要】:中国一直是一个农业大国,含有非常充分的秸秆资源,可是利用秸秆的效率却显示下降趋势,这是因为其未被处理便直接进行焚烧,不仅效率低,并且会释放CO、SO2对环境造成污染;同时我国作为一个农业大国,蛋白质供给还很欠缺,秸秆被视作废物扔弃,既对资源进行了浪费又对环境造成了污染。农业产品的出产环境保护作为国内现代农业建设的重要部分之一,农业废弃物的资源化利用是其重要的研究内容之一。倘若可以深度开发并应用植物的秸秆,将它转变成优等搭配蛋白饲料,形成出一种全新的蛋白资源,会对我国的畜牧业进行和饲料工业影响深远。秸秆利用率之所以低是因为你自身构成导致的,秸秆内细胞壁有木质素相互交错着半纤维素,同时里面又有纤维素,这是一种复杂的混合体,它阻碍了动物应用与降解半纤维素、纤维素等成分,这样释放不出来秸秆内细胞中有营养的物质,致使它的消化率不高。秸秆的饲料化利用可以从两方面进行。第一:利用碱化法打破木质素与半纤维素、纤维素间的化学键,破坏半纤维素——纤维素——木质素这种复合体特殊结构;第二:利用微生物方法添加纤维素降解菌降解秸秆纤维素,同时添加菌体蛋白(酵母菌)从而提高秸秆饲料的蛋白含量。研究结果表明:1、通过利用NaCLO2和NaOH对黄化玉米秸秆进行连续的预处理,可有效去除玉米秸秆的木质素、半纤维素,使纤维素得以保留,在秸秆粒径1-2厘米时,按玉米秸秆10g与NaCLO2100ml的反应比例,在NaCLO2的反应浓度为10g/L时,反应温度为70℃,作用时间是2h,木质素去除率是62.33%,利用NaCLO2可以有效去除玉米秸秆的木质素;按玉米秸秆10g与NaOH100ml的反应比例,在NaOH的反应浓度6%时,反应温度为50℃,作用时间是1.5h,半纤维素去除率是92.17%,利用NaOH以有效去除玉米秸秆的半纤维素。2、以堆肥的牛粪、土壤、绵羊瘤胃液以及腐烂的树叶为分离材料,分离获得高效纤维素分解菌4株,分别隶属于假单胞菌属和芽孢杆菌属,其纤维素酶活分别是30.03U/ml、29.31U/ml、26.87U/ml、35.62U/ml,最大的是腐烂的树叶中分离的菌株M3,酶活达35.62U/ml。选择菌种M3。3、从土堆肥的秸秆中筛选出的3株酵母菌中,菌株A1在30℃、pH5.0为最适条件,菌株A2在28℃、pH5.0为最适条件,菌株A3在24℃、pH5.0为最适条件。根据地方气温特点,菌株A2较为合适。4、选用NaCLO2的反应浓度是9.5 g/L,75℃,2h;NaOH溶液质量分数是5%,55℃,1.5 h预处理玉米秸秆,处理后按本试验所给配方进行处理,并按本试验添加定量比例的M3和A2混合菌液,边加边搅拌,然后装入适宜的容器里,压实,封闭,不同条件下发酵,确定最适发酵条件。在28℃,Ph5.0条件下培养10d,秸秆饲料前后蛋白含量增加7.4%。
[Abstract]:China has always been a large agricultural country with abundant straw resources, but the efficiency of straw utilization shows a downward trend, because it is burned directly without treatment, which is not only inefficient, but also releases CO,. SO2 pollutes the environment; At the same time, as a large agricultural country, protein supply is still very short, straw is regarded as waste, which not only wastes the resources but also pollutes the environment. The production environment protection of agricultural products is one of the important parts of modern agricultural construction in China, and the resource utilization of agricultural wastes is one of its important research contents. If the straw of plant can be deeply developed and applied, it can be transformed into an excellent protein feed and form a new protein resource, which will have a far-reaching effect on animal husbandry and feed industry in China. The reason why the straw utilization rate is low is because of your own composition, the cell wall of the straw has lignin interlaced with hemicellulose, and there is cellulose in it, which is a complex mixture. It hinders the animal application and degradation of hemicellulose, cellulose and other components, so it can not release nutrients in the straw cells, resulting in its low digestibility. The feed utilization of straw can be carried out from two aspects. The first one is to break the chemical bond between lignin and hemicellulose, cellulose, and destroy the special structure of hemicellulose lignin complex. The second is to increase the protein content of straw feed by adding cellulose-degrading bacteria to straw cellulose and adding bacterial protein (yeast) at the same time. The results showed that: 1, the lignin and hemicellulose could be effectively removed by continuous pretreatment of yellowing corn straw by NaCLO2 and NaOH, so that cellulose could be preserved, when the diameter of straw was 1-2 cm. According to the ratio of corn straw 10g to NaCLO2100ml, when the reaction concentration of NaCLO2 is 10g/L, the reaction temperature is 70 鈩,
[Abstract]:China has always been a large agricultural country with abundant straw resources, but the efficiency of straw utilization shows a downward trend, because it is burned directly without treatment, which is not only inefficient, but also releases CO,. SO2 pollutes the environment; At the same time, as a large agricultural country, protein supply is still very short, straw is regarded as waste, which not only wastes the resources but also pollutes the environment. The production environment protection of agricultural products is one of the important parts of modern agricultural construction in China, and the resource utilization of agricultural wastes is one of its important research contents. If the straw of plant can be deeply developed and applied, it can be transformed into an excellent protein feed and form a new protein resource, which will have a far-reaching effect on animal husbandry and feed industry in China. The reason why the straw utilization rate is low is because of your own composition, the cell wall of the straw has lignin interlaced with hemicellulose, and there is cellulose in it, which is a complex mixture. It hinders the animal application and degradation of hemicellulose, cellulose and other components, so it can not release nutrients in the straw cells, resulting in its low digestibility. The feed utilization of straw can be carried out from two aspects. The first one is to break the chemical bond between lignin and hemicellulose, cellulose, and destroy the special structure of hemicellulose lignin complex. The second is to increase the protein content of straw feed by adding cellulose-degrading bacteria to straw cellulose and adding bacterial protein (yeast) at the same time. The results showed that: 1, the lignin and hemicellulose could be effectively removed by continuous pretreatment of yellowing corn straw by NaCLO2 and NaOH, so that cellulose could be preserved, when the diameter of straw was 1-2 cm. According to the ratio of corn straw 10g to NaCLO2100ml, when the reaction concentration of NaCLO2 is 10g/L, the reaction temperature is 70 鈩,