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发布时间:2018-11-14 20:07
【摘要】:SPF级豚鼠因微生物控制严格,饲养条件限制,标准化、规模化生产繁育需采用操作方便又易灭菌的全价脱青饲料。本研究对SPF级豚鼠脱青饲料中VC的添加和辐照灭菌进行了探索,主要进行了三方面的试验。结果如下:1.以普通级豚鼠为试验对象,选用乙基纤维素包被VC和单体VC取代青饲料,作为豚鼠脱青饲料维生素C的主要来源,与青饲料作对照,进行可行性试验。结果表明:添加乙基纤维素包被VC和单体VC的脱青饲料可基本满足豚鼠生长繁殖需要,而且乙基纤维素包被VC效果较好。所以乙基纤维素包被VC作为豚鼠脱青饲料中维生素C的主要来源可行。2.以SPF级豚鼠为试验对象,分别采用乙基纤维素包被VC的添加量分别为500 mg/kg、1000 mg/kg、1500 mg/kg的饲料进行饲喂试验,从而对乙基纤维素包被VC的添加量进行优选。结果表明:1000 mg/kg,1500 mg/kg较500 mg/kg对SPF级豚鼠的生长繁殖以及多胎繁殖更有利。1500 mg/kg的添加量较1000 mg/kg在生长繁殖指标中未表现出显著差异,所以结合饲料成本,选用1000 mg/kg为最优添加量。3.对两种饲料分别饲喂的SPF级豚鼠和普通级豚鼠进行了主要脏器重量与脏器系数的对比试验,进一步确定了SPF级豚鼠脱青饲料的适宜性。4.脱青饲料必须经辐照灭菌才可用于SPF级豚鼠,所以本试验对15 kGy、30kGy、45 kGy辐照灭菌后饲料对豚鼠生长繁殖的影响进行了对比。结果表明:经15 kGy辐照剂量灭菌的饲料在后期出现细菌生长,保存期不够长。经30 kGy辐照灭菌的饲料保存期长,饲喂SPF级豚鼠,生长繁殖状况均较稳定。经45 kGy辐照灭菌的饲料,因有异臭味,豚鼠采食状况不佳,生长繁殖指标表现出差异性和不稳定性。所以初步确定30 kGy为SPF级豚鼠脱青饲料的最佳辐照剂量,保存期为8个月。5.通过对VC添加量与辐照剂量对豚鼠生长繁殖指标的分析发现,VC添加量与辐照剂量对豚鼠生长繁殖的影响存在交互作用。豚鼠生长繁殖指标的变化是辐照剂量通过作用于脱青饲料对乙基纤维素包被VC产生变化,进而对SPF级豚鼠生长繁殖产生了影响。
[Abstract]:Due to strict control of microorganism, restriction of feeding conditions, standardization and large-scale production and breeding of SPF grade guinea pigs, it is necessary to adopt full-price degreening feed which is easy to operate and sterilize. In this study, the addition of VC and irradiation sterilization in SPF grade guinea pig forage were studied, and three experiments were carried out. The results are as follows: 1. Taking ordinary guinea pig as experimental object, ethyl cellulose coated with VC and monomer VC was used as the main source of vitamin C in guinea pig degreening feed, and the feasibility test was carried out by using ethyl cellulose coated with VC and monomer VC as the main source of vitamin C in guinea pig degreening feed. The results showed that the degreening feed with ethyl cellulose coated with VC and monomer VC could basically meet the need of growth and reproduction of guinea pigs, and the effect of VC coated with ethyl cellulose was better. So it is feasible to use ethyl cellulose coated with VC as the main source of vitamin C in guinea pig forage. 2. The experiment was carried out on guinea pigs of SPF grade with the addition of ethyl cellulose coated with VC of 500 mg/kg,1000 mg/kg,1500 mg/kg, respectively, in order to optimize the amount of ethyl cellulose coated with VC. The results showed that 1000 mg/kg,1500 mg/kg was more beneficial to the growth and reproduction of SPF grade guinea pigs than 500 mg/kg, and the addition of 1500 mg/kg had no significant difference compared with 1000 mg/kg in the growth and reproduction index. So combined with feed cost, select 1000 mg/kg as the optimal addition amount. 3. The weight and organ coefficient of main organs of SPF guinea pigs and normal guinea pigs fed with two kinds of feed were compared, and the suitability of SPF grade guinea pigs was further determined. 4. In order to be used in SPF grade guinea pigs, degreening forage must be sterilized by irradiation, so the effect of feed on growth and reproduction of guinea pigs after 15 kGy,30kGy,45 kGy irradiation sterilization was compared. The results showed that the bacteria growth appeared in the feed sterilized by 15 kGy irradiation dose, and the preservation period was not long enough. After 30 kGy irradiation sterilization, the feed had long storage life and was fed to SPF grade guinea pigs, and the growth and reproduction status was stable. After 45 kGy of sterilized feed, the feeding condition of guinea pigs was poor because of the odour, and the growth and reproduction index showed difference and instability. Therefore, 30 kGy was determined as the best irradiation dose of SPF grade guinea pig forage, and the storage time was 8 months. By analyzing the effects of VC addition and irradiation dose on growth and reproduction of guinea pigs, it was found that the effects of VC addition and irradiation dose on the growth and reproduction of guinea pigs were interacted. The change of growth and reproduction index of guinea pigs is that irradiation dose can change the VC coated with ethyl cellulose through the action of degreening feed, and then affect the growth and reproduction of SPF grade guinea pigs.


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