[Abstract]:Goat is one of the early domesticated animals, which is widely distributed and easy to raise. It provides a large amount of milk, meat, cashmere and other resources to human each year. It is an important economic species. After a long period of natural selection and artificial domestication, Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goats have become a special genetic resource of our country and have high economic value. However, goat breeding lags far behind that of sheep and pigs. Previous studies on goats focused on the use of simple molecular markers, such as restriction fragment length polymorphism (PFLP),). The genetic diversity of goat was analyzed by simple repeat sequence (SSR) and few of them were involved in breeding, which resulted in slow progress of goat breeding. With the rapid development of the new generation of sequencing (NGS) technology, the cost of sequencing is decreasing, and high throughput sequencing provides great convenience for the research work. In the case of reference genome we can resequence the whole genome of species at individual or population level and identify the third generation molecular markers such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with high coverage and density. With the help of SNP markers, many sites and genes related to complex diseases have been successfully identified by genome-wide association analysis (GWAS), which is of great help to accurate medicine. In recent years, the construction of goat whole genome map has been completed. We can use the same method to identify the mutation sites related to goat fine traits, so as to speed up the breeding process of goats. 258 cashmere goat individuals from 6 populations were resequenced by using BGISEQ sequencing platform. The average depth of sequencing was 10X. About 26m of SNP mutation sites were identified by using GATK and other software. After SNP quality control, we finally used 244 individuals, about 13.8M of SNP for principal components, phylogenesis, population structure and GWAS analysis based on cashmere fineness and length, and identified the SNP sites closely related to cashmere fineness. Combined with goat genome data, these candidate genes with significant association of SNP or closely linked genes were obtained. Finally, functional analysis of these genes was carried out, which laid a good foundation for goat breeding.
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