[Abstract]:Objective: to maintain the balance of grassland ecosystem with reasonable grazing methods. The effects of rotation grazing mode on grazing characteristics, body weight and reproductive performance of Tan sheep could provide basis for grazing management of grassland. [methods] taking the desert steppe with the largest area in Ningxia as an object, the stocking rate was 0. 75 / hm2. Four treatments were set up for continuous grazing, rotation grazing, (TG), (FG), (FG), six, continuous grazing. The grazing habits of Tan sheep were measured by the whole day observation method, the feed intake was measured by the difference method, and the forage nutrients were measured by the conventional method. The body weight of the Tan sheep was observed at the end of each cycle of grazing. [results] the feeding time of Tan sheep occupied the main part in the whole day of grazing, and the proportion was more than 64%. With the increase of rotation grazing, the feeding time of Tan sheep decreased (P0.05), and the time of regurgitation increased (P0.05). Other behaviors, such as excretion, fighting, itching, and eating foreign bodies, are more affected by individual behavior, accounting for less than 1.4 percent of the time. There was no significant difference in grazing intake between four and six regions (P0.05), but it was higher than that of continuous grazing and rotation grazing in the second area (P0.05), and the feed intake of continuous grazing was the lowest (P0.05). The grazing rate of grassland showed the trend of rotation grazing in the fourth and sixth districts of the second district of continuous rotation grazing, and 39.06% of continuous grazing, and only 27.9% of rotational grazing in the six regions. The daily feed intake of Tan sheep in the second, fourth and sixth districts had little difference (P0.05), but the lowest in the continuous grazing area (P0.05). The content of crude protein, crude fat and phosphorus was higher in Tan sheep than that in grass group, but the content of crude fiber and calcium was lower than that of grass group, and the crude ash content and nitrogen free extract were close, which indicated that Tan sheep had high protein content of selective feed, but the content of crude fiber and calcium was lower than that of grass group, and the crude ash content was close to that of nitrogen free extract. The ability of low fiber content forage; With the increase of rotation grazing area, the content of crude protein and crude fiber of Tan sheep decreased, but the total intake of dry matter, crude protein and phosphorus increased. The nutrient intake of Tan sheep under each treatment was higher than that of American NRC sheep, which indicated that there was no need for supplementary feeding of Tan sheep in warm season. During grazing period, the weight and daily gain of Tan sheep were the lowest in continuous grazing (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between rotation grazing in two, four and six districts (P0.05). The lambing rate and the average birth weight of lambs under different treatments were close to each other, which indicated that the rotation mode had little effect on the breeding performance of Tan sheep at the level of suitable stocking rate. [conclusion] the rotation mode had an effect on the feeding characteristics and weight gain of Tan sheep. Compared with continuous grazing, with the increase of rotation grazing, the forage intake rate, the intake time and the content of crude protein of forage decreased, but the intake of grassland, daily intake and dry matter of Tan sheep decreased. The total amount of nutrients such as crude protein increased. The rotation grazing did not improve the breeding performance of Tan sheep, but was more favorable to the weight gain of Tan sheep. If only the feeding characteristics of Tan sheep, the performance of weight gain and the convenience of grazing management in production were taken into account, the optimal grazing mode of Tan sheep in Ningxia desert steppe in warm season was the rotation mode of grazing in the second area.
【作者单位】: 宁夏大学农学院草业科学研究所;宁夏大学西北土地退化与生态恢复国家重点实验室培育基地;
【基金】:国家重点研发计划课题(2016YFC0500505) 宁夏回族自治区科技支撑重大专项(2012) 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养引进计划项目(XAB2015A10)
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