[Abstract]:Avian infectious bronchitis (Infectious bronchitis,IB) is one of the most important viral infectious diseases, which is caused by (Infectious bronchitis virus,IBV (avian infectious bronchitis virus). Because of the numerous serotypes of IBV and the weak cross-protection between different serotypes, it is very difficult to prevent and control epidemic diseases. At present, the preventive measures of IB mainly depend on vaccine inoculation. The attenuated vaccine and attenuated vaccine are often used in production. The attenuated vaccine has the hidden danger of virulence atavism and natural dispersal, although the inactivated vaccine is safe, However, the protective effect of immune protection is short and requires multiple injections of immunization, which requires high cost. Nucleic acid vaccine has the advantages of good safety and comprehensive immune response. The surface fibrin (S) protein gene of IBV is the most important immunogenicity protein, it can induce good protective immunity, and it can be divided into S1 and S2 subunits. S1 protein is the main protein that determines the specific antigen determinant of IBV. M gene is relatively conservative and related to virus replication, and it may have an immunological determinant. Therefore, the development of IBV epitope nucleic acid vaccine, a new genetic engineering vaccine, is of great significance to the control of IBV. In this study, the T cell epitope box and B cell antigen epitope box of S1 gene of structural protein gene of IBV strain were selected and ligated into eukaryotic expression vector pVAX, to construct 7 groups of epitope nucleic acid vaccine. Three groups of eukaryotic expression plasmids were constructed by using the whole S1 gene of IBV, the T cell epitope box of S1 gene and the whole gene of structural protein M, respectively. Three groups of eukaryotic expression plasmids were constructed: pVAX-S1,pVAX-S1T MVAX-S1 S1T M; Four groups of eukaryotic expression plasmids, pVAX-S1B (M41), pVAX-S1B (T), pVAX-S1T S1B (M41), were constructed from T cell epitope box, Australia T strain of S1 gene of IBV and B cell epitope of S1 gene from M41 strain. PVAX-S1T S1B (T); The primer was redesigned from the original plasmid S1B (T), S1T, and the restriction site was reconnected to form pVAX-S1BT S1T. SPF chicks of 7 days old were immunized with plasmid solution extracted from each group by multi-point injection of leg muscle, and the chickens were immunized once at 28 days of age. At the same time, PBS group was established as control group. Three chickens were randomly selected from each group on day 21 and day 7 respectively before immunization and 7 days after immunization. Blood samples were collected from wing vein and serum was isolated. Specific antibody levels were detected by indirect ELISA method. On the 10th day after the second immunization, the protective effect of the vaccine was evaluated by the protective rate and the results of the detoxification test with the dose of 10 ~ 6ELD _ (50) / mouse IBV. The results of antibody titer showed that there were significant differences between pVAX-S1,pVAX-S1T M group and PBS group (p0.05), pVAX-S1B (T), pVAX-S1T S1B (M41) and pVAX-S1T S1B (T) group compared with PBS group (p0.05). There were significant differences between pVAX-S1B (T), pVAX-S1B S 1 T group and PBS group (p 0. 05). The results showed that pVAX-S1 and pVAX-S1T M could effectively induce the immune response of chicken body, which could provide 80% (8 / 10) and 70% (7 / 10) protective rates, respectively. The protective rate of pVAX-S1,pVAX-S1T MVAX-S1B (T) was 75% (6 / 8), 62.5% (5 / 8) and 75% (6 / 8) respectively. The protective effects of pVAX-S1B (T), pVAX-S1B S1T were 84.7% (11 / 13) and 69.3% (9 / 13), respectively. In conclusion, this study shows that the selected IBV epitope antigen can effectively exert the protective effect, and provide a new way for the development of safe and effective new IBV vaccine.
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