[Abstract]:With the rapid development of pig breeding in recent years, the application of computer technology in large-scale pig farms has been widely spread. Traditional manual recording and simple office software can only record basic report data. When the amount of data increases and some complex queries, these software will obviously be unable to meet the management needs of large-scale pig farms. There is an urgent need for a modern, information-based and process-oriented management model. The information management system of pig farm is the key to solve this problem, and the database is the core part of the management system. Therefore, this study uses SQL Server relational database management system to realize the data digitization and information management of pig farm, so as to improve the production management level and the standardized level of production information record. This research is divided into three stages, data acquisition, database establishment and management function. The data were collected in a 1000 pig scale pig farm for three months. The basic information, reproductive performance and production information, birth and weaning information of 1086 piglets were collected in the labor room. Basic information of 18 boars in breeding house and 7 technicians in production area. Database design includes installation of relational database management system, database relational design, specific table design: sperm collection schedule, weaning litter registration form, weaning piglet table, sows estrus record, sows production record table, Basic information of sow breeding, breeding record, personnel information table, basic information of breeding boar, registration form of piglets. The method of realizing the management function is to use SQL language programming, storage process, to realize the basic query of the collection quantity, sperm motility, weaning litter weight, birth order, litter size, stillbirth number and so on, and to further develop the complex query management function. Such as: return to the situation management. Through testing, the relational database management system designed in this paper has realized the functions of managing and querying the basic information of the large-scale pig farm, simplifying the operation by using the storage process, and testing on the spot. It can improve the information management degree, breeding rate, production level and the working efficiency of the staff of the large-scale pig farm, and then improve the economic benefit of the pig farm.
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