[Abstract]:E. coli (Escherichia coli), is an important zoonotic pathogen. Some strains have strong pathogenicity. Slough (BGs) is an intact bacterial shell formed by E cleavage of bacteriophage PhiX174 cleavage gene, and has no cell contents. It can also be used as adjuvant, foreign protein antigen, bioactive substance and DNA vaccine carrier. The preparation of mycelium slough by gene E cleavage may also have the risk of pathogenetic island or horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistant gene. Therefore, it should be safer to use as vaccine or vaccine carrier. In order to eliminate the viability of the bacteria and remove the residual genetic material, the co-lethal gene SNA was introduced into the lytic expression system, and a new thermo-controlled expression plasmid pBVE-CIP-SNA (pBVES), was constructed. The wild strain of Escherichia coli O14 from cattle was successfully introduced, and repeated bacteriolysis kinetics tests were carried out. The slough cleavage rate of plasmid type Escherichia coli was up to 99.65, which was observed by transmission electron microscope (TEM). Compared with the normal large intestine, the fungicidal shedding contents were completely discharged, and the morphology and surface structure were complete. In order to verify the immunogenicity of mycelium slough, the study established the mycelium slough group, the inactivated adjuvant group as the experimental group and the control group as the PBS group. The immunogenicity of the four groups was compared by measuring different immune indexes. The results showed that the level of serum IgG in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group with the increase of immunization times. The results of lymphocyte subgroup test showed that the mycelium could stimulate the Th1 type cellular immune response in mice. The levels of IFN- 纬 and IL-12 in the mycelia group were significantly higher than those in the other test groups and control groups, and the levels in the test group were higher than those in the control group. However, the secretory level of IL-4 test group was not significantly different from that of control group. The results showed that the protective rate of mycelium slough group could reach 70%. The clinical symptoms showed that the state of the mice in the mycelia group was better than that in the other immune groups. To sum up, plasmid Escherichia coli slough has good immunogenicity, the research results provide the basis for the study of new vaccine, and have a broad application prospect.
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