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发布时间:2019-01-27 13:17
[Abstract]:The aim of this study was to study the meat nutrient and mineral matter in the characteristic parts of Simmental and its crossbred cattle, namely, Simmental 脳 Hew and Anxi crossbred cattle (Simmental 脳 Angus). The difference of vitamin and heavy metal content provides a reference for the improvement of meat nutrition in the course of commercial cattle breeding. Simmental, a healthy and disease-free 330kg group, was randomly selected for feeding after weaning to 13 months of age, and 9 (27) male and 9 (27) sirloin and Anxi inbred cattle, all of which were uncastrated bulls, which were fed in bulk fattening under the same nutritional standard for 210 days. The longissimus dorsi muscle, biceps femoris muscle, ridge and brisket were collected from the carcass. The results are as follows: 1. Among the three kinds of beef cattle, there was no significant difference in the contents of conventional nutrients and minerals (P0.05), and there was no significant difference in vitamin contents in the biceps femoris (P0.05). The content of crude protein and crude ash in Anxi crossbred cattle, especially in Anxi cross cattle, was higher than that in Simmental cattle, especially in Anxi crossbred cattle. The contents of vitamin A and vitamin E in Anxi cattle were higher than those in Simmental. Only the content of histidine showed significant difference (P0. 06) in the determination of amino acids. The fresh amino acid content of crossbred cattle was higher than that of Simmental cattle, especially Anxi crossbred cattle. Among different beef cattle, the crude protein, crude ash content and fresh amino acid content of Anxi crossbred cattle were higher and had better nutritional value. There were significant differences in the contents of conventional nutrients and minerals (P0.05), crude fat, crude ash, calcium and phosphorus (P0.01), glycine, cysteine, isoleucine, lysine, and the contents of glycine, cysteine, isoleucine and lysine in different characteristic parts. The content of proline in 5 amino acids was significantly different (P0.05). The content of crude protein in biceps femoris is higher and the content of crude fat is lower. The fat content of beef brisket is higher than 3%, the calcium content is higher, the fresh amino acid content is more abundant, the beef brisket meat quality flavor is better. 2. The Pb,As,Cr content of the mixed cattle was significantly lower than that of the Simmental cattle (P0.05), the content of Cd of Anxi crossbred was significantly higher than that of the Simmental cattle (P0.05), and the Hg content of the mixed cattle was significantly higher than that of the Simmental cattle (P0.05). The Pb,Cr content of Anxi crossbred cattle was significantly higher than that of western crossbred cattle (P0.05). Under the same feeding environment, the accumulation of heavy metal ions in the longissimus dorsi muscle of Simmental cattle and its crossbred beef cattle did not show the same rule. The correlation between Pb,Cd content of longissimus dorsi muscle and roughage was higher, that of Cr,As content with concentrate was higher, and that of Hg content with water was higher. The relative quantitative analysis of protein in two parts of Simmental beef brisket and ridge was carried out by using iTRAQ technique. The number of peptide segments was 15255 and the number of proteome was 166363. According to the standard of 1.5 times of expression difference, 128 differentially expressed proteins were obtained, 44 of them were up-regulated proteins and 84 were down-regulated proteins. The results of GO and KEGG analysis showed that the differentially expressed proteins accounted for a high proportion in the redox process.


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